[花邊] LBJ :責任不在教練而是在我們
「It’s not on the coaches, it’s definitely on us」
Born thinks Laker players have to take accountability for their “embarrassing ” loss to Heat tonight.
LBJ 認為湖人球員應該為今晚慘敗熱火負起責任
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[外絮] Ham:全隊負責,LBJ,AD,龜龜犯錯我照罵Ham:全隊都要負責,LBJ,AD,龜龜犯錯我照罵 Ham spoke about the three factors that he believes will be integral to his team ’s success this coming season. The Lakers coach already has a clear vision in h is mind and he has been vocal about it: Ham談到了他認為對他的球隊在下個賽季取得成功不可或缺的三個因素。這位湖人主帥心中爆
[花邊] LBJ成為目前陣中效力湖人最久的球員LeBron James is the longest-tenured Laker. 隨著Caruso離開湖人,根據湖人記者Bill Oram報導,目前湖人隊內至今效力時間最久的球 員是LBJ。 Caruso於2017-18賽季起效力於湖人,LBJ於2018-19賽季起效力於湖人,至今已經代表湖人爆
Re: [外電] Woj:湖人正深究JJ成為下一任教練可能我有種預感, 最後總教練真的會是JJ...... JJ這名字會突然冒出來,真的很奇怪,到底為何會莫名奇妙冒出來? 完全沒助教經驗 但湖人卻給他面試的機會?爆
[情報] 慘輸44分 LBJ生涯最慘來源:LA Times記者Dan Woike推特 網址: 44 points is the most lopsided loss in LeBron James' NBA career. 今日44分慘敗是LBJ生涯輸最多的一場。爆
[情報] Redick: 湖人現在不像一個團隊來源:湖人記者Jovan Buha 網址: Redick says he doesn’t feel the Lakers are together as a group right now. He爆
[花邊] 小Pippen:對面教練不相信我,我一直記著來源: Scotty Pippen Jr. was one of the players who guarded Dame the most tonight. He said he “definitely” took that matchup personal. Why? “One of the coaches over there didn’t believe in me so I definitely wanted to show I can play some defense.”爆
[情報] LBJ談失誤過多:一切因我打先發控衛而起LBJ談失誤過多:一切因我打先發控衛而起,我負全責 虎撲10月5日訊 在今天的比賽中,湖人104-115不敵熱火,總決賽2-1領先。 本場比賽,湖人全隊出現19次失誤,而湖人前鋒LeBron James失誤多達8次,對此James 賽後採訪表示自己要負全部責任。43
[花邊] LBJ:為什麼球員退休後才能進名人堂?Why do players have to be retired before going into the HOF?? Coaches get in w hile still coaching rightfully so. Wondering what’s the difference though LBJ在X上發文: 為什麼球員退休後才能進入名人堂?教練在繼續執教的同時就進去了,想知道有什麼差別91
[討論] Vogel是不是終於知道有LBJ多輕鬆了?從溜馬時期就滿喜歡Vogel教練 尤其是連兩年和熱火東決血戰 最後都被濕婆和LBJ領軍的熱火擋下來 那時LBJ就是東區每個教練的心魔 之後氣力放盡溜馬也進入黑暗期44
[情報] LBJ:不喜歡上一場要說的話,因此不受訪LeBron, to @billoram, on why he chose to skip talking to the media after the l ast loss: "I didn't like what was going to come out of my mouth... I understand that thi ngs that I say can be everywhere, so I didn't want to do that to my teammates at that point in time."
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