[花邊] Bob Myers場邊訪問Steve Kerr

看板NBA標題[花邊] Bob Myers場邊訪問Steve Kerr作者
時間推噓13 推:13 噓:0 →:4

Bob Myers: “I feel like you [Steve Kerr] didn't coach this well while I was here.”

Steve Kerr: “I feel like we have more talent now that Mike Dunleavy is the GM.”

Jokes all around between former Warriors GM Bob Myers and Steve Kerr

Bob Myers: 我感覺你在我在任時,執教得沒這麼好

Steve Kerr: 我感覺現在陣容更有天賦了,因為GM是Mike Dunleavy

前勇士GM Myers和Kerr互相開玩笑


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md3q6e 10/19 19:02水很深

capirex 10/19 19:08汰弱留強

openbestbook10/19 19:08多少真話藏在玩笑中

www90173 10/19 19:09笑了

f77928 10/19 19:11假面兄弟情

coke5130 10/19 19:17真亦假、假亦真!

jokepeace 10/19 19:25把四神湯排掉 全隊都快活了起來 咖喱又把奪冠隊友

jokepeace 10/19 19:25趕走了

puro 10/19 19:33確定這是場面話嗎

candbilly15310/19 19:34水太深了

yun0215 10/19 19:49笑死

harrybbs 10/19 19:53人家演的不像 你們不像演的

OrniG 10/19 20:14後面kerr還有補一句,我們兩年前就不需要你了~~

fish7333 10/19 20:15排毒成功

randlecool 10/19 20:20熱身賽全勝 跟附加賽全敗是同一支隊伍 也算是種創

randlecool 10/19 20:20

tailsean 10/19 20:23完整訪問很好笑