[外絮] 快艇媒體日 Russ:我不是為了錢打球

看板NBA標題[外絮] 快艇媒體日 Russ:我不是為了錢打球作者
時間推噓39 推:40 噓:1 →:46

"It was very easy. Money is never a driver for me in any aspect. Being in a
place that was welcoming with open arms... It's a group of guys that I love
being around... It was kind of a no-brained for me.

Russell Westbrook on re-signing with Clippers.

被問到為甚麼跟快艇續約時,Russell Westbrook答:「這很簡單。錢從來就不是我的動力來源。待在一個歡迎我的地方...這群人是我想要待在一起的人...這對我來說是完全不需要思考的抉擇。」

I asked Russell Westbrook if this is a championship or bust year for

"That's not a real thing to me. That's a thing that people make up. You couldaccomplish a lot more. You can create brotherhood, you can learn a lot more
about people.”


“We’ll see what happens at the end of the season. Maybe, maybe not.”

Nicolas Batum on if this is his last season in the NBA.

Nicolas Batum被問到今年是不是他的最後一季時回答:「我這季結束再看看。可能是,可能也不是。」

Terance Mann on his role and where he fits best, with a laugh:


Terance Mann被問到他的角色以及他最適合哪裡,他笑著說:「任何位置。」

Norman Powell says having Mason Plumlee on this team will allow the Clippers
to do a lot since he’s not a traditional center.

“He can shoot from 15 feet, the 3-ball.”

I asked if we’re going to see Mason shooting threes. Norm responded:

“Oh yeah. You’ll see it. Corner 3 Mase!”

Norman Powell說有Mason Plumlee在隊上可以讓快艇做很多事情因為他是非傳統中鋒。



“There was no way I was gonna be able to return even if we made it to the
Finals. It took a long time for me to get over the hump.”

Paul George says it took him until June/July to get fully healthy and could
not return to the Clippers lineup last season.

被問到去年六/七月讓Paul George無法歸隊的傷勢時(跟Dort出的意外):「就算我們打進決賽我也不可能回來的。我消腫花了很長一段時間。」

Paul George was non-committal about playing for Team USA in the Paris
Olympics next year.

PG says it depends on how the Clippers season goes, how far they go, and how
he’s feeling health-wise.

Paul George 並沒有(NBA Central一堆都沒驗證過的新聞亂寫)想要為美國隊在巴黎奧運出戰。


Reporter: “If USA Basketball asks you, would you play in the 2024 Paris

Kawhi Leonard: “Yeah, I wanted to play this summer, but I had other
obligations. I would’ve had to leave early, so I wasn’t able to go. We’ll
see what happens.”



(OS:所以這傢伙也根本說他不打= =)

When I asked about sacrificing, Tyronn Lue said the team-first approach is
the priority. Ty also named Robert Covington as a guy who really sacrificed
last season and was a pro the whole time. He adds:

“He probably should’ve played more than he did, and that’s my fault.”

被問到犧牲時,Tyronn Lue說球隊永遠要放在首要的位置。Ty也說Robert Covington是上一季那個真正犧牲最多且一直保持職業態度。他補充:



Russell Westbrook was asked about his rock the baby celebration and said
since other point guards don’t usually guard him, he makes sure to punish
them when they do.


Russell Westbrook was asked how much longer he wants to play.

“I’m still as fast as anybody, jump as high as anybody… I still see myself
as an elite player in this league. I can do anything. I can guard the best.”

Said he’s gonna keep playing until his can’t do that anymore.

Russell Westbrook被問到他還想要打多久的時候回答:「我還是很快,跳得很高...我依然覺得我還是聯盟裡的菁英球員。我可以做任何事。我可以守對方最好的球員。」


Terance Mann on leaving to Intuit Dome: “Hopefully get treated better by the
staff in the new place than in Staples or Crypto. Cuz they’re all Lakers

Terance Mann被問到要搬家到Intuit Dome時回答:「我希望我們在那邊比起在史岱波/ Arena可以被工作人員更好的對待。他們全是湖人球迷。」

Paul George on leaving to Intuit Dome next season: “I’m ready for us to
have our own space. I can speak for the whole unit in saying we’re tired of
all these early games.”

Paul George談到搬去Intuit Dome時回答:「我已經準備好我們有一個自己的家了。我可以代表全隊說我們已經受夠那些超級早的比賽。」

Terance Mann: “NBA Twitter and social media sucks. It’s shit.”

Terance Mann:「NBA推特跟社群媒體爛透了。就是狗屎。」

最後,今天Paul George也帶著他剛出生的兒子跟Russ還有大家一起接受訪問


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f77928 10/03 09:47確實 現在西河就是為了冠軍在燃燒

Chanlin01 10/03 09:48KMT就不知道欠盧總什麼 都變成大冰棒了

Chanlin01 10/03 09:48MM跟KMT 一個愛將一個冰棒 包一包丟出去吧

seguignol 10/03 09:48推龜

cross980115 10/03 09:49快樂籃球


alittleghost10/03 09:50不為錢,不為冠軍,只為了快樂,在這裡稱為

Chanlin01 10/03 09:51盧總不爽名單:Mann KMT

cross980115 10/03 09:51對龜來說 氣氛夠好,能有球打,他也高興

cross980115 10/03 09:51沒啥不好的,畢竟他也很盡責

ginopun1047710/03 09:51

asn789451 10/03 09:52待在一個歡迎我的地方...

