Re: [新聞] LPC-前妻可能改姓喬丹?皮朋面色鐵青拒絕

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(What a lovely day)
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Pippen的前妻Larsa Pippen與Jordan的兒子Marcus Jordan準備要結婚了!

週三TMZ的記者在餐廳外詢問Marcus Jordan回答結婚日期與地點籌備中

Larsa Pippen也被拍到手上有疑似訂婚戒指 MJ之前表示對這段關係不太認可的

(美國鄉民: Jordan-Pippen連線已有第七枚戒指)

Larsa 與Scottie Pippen在1997年結婚 2021年12月離婚 他們有四個孩子

年紀最大的Scotty Jr. 去年與湖人簽過雙向

Larsa Pippen celebrates Marcus Jordan wedding talk while showing off ring

Larsa Pippen and Marcus Jordan wasted no time celebrating after revealing
their wedding plans on Wednesday.

The “Real Housewives of Miami” star and the son of NBA legend Michael
Jordan partied with friends at the Drake concert when the rapper performed atthe Kia Forum in Los Angeles on Wednesday night.

Larsa, 49, was seen dancing in a video shared by jewelry entrepreneur
Elizabeth Acosta on her Instagram Story, which included the message: “It’s
in the works | MJ.”

That derived from Marcus 32, who said he and Larsa have a wedding date “in
the works” when he was interviewed by TMZ in West Hollywood earlier on

Other videos from the Drake concert show the couple dancing together and
taking shots with friends.

Separately, Larsa and Marcus were seen leaving Catch Steak in West Hollywood
on Thursday, when she was photographed with a silver diamond band on her leftring finger.

Marcus first teased the couple’s apparent future nuptials while leaving
dinner with Larsa, who was silent as she made her way into a black SUV on

The OnlyFans star was wearing a ring on that finger, according to TMZ.

“We’re looking for a location,” Marcus said when asked about the
possibility of a marriage happening between the couple.

He also thanked the reporter when they congratulated him on the future

Marcus and Larsa have not officially announced an engagement as of Friday.

However, they aren’t exactly keeping quiet about the wedding buzz.

Larsa and Marcus previously defended their relationship after his father tolda photographer in July that he did not approve of the union.

It marked the first time Jordan spoke publicly about his son dating the
ex-wife of his former Chicago Bulls teammate, Scottie Pippen.

Marcus later claimed his father was joking and likely drunk at the time.

Jordan and Pippen’s relationship is believed to have soured following the
release of “The Last Dance” in April 2020 — the ESPN documentary that
chronicled the 1990s Bulls dynasty.

Pippen has been vocal about his dissatisfaction with his portrayal in the
docuseries and has ripped Jordan in several interviews since.

Larsa and Scottie, who married in 1997, finalized their divorce in December

They share four kids: sons Scotty Jr., 22, Preston, 21, and Justin, 18, and
14-year-old daughter Sophia.


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Sessyoin 08/19 10:59第七枚戒指XD

canlest 08/19 11:007th XDD

evangelew 08/19 11:03一樓xd

b54102 08/19 11:04太酸了 XD

calmdownplz 08/19 11:11除了貴圈真亂,想不出其他評語了xddd

jyekid 08/19 11:12笑死

Wi1lXD 08/19 11:13去翻了一下ig...這57歲?????

turnpoint 08/19 11:14Pippen前妻49歲啦

turnpoint 08/19 11:15MJ兒子32歲

Wi1lXD 08/19 11:15看錯了 不過看起來還是很年輕

o0991758566 08/19 11:17一樓 太粗暴了

Kidd0502 08/19 11:17年輕時真的漂亮 難怪小喬丹 凍未條

bingripplw 08/19 11:19七個戒指太神啦

Kazmier 08/19 11:22以後能分到喬神鉅額財產

jyekid 08/19 11:24在台灣姻親沒辦法分遺產 美國不知道

XXXaBg 08/19 11:29皮朋和喬丹又拿戒指啦

NotUniqueSol08/19 11:30Larisa Pippen Jordan

u9596g12 08/19 11:34富二代口味重一點臭了嗎?

jerrylin 08/19 11:36皮朋: 都離婚了到底干我屁事

apulu0507 08/19 11:39這...算瓦力嗎?年紀差10歲多

Jinx 08/19 11:39第七枚 誰啦 哈哈哈哈哈 太哭了吧

Nitricacid 08/19 11:397th 太哭了這個XD

qDaniel 08/19 11:42打球輸喬丹 連老婆都輸給喬丹..

heavenbeyond08/19 11:43到頭來,老美喊自由也是喊假的。

heavenbeyond08/19 11:43都已經合法離婚了,前妻要嫁誰關你皮繃啥事?

