Re: [情報] 馬刺裁掉史丹利

看板NBA標題Re: [情報] 馬刺裁掉史丹利作者
時間推噓32 推:33 噓:1 →:14

※ 引述《Pash97143 (四葉天下第一)》之銘言:
: The San Antonio Spurs are releasing forward Stanley Johnson, sources tell @: TheAthletic @Stadium. Johnson had a strong stint for the Spurs this season,: shooting 45 percent from 3-point range, and will now look to join a postseason: contender.
: 心得: 哭啊

Here's the direct CBA language:

"If a Team trades a player and the assignee Team subsequently places the
player on waivers, the assignor Team shall not be permitted to sign the
player to a new Contract"

A waiver by a second trade, that's not the assignee Team

In the case of Stanley Johnson, he was traded from LAL to UTA, and the Jazz
as the assignee team waived him. Had they traded him to a third team that
then waived him, the 3rd team would not be the assignee team, circumventing
the restriction

So by that reading, the Lakers cannot sign Stanley Johnson. In a case like
this, if the Lakers had interest, they "should" call the league to verify.
Sometimes the NBA has a different interpretation than what seems logical by
the written word in the CBA

剛在BleacherReport記者Eric Pincus的推特,看到個滿有趣的推文。

說照CBA的規定(Zydrunas Ilgauskas rule),一支球隊(轉讓人)把個球員,

儘管Stanley Johnson當初被湖人交易到爵士,然後被裁後馬刺隊撿走,但照上面
並沒有馬刺簽完Stanley Johnson又釋出,讓馬刺變受讓人。


感想: 希望SJ還是有球隊肯簽他,加強板凳深度。


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ljk476820 02/13 08:19他有意願的是保底季後賽的球隊

leon82guy 02/13 08:19湖人 感覺難喔 同樣功能的都有了

ljk476820 02/13 08:19太陽比較有可能吧

ljk476820 02/13 08:19湖人也是缺3號位啦 但戰績不會吸引他的

chigo520 02/13 08:19哭阿

ck326 02/13 08:20我猜太陽、小牛、超賽之類的ㄅ

ck326 02/13 08:20搞不好都眉來眼去一段時間了

Fifteam 02/13 08:23SJ沒得挑啦,有球隊願意簽就好

Amilous 02/13 08:23馬刺是下下家不是下家 或許可以

bll135 02/13 08:24哭啊

e8e88 02/13 08:26哭啊!

gaucher 02/13 08:29SJ這季數據不差 應該會有季後賽球隊想買個保險收他

TVXFQ 02/13 08:33希望金塊出手

mambaforever02/13 08:37太無情了

virus2007 02/13 08:39SJ去西13的球隊幹嘛,他不是想打季後賽?

Sessyoin 02/13 08:41哭啊夸

crasser 02/13 08:48應該是找好了才會喊吧.

redamancy 02/13 08:48哭啊

hanslins 02/13 08:55SJ應該是找好下家了

TheoEpstein 02/13 09:00這個2017的Andrew Bogut發生過,過水就可以。

TheoEpstein 02/13 09:00不過後來他沒有回勇士,選擇去騎士。

zlatan10 02/13 09:09湖人可簽 可是他沒有要吧?

s95115260 02/13 09:14史丹利還是練不出穩定外線投射,不然一定一堆人搶

iopjklbnm 02/13 09:19本季命中率四成五欸

Predrag2667102/13 09:19史丹力就簽了約以後不想練阿

DRk24 02/13 09:25說SJ是3號位的有在看比賽嗎?實際打4號還沒投藍 湖

DRk24 02/13 09:25人要他幹嘛?

koyosky 02/13 09:26無情單釋 無情雙裁

Llind31100 02/13 09:31太陽要了

sj19950601 02/13 09:32哭啊 真是太無情

bfsbfs 02/13 09:32去騎士也不錯

Hanksome 02/13 09:35三分4成5還被叫沒投籃

hanslins 02/13 09:53湖人去年都叫SJ3號啊

hanslins 02/13 09:53做得不錯

uf1276 02/13 09:54本季三分平均出手1.3 看哪隊要讓他多出手試試看

babyalley 02/13 10:05就還堪用啦

f26715438 02/13 10:07太無情了!

s111228s 02/13 10:33過水可以的話感覺很多漏洞可以ㄗㄨㄢ

s111228s 02/13 10:33鑽==

bilibo 02/13 10:34哭啊

magamanzero 02/13 10:39除非是NBA是87(還真可能 不然理論上不需要再問

magamanzero 02/13 10:40你當初直接寫裁掉不能撿回來就好了

shch 02/13 11:42超塞簽下來比較好,少一個守雙J專武又多個人替補

abyss0919 02/13 12:30哭啊!

sexygnome 02/13 12:56底薪加入勇士吧

godofaluba 02/13 13:08哭啊 又吸奶

cor1os 02/13 13:45回湖人幹嗎 西13只能領繩

jameslin510 02/13 16:07領繩也輪不到他好嗎