Re: [外絮] 小河流:若可以替熱火打球 我願意做任何事

看板NBA標題Re: [外絮] 小河流:若可以替熱火打球 我願意做任何事作者
(Kono Dio Da!)
時間推噓18 推:18 噓:0 →:14

※ 引述《pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)》之銘言:
: 來源:HeatNation
: 網址:
: “I’m hoping the deal gets done and they gotta get off like three or four
: players because they already have multiple contracts still they haven’t
: signed,” he said. “They still have three roster spots they haven’t used
: 「我希望這交易可以成功,這樣他們就可以送出三個或四個球員,因為他們還有好幾個: 合約還沒簽下來。他們還有三個空缺還沒填,因為他們還在觀察跟小李的交易會怎麼變: 化。」

"Surround LaMelo [Ball] around f*cking people that can help him tap into his
potential, not deplete it... There's still teams that do it right. I don't see this problem in OKC... That sh*t don't fly there."

- Austin Rivers

圍繞 LaMelo打造陣容,幫助他兌現潛力,而不是浪費他的天賦。


"Y'all hoopers get on these podcasts and talk like y'all really like that.
Speaking on other teams like y'all know what's going on,
and most the people talking the most shit don't play at all.
We gonna see about all that this year on me."




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pneumo 09/21 11:47

linchez 09/21 11:47我都用NBA player,樓下呢?

llull5566 09/21 11:54小橋先管好別再開扁吧

love1500274 09/21 11:55那個是Snapchat 不是Instagram = =


okichan 09/21 11:55我都叫2Ker

※ 編輯: justgetup ( 臺灣), 09/21/2023 12:02:26

jerrylin 09/21 12:05嗆起來

earldunn 09/21 12:07小橋為自己球隊發聲很正常阿

as159863 09/21 12:10小河流怎麼能一直上podcast啊 沒實力也沒成績的咖

forever920fv09/21 12:12不打球翻成沒球打會好一點

VL1003 09/21 12:14因為這檔 Podcast 就他主持人阿 XD

VL1003 09/21 12:19從今年 1 月中開到現在,基本每周一集。

Rover 09/21 12:20Podcast跟Yutube一樣只是一個平台 每個人都可以使用

Rover 09/21 12:21只是有沒有人去關注而已

tarantula32 09/21 12:22只有你

realman5566 09/21 12:34對,只有你

vince4687 09/21 12:39這小河自己的podcast……

vince4687 09/21 12:39是說小橋就是黃蜂邪咖幫的一員 噗噗

jyekid 09/21 12:41蜂橋自己把運鈔車開到撞山

jyekid 09/21 12:51hooper basketball player差別在reddit有被討論過

jyekid 09/21 12:51有人覺得區分很奇怪 也有當地人的看法 臭臉發過htt

jyekid 09/21 12:51ps://

jyekid 09/21 12:52

gg8n8nd34ss 09/21 12:53美國黑人蠻多都用hoop指打籃球 很口語的說法

jyekid 09/21 12:54前者講求美感 賞心悅目如KI KB 後者相對追求效率實

jyekid 09/21 12:54用如姆斯 CP3

yusuke362 09/21 13:24突然想到有本籃球雜誌不是就叫作Hoop

fegat 09/21 13:40hooper本來就是打籃球的人啊..

s925407 09/21 13:59啊hoop本來就是框的意思,延伸也指籃球運動

magamanzero 09/21 15:31就口語和正式吧

ApAzusa126 09/21 15:43小橋最好先管好自己的拳頭啦

flashseal 09/21 15:47professor(youtuber)都說hooper阿

tedandjolin 09/21 16:49真的我們不會打球 但也不會打人