Q12345Q 08/19 11:44贏惹

heavenbeyond08/19 11:45MJ也一樣,兒子都成年了,他要合法取誰當妻子,你MJ

heavenbeyond08/19 11:45有啥好不認可的?

heavenbeyond08/19 11:45難不成是因為MJ不想和兒子變兄弟?

yeustream 08/19 11:50自由就是MJ和皮朋不認可也無法阻止這段婚姻

star1234 08/19 11:51年紀剛好差1輪

star1234 08/19 11:51抱歉,超過1輪

alittleghost08/19 11:54貴圈真亂

firemm666 08/19 11:55笑死 第七枚戒指 有夠嘲諷

RamenOwl 08/19 11:57皮朋就不知道在屌什麼 退役後一直臭喬丹

zxcv40604 08/19 11:58小喬丹應該也很有錢吧…竟然喜歡大一輪的

vvvv0o0vvvv 08/19 11:59前妻很頂

JRSmith 08/19 12:00一定小時候有性幻想過阿姨

RisingTackle08/19 12:00喬丹:你媳婦就是我媳婦

sycc 08/19 12:00第七枚戒指XDD

hanslins 08/19 12:03第七枚戒指有夠哭的

firemm666 08/19 12:04而且她這賽季不是還在跟自己兒子的同隊隊友約會嗎

ccccccccccc 08/19 12:06不知道自由是什麼就不要掛在嘴上吧

ChildX 08/19 12:14人妻懂玩

madeathmao 08/19 12:18Pippen跟MJ也沒幹嘛,表達不認同也不行喔

BerlinerBlau08/19 12:19貴圈真亂

cado0824 08/19 12:20老美很自由阿,在台灣中國就以死相逼了

cado0824 08/19 12:20表達不開心也不可以嗎

tupacshkur 08/19 12:24The 7th ring!

fahrenheit 08/19 12:25又靠Pippen了

Free5 08/19 12:28到底是哪裡來的對自由不認識還一堆話

thewtf 08/19 12:32一樓幾霸婚

whhw 08/19 12:33第七枚戒指XDD

linus 08/19 12:37這到底幾瓦?我的天

feng990719 08/19 12:39一樓笑死

a9564208 08/19 12:40外國的鄉民還是比較會,第七枚戒指

danieljaw 08/19 12:41一樓XD

circuswu 08/19 12:51隊友的前妻變自己媳婦真的有夠尷尬...八點檔才會出

circuswu 08/19 12:52現的劇情

a2156700 08/19 12:55年齡大差還結婚 反而是真愛吧

mvpdirk712 08/19 12:58貴圈真亂

vergilmir 08/19 13:00這對喬皮兩個都是臉尖到爆炸

vergilmir 08/19 13:01至於那種話就只有不知道什麼是自由的人才講得出來

gangrel 08/19 13:02山羌戒指的差距越拉越大

toto3527 08/19 13:04離婚了名字還是冠夫 ?

MK47 08/19 13:30八點檔演的都是真的

NotUniqueSol08/19 13:30Marcus (1990): 繼母1979 老婆(?)1974

NotUniqueSol08/19 13:32老喬1963 也是夫妻差16歲呀

sezna 08/19 13:41童年的夢中情人吧

KeMBaWallKer08/19 13:48一樓只是在重複內文而已,沒看內文?

shawncarter 08/19 13:53那個H開頭的直接黑單就好 整天胡說八道

crishding 08/19 13:58禪師:記得找我證婚啊

ctes940008 08/19 13:59七戒XD

highwayshih 08/19 14:05第七枚戒指有夠哭欸XDDDDDDD

hughjetman 08/19 14:11又多一枚real ring

liusim 08/19 14:20不管他的事沒錯 記者別去問他啊啊啊!

ocis 08/19 14:41Pippen幫Jordan再奪一戒指

ocis 08/19 14:46not1 not2 not3 ...not7

yusuke362 08/19 14:47我是老爸真的會吐血

foreverELT 08/19 15:11這…蝦仁豬心啊

ABOQQ 08/19 15:42一輩子老二

ABOQQ 08/19 15:42我的爸爸是jordan跟pip

gg0602 08/19 16:35美國鄉民真的XD

Hohenzollern08/19 16:57Larsa要是再生小孩就猛了

Hohenzollern08/19 16:59弟媳變成兒媳 喬丹也五味雜陳

coffee777 08/19 17:49.......這些人到底在搞什麼阿.........

LEBR0NJAMES608/19 19:26一樓XD

dryadg27724 08/19 19:55這保養得很好捏

vanhalen08 08/19 20:55變體三角戰術

peanutman 08/19 21:02第七枚戒指真的夠靠盃XD

nnkj 08/19 21:05第七枚 好哭

wpd 08/19 22:07那皮朋兒子看到以後小喬丹的兒子要叫什麼??

chogosu 08/20 00:14兒啊你這樣搞pippen叔叔不開心

luluking 08/20 00:31我懷疑是故意的

alex0973 08/20 04:41Tom Brady:終於要追上我了

Lycoris1290 08/20 06:50第七枚戒指有夠哭

StNeverRush 08/20 13:13難怪最近皮朋狂吹LBJ踩喬登

GymRat 08/20 14:04SOD都是真的?

kkmmking 08/20 14:48第七枚戒指要戴在哪?

hankwan1218 08/20 15:51七枚戒指笑死XD

PrimeChaoz 08/20 16:377th ring XDDD 美國鄉民真的有梗XDDD

pett 08/20 21:48難怪皮朋這麼不爽 原來

sonyvaio 08/21 09:06阿姨我喜翻妳 XD

pippen2002 08/21 11:32年紀最大的Scotty Jr. <--根本不給上場啊!TAT

pippen2002 08/21 11:32MJ兒子32歲 VS 前妻49歲? 志玲姊表示: ???