[外絮] Vecenie球探報告(續)--Collier與Sheppard

看板NBA標題[外絮] Vecenie球探報告(續)--Collier與Sheppard作者
時間推噓13 推:13 噓:0 →:34

作者:Sam Vecenie

Isaiah Collier | 6-4 guard | freshman | USC | No. 1
Collier is the name most scouts and executives provide when I ask who they
have at No. 1 right now. I think I agree with that assessment for now due to
his upside, but I also want to see tangible growth throughout the season.


First though, the good. Collier’s intersection of quickness and strength
allows him to play in the paint with ease. Once he gets to the rim, he’s
able to not just absorb contact, but oftentimes rise up through it to finish
with strength at the rim. He’s a power guard, typically attempting to go
through defenders at the rim. It’d be wrong to call him an elite leaper, but
he uses his strength and length well functionally. Yet it doesn’t (always)
feel like he’s just bullying smaller players, because he can pass and make
plays for his teammates even if they don’t always finish. In USC’s recent
loss to Gonzaga, I counted 16 potential Collier assists, with the Trojans
only converting six of them. Many of those looks were
high-degree-of-difficulty kick-outs or dump-offs from a live dribble. Collieris averaging 17.3 points, 4.5 assists and 3.0 rebounds, making him one of themost productive freshmen in the country, and I expect the assist number to
rise as USC hits conference play, as he’s been snake-bitten by teammates
missing shots. On top of that, Collier’s jumper from distance has looked
better this season, as he’s made 40 percent of his 3s to this point.


But there are significant concerns, both in how Collier is being used and in
his own performance. Let’s start with the latter. Collier is a chronic
over-penetrator, constantly so deep into the lane that he leaves himself no
options when the defense collapses on him. That leads to a lot of wasted
possessions, which is why he is averaging a robust 4.6 turnovers per game –
a ludicrous number that will need to come down if he’s to justify going No.
1. His ball security has improved in the last two games, as he only turned
the ball over five times combined against Eastern Washington and Gonzaga. Buthe desperately needs to improve his patience as a driver and be willing to
hang out in the midrange for a beat longer.


USC is also contributing to the problem by running inverted actions that
result in Collier posting up smaller guards, a bizarre structural decision
that has not led to much success. USC does not typically have enough shootingto allow Collier to get the space he needs when drop-stepping or spinning to
the rim. Because the Trojans consistently deploy two players opponents don’t
worry about from the perimeter, there’s always help waiting at the basket.
Andy Enfield gets a bad rap — he’s the winningest coach in USC history and
has led them to seven 20-plus win seasons in the last eight years — but I can’t logically wrap my head around this offensive alignment.

南加大的戰術也是給他問題的因素之一,他們的inverted actions(就是讓非典型的位置去做一些工作,像是後衛擋人之類的)時常最終變成Collier在低位單打比他小隻的後衛,而這個結構性的決定沒有獲得太多的成功。南加大通常並沒有夠好的投籃允許Collier有足夠的空間去做Drop Step或是轉身。因為特洛伊人經常會上2位對手根本不需要擔心他外線的球員造成籃下都會有補防等著他。Andy Anfield名聲在外--他是南加大隊史最多勝場的教練還讓他過去8年有7年都超過20勝--但我無法用邏輯理解他的進攻安排。

Collier has not exhibited many issues getting to the rim this season, and I
find his touch and comfort to be much better when he’s playing downhill and
getting all the way to the basket. The Trojans’ offense looks better when he
’s attacking in ball screens, even if turnovers have also been an issue for
him there. Though I have Collier ranked No. 1 right now, I wouldn’t have had
him in my top eight of last season’s draft class to this point. But as a
lead creator who can pass, has some shooting potential and can consistently
get into the paint, I think he represents the highest-upside player in the
class as of this moment.


Reed Sheppard | 6-3 guard | freshman | Kentucky | No. 6

This is the eye-opener of the board. Sheppard has, in my opinion, clearly
been the best freshman in college basketball thus far. In terms of deriving
value for his team, I don’t think it’s all that close. So it was hard to
rank him much lower than this.


Despite coming off the bench to start the season, Sheppard has been
phenomenal every moment he’s been on the court. He is averaging 13.9 points,
3.8 assists, 4.2 rebounds, 1.1 blocks and 3.0 steals in 26 minutes per
contest. Kentucky’s last two games are the first in which he’s cracked 30
minutes in each, and he averaged 23 points, seven rebounds and five assists
while playing more consistently on the ball. More importantly, Kentucky is
consistently a drastically better team with him on the floor, as his
plus-minus jumps off the page every game.


