[外絮] Lue: 將會在例行賽裡全力以赴進入季後賽

看板NBA標題[外絮] Lue: 將會在例行賽裡全力以赴進入季後賽作者
時間推噓21 推:22 噓:1 →:16



原作者:Jedd Pagaduan

Tyronn Lue and the Clippers are now treating the regular season as an opportunity to build winning habits in preparation.

Tyronn Lue和快艇隊現在把例行賽當作一個機會,在備戰中培養贏球的習慣。

By Jedd Pagaduan2023年10月4日 at 下午9:04 GMT+8

For the past four years, the Los Angeles Clippers have placed an inordinate amount of emphasis on getting to the postseason in tip-top shape. As a result, Kawhi Leonard and Paul George have tended to miss a lot of time due to load management. But the 2023 playoffs proved to be a hard lesson for Tyronn Lue and company. Nothing is guaranteed in the NBA even if they take the utmost precaution. Leonard played in just two postseason games due to a torn meniscus, whileGeorge missed the postseason entirely after a freak collision with Luguentz Dort.

過去四年,洛杉磯快艇隊一直非常重視以最佳狀態去征戰季後賽。因此,Kawhi Leonard和Paul George 往往會因為負荷管理而缺席很多時間。但事實證明,2023 年的季後賽給Tyronn Lue和他的球團上了沉重的一課。在 NBA,即使他們採取了最大的預防措施,也沒有什麼是可以保證的。由於半月板撕裂,Leonard只打了兩場季後賽,而George則在與Luguentz Dort的一次意外碰撞後完全缺席了季後賽。

Now, entering the 2023-24 season, Lue appears to be raring to apply the lessons they've learned over the past few years, with the Clippers now treating theregular season less as a cumbersome path to the playoffs and more as an opportunity to build winning habits in preparation for winning a championship.

現在,進入 2023-24 賽季,Lue似乎已經迫不及待地要運用他們在過去幾年當中學到的經驗,快艇隊現在已經不再把例行賽當作通往季後賽的繁瑣道路,而是把它當作一個培養贏球習慣的機會,為贏得總冠軍做準備。

“When you have championship aspirations, it's always preparing for the long haul. […][But], our approach this year for me is, ‘let's do everything we can
in the regular season and let's let the playoffs take care of itself…’ Let'
s get to the playoffs being in the best shape we can be in and we'll take it from there,” Lue said, per ClutchPoints Clippers beat reporter Tomer Azarly.

"當你渴望獲得總冠軍時,總是要做好長期的準備。[......][但是]對我來說,我們今年的方針是,'讓我們在例行賽中竭盡全力,讓季後賽來照顧我們自己......'讓我們以最好的狀態進入季後賽,然後我們再從那裡開始,"Lue說道,ClutchPoints 快艇隊記者 Tomer Azarly 報導。

This will be music to Clippers fans' ears, especially as they watched their team limp into the postseason after a topsy-turvy regular season campaign. Touted as one of the best teams in the league entering the year, the Clippers had to claw their way into the playoffs, finishing with a middling 44-38 record.

對於快艇隊的球迷來說,這無疑是天籟之音,尤其是他們眼睜睜地看著自己的球隊在經歷了一個顛三倒四的例行賽後,一瘸一拐的進入季後賽。快艇隊被譽為聯盟中最好的球隊之一,但在進入季後賽時卻只能以 44 勝 38 負的戰績勉強過關。





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e8e88 10/07 14:59糖糖:我贏了,至少我敢說第二輪

VL1003 10/07 14:59該休還是會休啦,但應該不會像去年一堆半場就放推的

※ 編輯: h5t6566556 ( 臺灣), 10/07/2023 15:00:08

matsuwu 10/07 15:00LUE看起來老好多

Fezico 10/07 15:00先想辦法讓隊上那兩尊能平安打完例行賽吧...

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Hilluminadol10/07 15:01突然覺得他很像烏鴉剃光頭

ABiao0220 10/07 15:01相信盧總!

※ 編輯: h5t6566556 ( 臺灣), 10/07/2023 15:03:18

richard1003 10/07 15:05沒用,灰熊那件事說明可愛要休不休他根本無法控制

EMSOK 10/07 15:07先問你們那兩尊神明能撐多久吧

※ 編輯: h5t6566556 ( 臺灣), 10/07/2023 15:18:54

jajepound 10/07 15:18可愛:你有先問過我嗎

prostitute 10/07 15:18第一場就開始 摸斗海壓辜

wusesang 10/07 15:20合約年肯定要拼的吧

※ 編輯: h5t6566556 ( 臺灣), 10/07/2023 15:23:16

JonnyJostar 10/07 15:26我看你們還是少用點力 有兩位一用力就躺了

baller0allen10/07 15:29我也會畫餅說故事

EXUAN 10/07 15:29可愛48

furjai 10/07 15:29繼續MM先發30分 看你飯碗多穩

※ 編輯: h5t6566556 ( 臺灣), 10/07/2023 15:34:09

Chanlin01 10/07 15:330830戰術準備好了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chanlin01 10/07 15:33莫里斯感到興奮

Chanlin01 10/07 15:37KMT準備好了 盧總絕對把你丟到冰箱最深處

Chanlin01 10/07 15:41這季盧總一定準備3 4 5後衛海 跑起來

kuso40100 10/07 15:44聽聽就好

chenliu0716 10/07 15:48不惜一切,粉身碎骨(看向可愛

Erishcross 10/07 16:06講給阿銀聽的 不然又繼續搞你艇

Aether13 10/07 16:22盧總的頭髮是真的白很多還是燈光問題阿

HideKyoto 10/07 16:46盧總有沒有先問過兩個院長

samuelass 10/07 17:04每次開季都這樣說…然後

asdfzx 10/07 17:08Lue: 提速 !提速!

kobegary34 10/07 17:09….

youtoo 10/07 18:00盧總就不練人用精兵,傷兵一來就沒輒

vking223 10/07 18:17每年的可愛跟魯總都要重播一次努力打球的宣言,然後

vking223 10/07 18:17它就下去坐了

vking223 10/07 18:19就像公園阿北:要是我認真打,你們這些年輕人早就@#

vking223 10/07 18:19$%

lockeyman 10/07 18:46先健康

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Windows11 10/07 21:38強迫上場的話 KL的舅舅:我會出手

babyalley 10/08 00:15可愛:UNCLE救我!!

josephpu 10/08 00:19真的不想再看沒料後衛海了

iopjklbnm 10/08 06:01去年可愛受傷 靠他的後衛海還差點贏好幾場宇宙陽

jo3m6 10/08 12:22反正我艇就是醫療艇,養生季賽都能倒