[情報] 灰熊將裁掉Kenneth Loften Jr.
News: The Grizzlies are expected to part ways with Kenneth Lofton Jr. as a result of the roster crunch with Ja Morant returning from suspension, per source.
Lofton was the G League Rookie of the Year last season and will generate league interest.
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[情報] Kenneth Lofton Jr與灰熊簽下雙向合約消息來源: WOJ 內容: Louisiana Tech's Kenneth Lofton Jr., has agreed to a two-way contract with38
[情報] Lofton遭到釋出BREAKING: The Memphis Grizzlies have waived Kenneth Lofton Jr. ————————- QQ33
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[外絮] 灰熊記者說明Kenneth Lofton Jr.釋出理由Memphis Grizzlies to waive Kenneth Lofton Jr. as suspended Ja Morant nears return | Source 據《The Commercial Appeal》消息,灰熊將與二年級中鋒Kenneth Lofton Jr.分道揚鑣 Lofton 將不會隨灰熊隊前往雷霆和鵜鶘的兩場客場比賽。24
[高光] 小胖 Kenneth Lofton Jr 19分 打雷霆頻道名稱:Frankie Vision 頻道連結: 簡短敘述:Kenny Lofton 19 Pts, 5 Rebs vs Thunder 落選新秀 小胖 Kenny Lofton Jr,因身材特色在美國頗有人氣 跟灰熊簽下雙向合約,今對上雷霆榜眼 Chet Holmgren,兩人曾為美國U19隊友1
[高光] JD Davison 28分10助Kenneth Lofton 16分頻道名稱: Bllen JD Davison - 28分 5板 10助 3抄 1鍋 4三分 Trevion Williams - 11分 11板 3助 1抄 1三分 Juhann Begarin - 19分 3板 2助 3抄 Justin Jackson - 16分 3板 5助 1抄
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