[外絮] Doc: 我想現在沒人會嘲笑 Gobert的交易案

看板NBA標題[外絮] Doc: 我想現在沒人會嘲笑 Gobert的交易案作者
時間推噓57 推:71 噓:14 →:25 NOLAN O'HARA, SI

“(Antetokounmpo) would beat one 7-footer, run into another 7-footer, you
beat him and then there’s another 7-footer,” Rivers told reporters.
前天公鹿以 105:129 輸給灰狼,賽後 Doc Rivers受訪提到灰狼如何讓比賽更難打

Rivers said it look them a year to figure out how to utilize their size and
mentioned how the Timberwolves’ trade for Rudy Gobert was widely ridiculed
last season.
“I don’t think anyone’s laughing at that trade anymore,” Rivers said.
灰狼花了1年才知道如何利用球隊的身高優勢,當時 Gobert的交易案還被各界嘲笑

"They’re just so long, and they play hard, too. Like I was really impressed
with that late in the game when they still had their starters off. They were
fighting through screens, they were getting frustrated that AJ (Green) was
making shots, you know, it’s a team that you can see that thinks they have a


Oh I know this hits like crack to wolves fans
Doc laying the foundation for his next coaching job.

Wolves also got Conley, NAW, & three 2nd round picks for D'lo which unlocks
Rudy and rounds out the trade
灰狼從D'lo的交易中獲得 Conley、NAW和3個二輪籤,讓Gobert更好融入球隊+完善交易

Since not many people do I'll always bring up how fucking awesome NAW has
been for us. Dude is fucking unbelievable on defense and he takes good shots
on offense all while being the cheapest contract of our entire active
rotation. And the only reason we got him was to match salaries, he's awesome.既然沒多少人提起,我一定得提到 NAW對灰狼來說有多棒,他在防守端超扯的,進攻時

Nobody catches more strays than Gobert for seemingly no reason. One of the
few times hes being praised
沒人像 Gobert這樣無緣無故地成為箭靶。很少見到他受到稱讚

I think the world still blames him for starting the pandemic

Gobert gotta be the most disrespected big man in the modern era. Man got all
star snubbed twice a few years back, is one of the best defenders in the
league and always a DPOY candidate, and people still treat him like a bum
just because he’s not as effective offensively.

Love to see the ven diagram of people who slander Rudy Gobert but praise Ben
很想看看那些貶低 Gobert卻稱讚Ben Wallace人的文氏圖。



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※ 編輯: usnavyseal ( 臺灣), 02/11/2024 17:45:04

Aether13 02/11 17:45好啦 能拿冠我再填表單道歉

zyic 02/11 17:45雞湯甩鍋

phoenix286 02/11 17:46文氏圖是什麼啊?