charmania 10/03 09:53首要(O)守要(X)


pongbao 10/03 09:53反觀又忠誠又愛錢的

pneumo 10/03 09:55完整版推

Chanlin01 10/03 09:56盧總下季不要再0830戰術+用KMT就很好了

ARCHER2234 10/03 09:57這不就老來底薪上車求冠,也沒什麼不好意思說的啊

※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 美國), 10/03/2023 09:59:33

zsp9081a 10/03 09:59確實,反正大約、簽名鞋,該有的西河都有了

zsp9081a 10/03 09:59現在為了自己想要的倒也不會有啥損失

gp03dan 10/03 10:01Mann太誠實了吧

MaRin0725 10/03 10:01

EZ78 10/03 10:02Mann一向其實都超嗆的XD

gtq 10/03 10:02只能說上季根本都龜龜在坦XD

EZ78 10/03 10:02只是他也不常受訪就是

Omara 10/03 10:07他來講不知為何就是很有說服力

kurenaiz 10/03 10:08龜龜:快樂會傳染

cross980115 10/03 10:09要在洛杉磯找到不是湖人球迷的還比較難

cross980115 10/03 10:09快艇之前還被笑說在洛杉磯人心中順位超低

EZ78 10/03 10:10這倒是真的 LA應該是沒地方可以躲啦

Chanlin01 10/03 10:11快艇賽程本來就很爛 等下季就搬家了

EZ78 10/03 10:11不過快艇球員蠻常抱怨要在莫名其妙的下午打比賽

EZ78 10/03 10:11畢竟使用權我們是排名第三的 第一國王 第二湖人

Chanlin01 10/03 10:13陽艇系列賽排那什麼勾八

xjapan329 10/03 10:13我是為了大三元(X

gameow1124 10/03 10:14會出現洛杉磯同時兩邊主場比賽嗎

ogre887 10/03 10:15龜龜體態依舊維持的很好,就看能帶快艇走到哪...

EZ78 10/03 10:17有機會 但聯盟應該會跟尼克籃網一樣盡量排開啦

cross980115 10/03 10:19有自己的主場之後賽程時間一定比較好啦

cross980115 10/03 10:19但工作人員…我看還是會是大多湖迷吧

EZ78 10/03 10:20主要是至少不會像在Crypto那樣這麼大小眼啦XD

EZ78 10/03 10:20就 共用主場這種東西相對剝奪感超重

EZ78 10/03 10:21湖迷不想要我們在這邊 我們也不想待在這

Allen9251 10/03 10:22反觀勇士準名人堂後衛

km10635237 10/03 10:22如果知道你這麼便宜,每隊都歡迎。只能說PG幫快艇

km10635237 10/03 10:23賺翻了

leophior 10/03 10:24想上冠軍車應該去別隊 快艇機率布告

cross980115 10/03 10:24其他隊氣氛也不一定會讓龜高興想待啊

leophior 10/03 10:24不高

Chanlin01 10/03 10:24也要冠軍隊肯收阿lol

kaya855108 10/03 10:24推我龜

tomandnico 10/03 10:25多了

Chanlin01 10/03 10:26而且上冠軍車就沒那麼大的空間暢打

TimmyWendell10/03 10:30快艇好硬,球場使用順位好低…

chriskkk 10/03 10:33因為我已經賺一大筆了(笑)

TheoEpstein 10/03 10:36幫EZ78補充一下,他說的國王是這個國王:

TheoEpstein 10/03 10:36

hjchang 10/03 10:43 龜龜真的不在乎冠軍欸...真 快樂籃球

teeeeee 10/03 10:45龜龜這句話很有說服力,現在就是回老家打身體健康

iopjklbnm 10/03 10:49他早些年還有冠軍夢 但現在也老了 他自己應該也

iopjklbnm 10/03 10:49知道冠軍的大門已經慢慢閉上了 一切隨緣

BadGame 10/03 10:59錢夠了 現在目標是打爆湖人

lsps40803 10/03 11:11早就賺爛了有差嗎

phix 10/03 11:17打爆湖人比冠軍還快樂

eternal999 10/03 11:26LA不歡迎只想打快樂球的人

bbyy1166 10/03 11:36他真的有資格說這句話

winnerdinner10/03 12:14財富自由了真好

behati 10/03 12:14是為了很多錢

shawnwangg 10/03 12:15回我雷退休吧!

kmwace 10/03 12:21龜已經算球隊隱形老大了吧

chuchu000 10/03 12:23他就加州人 不然為什麼一直想留洛杉磯

clander1028 10/03 12:26龜龜很聰明能認清現實

apple15518 10/03 12:28推烏龜 只有酸酸有冠軍論

babyalley 10/03 12:39這話從龜龜講出來很有說服力阿

babyalley 10/03 12:40而且從雷霆開始看龜龜到現在 很能看出來龜龜對籃球

babyalley 10/03 12:40是真性情阿 超愛籃球這項運動

babyalley 10/03 12:41現役的明星球員 我最希望可以在退休前拿到一冠的

babyalley 10/03 12:42如果只能選一位 我肯定選龜龜

babyalley 10/03 12:42沒有之一

tworpg12 10/03 12:56比忠誠誰能贏龜阿

kkk900100 10/03 13:20快艇永遠都在為了下一年努力

stocktonty 10/03 13:40待退老將 開心就好

lanchenchen 10/03 14:13這我相信

lanchenchen 10/03 14:13支持回雷霆退休

away1225 10/03 14:49為了冠軍

kodo5566 10/03 15:10確實

Fezico 10/03 15:44我也想看龜回雷霆退休,反正現在龜也不貴惹

cheesecake9310/03 16:21推快樂龜

IKnowWhy 10/03 17:19他有說服力