[花邊] Jokic收官戰賽後訪問:很高興能回家游泳

看板NBA標題[花邊] Jokic收官戰賽後訪問:很高興能回家游泳作者
時間推噓47 推:49 噓:2 →:18

來源:運動畫刊 Sports Illustrated

by Joey Linn

Nikola Jokic's Statement Before Playoff Series vs. Lakers/Pelicans

Nikola Jokic在季後賽對上湖人/鵜鶘前的談話

The Denver Nuggets are awaiting their first round opponent


The Denver Nuggets have finished the 2023-24 regular season as the 2nd seed in the Western Conference. Denver will face the Los Angeles Lakers or New
Orleans Pelicans in the first round of the playoffs, so they cannot yet
prepare for one single opponent. Los Angeles and New Orleans will face off inthe 7th vs. 8th seed play-in tournament game, and the winner will play Denver.


Speaking on the broadcast following Denver's season finale victory over the
Memphis Grizzlies, Nikola Jokic expressed a level of excitement for some timeoff in between now and the opening round, saying, "I'm excited to head home.
We just opened a pool yesterday or two days ago, so I'm excited to spend a
couple days with my daughter at the pool. For me, that's exciting right now."

在丹佛金塊於收官戰打贏曼菲斯灰熊後,Nikola Jokic在電視轉播上談話,提到從現在到第一輪開始前的這段時間有多麼興奮,他說:「我很高興能回家了。我們昨天還前天弄好了游泳池,所以我很開心可以和我女兒在游泳池度過幾天時光。對我來說,現在就很興奮了。」

On having some rest time, Jokic said, "It's gonna help. Just to heal up, maybe get - you want to play again just to get joy back. The Playoffs is coming, so the fun part starts."


The Nuggets are hoping to repeat as champions, and certainly feel they have
what it takes to do so. With Jokic leading the way, Denver will be a tough out for anybody. Favored many places to win it all again, the Nuggets are tryingto become back-to-back champions after their first title last year.



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kinve1014 04/15 20:34馬:還好不是回家騎我

samuelass 04/15 20:35泳池表示:

chris810314 04/15 20:36終於可以認真了

ginopun1047704/15 20:37泳池狂歡

mepass 04/15 20:37反正都是當兒子打

mutohchi 04/15 20:37馬:好險

teren 04/15 20:37真好 有些隊伍打完要游泳回家

forsell 04/15 20:37金塊連霸,肥肥又再一座fmvp,歷史定位就大躍進惹

JonnyJostar 04/15 20:37你們才是挑戰者喔

PTTerzy 04/15 20:38感覺他就是準備好了幾年之後就退役

gandalflee 04/15 20:40普洱派對

vltw5v 04/15 20:41馬:呼~

MK47 04/15 20:41馬:所以愛會消失 對不對?

love1500274 04/15 20:41快艇記者 竟然會寫阿肥新聞!?

holyhelm 04/15 20:42阿肥進入普爾 玩樂一番

SadoYasutora04/15 20:45不是打兒子湖人就是孫子水鳥

ismwing0205 04/15 20:46金塊拔拔請高抬貴手,至少別橫掃

k7202001 04/15 20:46三mvp二冠二fmvp 我覺得就超越歐肥了

kaga1991 04/15 20:47湖鵠都跟水有關 先熟悉熟悉

moksonline 04/15 20:47詹酸要反過來支持了嗎 阿肥拿兩座FMVP不就屌打哭狸?

z23061542 04/15 20:48泳池記得放一半水就好

kojo1234 04/15 20:49好不容易可以回家跟女兒玩還要季後加班好累

Notif520 04/15 20:52馬:所以愛會消失,對不對

e8e88 04/15 20:55普洱:叫我?

littlelaba 04/15 20:57爽!收工!!

rbull 04/15 20:58有詹迷很緊張耶 這種文還要透氣

outnow5566 04/15 21:02普殺隊集...嗯?

jbyc0305 04/15 21:02馬:別來找我

SCLPAL 04/15 21:06這是講湖人還是水鳥lol?

riddickwu 04/15 21:08代表跟這兩隻打都不用太認真準備

ClownT 04/15 21:10

s310213 04/15 21:12特休終於到了

gswsb 04/15 21:18找回比賽樂趣笑死,平常果然打得很無聊齁

LukaDoncic7704/15 21:19湖人C7!!!!!!!

Eyeshield21204/15 21:19原來是魔鬼筋肉人地獄式死亡特訓

etim51893 04/15 21:22其他隊伍:努力練球 瘋狂看影片研究對手

etim51893 04/15 21:23阿肥:好耶可以游泳了

ga787540 04/15 21:25馬:別回來就好。

crusoe 04/15 21:30不是回去騎馬?

gg8n8nd34ss 04/15 21:31泳池哥:

CharlesCL 04/15 21:34馬:阿彌陀佛

snakebite 04/15 21:39今年比去年又更難打了

BignoZe 04/15 21:51普爾表示 你在暗示我嗎

chenghow 04/15 21:55歐肥3fmvp 1mvp,小丑今年拿mvp fmvp,應該是追平

chenghow 04/15 21:55歐肥

wewe44556 04/15 22:08你才兒子 你全家都兒子

sunnyyoung 04/15 22:09在泳池騎馬

hollowsex 04/15 22:10馬:去泳池玩水 勿騎勿擾

MrHeat 04/15 22:23馬:我的外號就叫"水"

Lmkcat 04/15 22:32馬:..

clotha52181 04/15 22:39阿肥這季再拿的話就超越軟手咖了 目前聯盟2fmvp以上

clotha52181 04/15 22:40的歷史級超巨只有3個人

karmel 04/15 22:40歐肥14次年度隊 即使奪冠要追平歐肥應該還要幾年

karmel 04/15 22:41但如果那樣大概就是時間問題了

lexus3310 04/15 22:47第一輪就八打五 阿肥保重

CHERRYCOLA 04/15 22:55本季金塊對上另外29支隊伍,只有一支隊伍沒有贏過,

CHERRYCOLA 04/15 22:55阿肥當然老神在在,衛冕機會絕對是有的

ilsr 04/15 23:10我湖..贏不贏遇到G塊都是死(抖

ianasd 04/15 23:13海馬要小心了

stayforever 04/15 23:17看成游泳回家

cloud0121 04/16 00:51接下來的都是加班 QQ 我的女兒~~我的馬~~

hyc0725zz 04/16 01:26馬:謝謝游泳池

PirateAC 04/16 03:00Jokic: 游泳、騎馬、打湖人

XDKab1g0n 04/16 07:01阿肥:幸好有女兒陪我 稍稍慰藉我沒馬騎的痛苦

ponkd 04/16 08:49記得放七分滿就好 不然你下去之後會溢出很多水 很

ponkd 04/16 08:49浪費

Wall62 04/16 09:08明明就是騎馬

louis1213 04/16 17:07反正再贏16場就可以陪女兒看暴龍和騎馬了

riceberg 04/16 21:45又開發新的馬兒訓練課程了:游泳