[花邊] Banchero:所有你一直未能釋放出的能量,就給我這一次機會

看板NBA標題[花邊] Banchero:所有你一直未能釋放出的能量,就給我這一次機會作者
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這是banchero在3月初接受Taylor Rooks的採訪,我覺得這段心路歷程蠻有趣的,但之前太忙,最近才比較有時間翻譯,所以現在才發出來。

Taylor Rooks:Had that really beautiful moment when you hit the game-winner against the Pistons and you had the emotional post-game. But what stuck out to me init is, I remember you kept saying how frustrated you were because you played badly. And I remember thinking, I wonder how much of this emotion and the tears isactually that he's upset with himself mixed with the fact that he hit the game winner.


Paolo Banchero:No, it was more of that. I mean, because, like, that whole game, I was just battling myself in my head because I was really sick. But my mentality was like, look, I'm out here. Like, no, like, mind over matter. Like, I got to, like, we got to win this. I got to play. Like, forget being sick. Like, I got enough in me to be out here, so I got enough to have a, you know, a solid, decent game. And my body just wasn't responding. Like, I remember I airballed, I took a wide-open three, airballed it completely. I think I drove one time, had like a shot right in front of the rim, airballed it, and I was like, what thehell? Like, I ain't never airballed a layup. It's just, and, like, my body justwasn't responding to me. So the whole game, I'm just shaking. Like, I just couldn't believe it. I'm just like, man, this is bad. Like, I can't, I can't even barely be out here right now. And so they ended up coming back. We were up the whole game, and so the fourth quarter they ended up coming back, and you could justfeel our vibe as a team was sinking. And so, you know, and I was out of it. I can't lie. And so my teammates and coaches, like, they seen me, and they just kept, you know, telling me, like, you're good. You're going to make a play. Like, stay with it. You're going to make a play. You're going to make a play. And I wasn't sure, honestly. Like, I was like, man, I don't know, like, not how I'm feeling right now.


Paolo Banchero:And so when the game got to where it was a tie game, like, Coachwas like, you're taking the last shot. And I was like, all right. And so in my head, I'm just like, look, all this energy that you haven't had, just give me one play. Like, give me this one shot right here. Because I had just missed two free throws in the clutch. Yeah, to put the game away. We were up two, and I missed two free throws, and they came back and scored. So I was already, like, messedup, like, God, I just missed these free throws. Like, this is bad. Like, I don't even, like, every time I get some clutch free throws, I knock them in. So the fact that I missed them was, like, already messing with me. So when I got the chance to take the last shot, and then just the way it all happened, like, it wentin, it was an and-one. Like, it was super emotional. And, like, I damn near almost was about to cry right after. Like, it was that emotional. Like, I was just so, had so much pent-up, you know, emotion through that game. And when I had to do the interview, I was like, please don't, please don't cry. But it was just, it was too much to hold in. So, yeah, you know, a lot of people hit me because everyone that knows me knows I don't cry about nothing, let alone in front of somecameras. So people were hitting me like, man, is everything all right? Like, are you going through something? And I was like, man, I just, I'm just sick as hell. Like, that's all it is.

所以當我有機會投最後一球,整個過程就像是命中註定一樣,球進了,還打成了一次 and-one,當時真的非常激動。我當下就差點哭出來,真的太激動了。整場比賽累積的情緒一下子釋放了出來。所以當我接受採訪的時候,我心裡想,拜託別哭。但實在太難忍住。所以很多人給我發消息,因為認識我的人都知道我平時不會哭,更不用說是在鏡頭前。大家都來問我是不是發生了什麼事,我只能說,我只是病得很嚴重而已。



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