Sheppard is such an appealing bet at this point because of his combination ofelite shooting, plus skill and elite feel for the game. Sheppard is one of
those players who seems to anticipate things before they happen, allowing himto make decisions faster than everyone. He nails hit-ahead passes to start
critical transition opportunities and makes quick reversal passes to keep thedefense in rotation. If you leave him open within 25 feet of the rim, the
ball is going up, and it’s probably going in. If you go under one of his
dribble handoffs, the ball is going up and through the rim.


So far, Sheppard has made 61 percent of his 4.5 3-point attempts per game.
That rate won’t continue, but he’s definitely an elite shooter off the
catch with the look of a 40-plus percent NBA 3-point shooter. Over the last
two games, he’s showcased an ability to run Kentucky’s offense and play
with the ball in his hands. Defensively, he’s always in passing lanes and
makes timely rotations, with an impeccable sense of anticipation and
unbelievable hand-eye coordination.


But the obvious questions here are real. Sheppard is listed at 6 foot 3, but
doesn’t quite look that tall. He’s also not overly long. These measurements
have led to defensive questions, both in terms of how his skills translate tothe next level and his on-ball capabilities. UNC Wilmington actually hunted
him a bit late in their upset win over Kentucky this past weekend.
Athletically, Sheppard isn’t particularly shifty when trying to elude
defenders and separate from his man on the ball. As a shooter, he’s been
much more of a stand-still guy as opposed to a player flying off movement andcreating his own opportunities. His set of skills isn’t perfect yet.


Sheppard is a polarizing player for scouts, and people in front offices are
having trouble finding a point of comparison for his game. At the high end,
stars like Stephen Curry and Trae Young have similar size, shooting and
processing profiles, but Sheppard’s ballhandling is nowhere near their
level. Tyrese Haliburton is bigger and has always been a better passer.
Tyrese Maxey is way faster. Jalen Brunson has always possessed an elite levelof craft and footwork that Sheppard hasn’t displayed quite yet. Moving
outside of the All-Star group, Austin Reaves is bigger than Sheppard, while
Desmond Bane is built like a truck. Sheppard is more skilled than a player
like De’Anthony Melton, who racked up blocks and steals as a guard, and he’
s a better shooter than Tyus Jones. But he isn’t as good defensively right
now as someone like Alex Caruso, nor is he that much better offensively at
this stage despite being more gifted with the ball in his hands. Luke Kennardhas come up a few places, but Kennard didn’t produce defensively at Sheppard
’s level, nor did he showcase as much on-ball ability. JJ Redick has also
come up as a Sheppard comparison (he was a sneaky elite steals accumulator atDuke), but he played far more off the ball and was an elite shooter off
movement. There isn’t really an NBA archetype for Sheppard right now.

Shppard在球探眼中是兩極的存在且管理層人員找不到NBA有跟他相近的人。往上看,像是Stephen Curry與Trae Young雖然有相近的身材、投射與決策能力。但Sheppard的運球能力跟他們相去甚遠。Tyrese Haliburton更大隻且是更好的傳球者。Tyrese Maxey快非常多。Jalen Brunson有著菁英等級的靈活性與腳步但Shppard從未展現過這些。撇開全明星看,Austin Reaves更大隻,Desmond Bane的身材就是一台卡車。Sheppard又比De'Anthony
Melton這種能抄截與蓋火鍋的球員更有技巧且他投籃也比Tyus Jones好上許多。他防守並不像Alex Caruso這種球員這麼好但他現在也在進攻端持球能力比這些人同期好上許多。Luke Kennard是有些人提過的人選,但Kennard的防守與Sheppard不在同一個等級上也沒展現過對球防守。JJ Reddick也被拿來作為Sheppard的模板之一(他在杜克時抄截能力很強),但他無球能力與菁英的跑動射手能力又不一樣。現階段的NBA並沒有Sheppard接近的原型模板。

Still, everything Sheppard does well is at a premium in today’s NBA. Only a
few front-office executives have told me they are quite this high on
Sheppard, but many more said they’d have a hard time seeing him picked
outside the lottery. Others view him as more of a mid- or late-first-rounder.