inuyaksa 02/11 17:46對 笑你都來不急了

※ 編輯: usnavyseal ( 臺灣), 02/11/2024 17:47:35

xo45527788 02/11 17:46別奶謝謝 還有好幾年有輪要還

xo45527788 02/11 17:46*首輪

johnny88108 02/11 17:48都在笑公鹿換你來當教練

nuturewind 02/11 17:49說新冠那個根本就總版某些人對阿狗的慣用謾罵法

Y1999 02/11 17:49都在笑公鹿了

vltw5v 02/11 17:49對啊 現在都在笑你了

GooglePlus 02/11 17:50改嘲笑找你當教練的公鹿

puro 02/11 17:50很高興老河特別出來接總教練讓所有炮火對準自己

Tanjiro 02/11 17:51前提要拿到冠軍好嗎 灰狼丟了一堆籤出去 往後幾年

Wall62 02/11 17:51現在都在笑公鹿找你當教練

Tanjiro 02/11 17:51都靠這陣容了

ODFans 02/11 17:51大家會嘲笑你

winklly 02/11 17:52我想大家比較想笑公鹿啦

yellow528 02/11 17:54灰狼整理素質還是很年輕吧?靠這套多打幾年應該很

yellow528 02/11 17:54合理吧

sleepdog56 02/11 17:54現在都在笑公鹿請鬼拿藥單

sxzc 02/11 17:54狗貝粉感動落淚

Miyanishi25 02/11 17:55現在有新的笑點了

grimnir158 02/11 17:55改笑你的意思嗎

mark30204 02/11 17:57笑你都沒時間了 那還會笑他

roger262390002/11 17:57好啦 對不起

Chanlin01 02/11 17:57先至少打金西冠再說吧 丟那麼多

Chanlin01 02/11 17:57*進

unexpect 02/11 17:58現階段有更好笑的啊 1W5L

ThreeNG 02/11 17:58大家都在笑你,老河

birdman5656 02/11 17:59轉移注意力

boy1031 02/11 17:59目前狼狼奪冠率,排在聯盟老8,賠率21倍,這麼快就

boy1031 02/11 17:59想舒服了嗎

knight714 02/11 17:59大家都在笑你

beariscut 02/11 18:01意思是接下來就不會有人笑老河

sawalee0811 02/11 18:05可是灰狼根本不用把有你的公鹿當假想敵欸

Leaflock 02/11 18:07反字母裝甲

yurian 02/11 18:10換狗貝很盤啊 不過老河你這麼說是想替自己平反吧

harry155007 02/11 18:10太早,現在只要沒得到冠軍都會被笑

chihung0404 02/11 18:13好的後衛(conley)帶球隊上天堂

zsp9081a 02/11 18:13最近梭哈的隊伍又不少

hanklee 02/11 18:14可是大家都在笑你

zsp9081a 02/11 18:15是說原本對丟一堆首輪簽很詬病,可是這幾年感覺首

zsp9081a 02/11 18:16輪尾的價值也沒想像中高

MK47 02/11 18:16DOC:下一份教練職就去灰狼

lafeelbarth 02/11 18:16現在大家在笑你

Dubufan0528 02/11 18:16只會笑你被逆轉

ianasd 02/11 18:17大家都在笑你

yurian 02/11 18:18首輪就是貨幣而已 之前一堆 過程信者走火入魔而已

iecdalu 02/11 18:20可憐的苟貝終於獲得平反不過老河比較像在轉移焦點

zsp9081a 02/11 18:21灰狼今年手頭有三隻近幾年新秀,也都上不了場 呵呵

NinePi 02/11 18:21大家都在笑公鹿 最好會有人嘲笑DOC

e8e88 02/11 18:22準備去灰狼面試

CaTkinGG 02/11 18:25現在換笑公鹿了

c871111116 02/11 18:25對 現在都在笑你們

callme76 02/11 18:26就你還在狀況外

zakijudelo 02/11 18:29沒人笑灰狼啊,只笑河流魔咒而已

MattiaPasini02/11 18:29想轉移焦點?先看看你當公鹿總欸幾勝幾敗

rocku112 02/11 18:34確實 因為你比較好笑

qaz13579 02/11 18:34狗貝真狼王 另外兩巨頭還沒他穩定強 何況防守還要幫

qaz13579 02/11 18:34忙擦屁股

K951753 02/11 18:36沒空 都在笑你

Kai877 02/11 18:42確實 因爲您比較好笑

KillLakers 02/11 18:48不會 九換一還是很盤.....................

Lebrono 02/11 18:50康利才是灰狼本體

gameforyou 02/11 18:56但是大家一直笑你很會(被)逆轉

EvansChang 02/11 18:57還是太貴

CornyDragon 02/11 18:59笑你

qq0526 02/11 19:02確實

www90173 02/11 19:08馬後炮

alittleghost02/11 19:11得狗貝者必西一,沒有例外

Hohenzollern02/11 19:17當時外界是認為灰狼在狗背交易案給太多首輪籤

ICELEE 02/11 19:171>0

windowdoor 02/11 19:19現在笑公鹿

loopdiuretic02/11 19:20供三小

dog29635841 02/11 19:20確實 我要向軟糖跟哈士奇道歉

stevejack 02/11 19:22確實,現在大家更想笑你

apple15518 02/11 19:23季後賽過一輪再說好嗎

rayisgreat 02/11 19:23老河好了拉

MattiaPasini02/11 19:26老河你現在是總教練,不是球評

jingle87052402/11 19:27拿冠再說

alex8725 02/11 19:30大家只有說給太多

shargo 02/11 19:34因為都在笑你

PR58 02/11 19:37沒例外? 想必去年灰狼西一吧

jakewu1217 02/11 19:41現在在笑公鹿

hiphopboy7 02/11 19:50老河:不是我的錯 是灰狼太強

a12838910 02/11 19:56畢竟守住整個聯盟

tony0910092002/11 19:59但是會嘲笑公鹿簽你的事實

ymsc30102 02/11 20:07因為你更好笑

blairchief 02/11 20:08確實 大家都在笑公鹿找你

ecoli0608 02/11 20:13因為笑的是安吉的第2筆交易,不但送了Gobert的使用

ecoli0608 02/11 20:13說明書(Conley )還送了被哈迪修好的NAW!

ocis 02/11 20:16趕快捧對手,不然顯得自己很爛

a28200266 02/11 20:44會笑你

harry881210 02/11 20:56先打進西冠好不好

bobby94507 02/11 20:58大家在笑你瓜啊

Bigblackoo 02/11 21:27哇靠129輸給105 怎麼輸的

感謝 打反了

black55 02/11 21:33字母哥大概也想不到換個教練一直輸

※ 編輯: usnavyseal ( 臺灣), 02/11/2024 21:33:52

scottbaken 02/11 21:36這預防針拿~~麽大一支

gm79227922 02/11 21:39換了康利才好轉的

tristan13 02/11 21:47在打一季沒冠 灰狼應該就瓦解了吧

samuelass 02/11 22:02轉移注意力大法 老河繼續不用扛輸球責任

ljm87 02/11 22:21不是都在笑被老八的鹿嗎

peterw 02/12 00:17轉移注意力+1

Qorqios 02/12 00:21

pkcqwe 02/12 01:45都在笑公鹿+1

NightElf 02/12 03:10河流也算爽賺啦 要笑也是笑找他的管理層啦

Hao83369 02/12 03:26沒啊 還是很好笑 但你執教公鹿的成績更好笑

louisnight 02/12 04:51我們會笑你 而不是笑灰狼

sampsonlu91902/12 05:28因為都在笑你+1

yeustream 02/13 15:49這就是為什麼老河能一直找到工作