[花邊] 記者:LBJ,你正式成為NBA最老的球員了
LeBron James receives
the news that’s he’s officially the oldest player in the NBA
「糟透了! I LOVE HIM。」
湖人助教 Handy 建議八村這個夏天都跟 LBJ 一起練,LBJ允諾。
LBJ 跟八村說你的身型和我滿類似,所以教他一些移動步法。
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[外絮] Shaq:有點嫉妒LBJ,我也想處於GOAT的討Shaq:有點嫉妒LBJ,我也想處於GOAT的討論中 Recently, LeBron James was named part of the NBA 75, a list of the greatest play ers in NBA history. And the NBA paid tribute to all the players on this at the 2 022 NBA All-Star Game when all the players walked out and stood on stage in fron t of a loud and roaring Cleveland crowd.爆
[花邊] LBJ聽到自己正式成為現役最老球員的反應內有影片 LeBron James receives the news that’s he’s officially the oldest player in t he NBA LeBron James 聽到自己正式成為現役最老球員的反應,先是抱頭尖叫,之後跑去暴扣籃爆
[外絮] Bane對LBJ的垃圾話所引發的衝突Bane對LBJ的垃圾話所引發的衝突 It takes a lot of courage for any player to talk trash to LeBron James. James is the most accomplished player in the NBA and is a true living legend. And despit e him being 37 years of age, James is playing at an extremely high level and is one of the best players in the league right now.爆
[情報] LBJ場均30.0分暫居得分王,前十老30分大三元佔8次LBJ場均30.0分暫居得分王,前十老30分大三元佔8次 LeBron James is leading the league in scoring with 30.0 PPG. The previous record for oldest player to average 30 in a season is 33 years old (Steph and Jordan). LeBron is four years older than them.爆
Re: [情報] 八村未出場,湖人教練Ham:隊裡出色球員太這新聞其實沒有翻到一句重點吧 Rui has not proven himself in getting high mins over guys like Malik and Troy 八村還沒證明他能比其他人拿到更多上場時間? 到底在公三小 TBJ就算了,MB最近狀態爛得跟甚麼一樣,請問是在哈囉?爆
[花邊] LBJ:夏天只有八村跟我訓練 我們還去旅遊LBJ:夏天只有八村一直跟我訓練,我兩個還出去旅遊了幾次 湖人的新賽季訓練營繼續進行當中。 八村訓練後接受採訪說道:我只是想更多地攻擊籃框,我知道我有中距離,但我正在努力88
Re: [外電] 一些湖人休賽季消息LBJ 46698737 AD 40600080 Vando 4698000 Max 1719864 2023首輪 3000000(暫估)56
[花邊] LBJ在IG上發現他是現役第二老人@ClutchPointsApp "Who's 1st?? Thought I was the " LeBron James on his IG story finding out that he's the 2nd oldest active player in the NBA17
Re: [討論] 剛好可以用這場決定輪替陣容?第一節 12:00 DLO、AR 、JV 、LBJ 、AD 4:46 德軟、DLO、TBJ、八村、AD 2:56 德軟、MB 、TBJ、八村、LBJ 第二節7
Re: [閒聊] 火腿的負重訓練菜單第一節 時間 DLO 、AR、JV 、LBJ 、AD 12:00 DLO 、AR、TBJ、八村、AD 5:13 德軟、MB、TBJ、八村、AD 3:30 比數27:13 領先14分 德軟、MB、TBJ、八村、Gab 2:04