With this draft’s upside as questionable as it is at the top, I’m more
willing to bet on outliers like Sheppard breaking the mold. He’s been my
favorite player in the country to watch so far in college hoops, and if we’
re betting on guys with non-traditional pathways toward breakout stardom —
think Haliburton, Maxey, Brunson and others — it makes sense to value those
who possess elite feel and shooting ability as opposed to other athletic



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※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 美國), 12/07/2023 17:22:14

tim19990312 12/07 17:44

tim19990312 12/07 17:44前鋒是不是怪怪的


EZ78 12/07 17:46啊啊對 應該是強力後衛 打太順

※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 美國), 12/07/2023 17:47:16 ※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 美國), 12/07/2023 17:47:57

tim19990312 12/07 17:47感覺Collier未來會走類似fvv的路子

EZ78 12/07 17:49Collier我也一直在想 強力後衛我一直想到Bledsoe

EZ78 12/07 17:49但是Bledsoe爛太多了

jeff800125 12/07 17:49看起來Sheppard應該算球商很好的球員?感覺蠻有趣的

EZ78 12/07 17:49想不太到啥相似的球員

EZ78 12/07 17:50Sheppard就球場直覺很好很準 但其他缺陷一堆

EZ78 12/07 17:50是真的非常有趣的球員

tim19990312 12/07 17:50Collier爆發力好的地方比較像rife

tim19990312 12/07 17:51啟動的瞬間很快 但整體跟那些禽獸後衛還是差很多

tim19990312 12/07 17:52以為你會先翻Topic 後來回去看越看越有趣

EZ78 12/07 17:52對 如果他今天更快比較對象可能就是Westbrook之類的

EZ78 12/07 17:52Topic Vecenie沒有特別講他 之後出我應該會找別的

EZ78 12/07 17:53他這次出Collier Sheppard Holland Smith Mitchell

tim19990312 12/07 17:57不用跟Russ比 你提到的bledsoe爆發彈跳都就強他很多

tim19990312 12/07 17:57

tim19990312 12/07 17:57喔喔原來如此 感謝

EZ78 12/07 17:58對 這就我很卡的地方 真的想不太到跟他類型相似的

EZ78 12/07 17:58跟他相似的外線都爛很多 體能也都比他妖怪超多

tim19990312 12/07 17:59Collier要在聯盟成為準明星持球投要練到很好

tim19990312 12/07 17:59所以我才會提fvv

tim19990312 12/07 18:01或是lowry

kkl522608 12/07 18:02推推

JoshSmith 12/07 18:33Baron Davis

vince4687 12/07 18:37Collier雖然沒有到Bledsoe跟西河 Wall這種PR99的體

vince4687 12/07 18:37能 但是下降到FVV跟Lowry就誇張了

EZ78 12/07 18:38Baron Davis爆發力強很多

※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 美國), 12/07/2023 18:42:25

vince4687 12/07 18:40Baron Davis也是最頂尖的那批 當年跟JRich的後場體

vince4687 12/07 18:40能不是假的

tim19990312 12/07 18:41我的意思是比起那些體能怪物 他可能會更走向那兩位

tim19990312 12/07 18:42的球路 不是完全拿身體素質去類比

tim19990312 12/07 18:43何況fvv爆發力也不差吧 只是Collier 更高壯

vince4687 12/07 18:44FVV我會傾向是核心維持跟上半身對抗力量還有雙腿橫

vince4687 12/07 18:45移更好這些特色 不過光機體這些硬條件就有差了 也

vince4687 12/07 18:45不會看成類似模板

tim19990312 12/07 18:49對我來說你敘述fvv的那些就包含在你所謂的機體中了

tim19990312 12/07 18:49我也無意將Collier套任何模板

tim19990312 12/07 18:50我只是在想他要怎樣才能在nba很厲害而已

EZ78 12/07 18:51Collier現在的打法是真的很特殊

EZ78 12/07 18:51也不能說是打法

EZ78 12/07 18:52比較像是他的組成都有很多不同人的影子在

EZ78 12/07 18:52我只是暫時想不到他在NBA打球的畫面而已lol

vince4687 12/07 19:01沒……純粹就是體能不夠頂 Sheppard要是高一點 運球

vince4687 12/07 19:01猛一點可能就套Herro了 小年不意外

SuikaJasper 12/07 19:05聽起來Sheppard的生涯就決定在有沒有練成跑動射手了