[花邊] Jared Dudley: Jaden Hardy 不聽教練指示

看板NBA標題[花邊] Jared Dudley: Jaden Hardy 不聽教練指示作者
時間推噓23 推:24 噓:1 →:5

Summer Mavs coach Jared Dudley mentioned that Jaden Hardy wasn't listening toplay calls and dropping his head. He attributed a halftime talk from Shammgodfor turning around Hardy's play.

"I thought [Jaden Hardy] played terribly [in the] first half. He wasn't
listening to the play calls, dropping his head, going too fast, turning the
ball over. [Shammgod] had a good halftime speech. I came in to follow him,
talking to him about slowing down, making the right reads [and] that we were
going to score enough points."

獨行俠夏季聯賽總教練Jared Dudley談到Jaden Hardy上半場表現糟糕,
Shammgod 在半場休息時,進行了一次很棒的演講,改變了Hardy 比賽表現。

Jared Dudley :
「我認為Jaden Hardy 在上半場表現糟糕。他沒有聽從教練指示,埋頭行動且過於急躁,導致失誤。Shammgod (就是那個Shammgod ,現球員發展教練) 進行了一次很棒的演講。我接著也去和Hardy交談,告訴他放慢節奏,做出正確的判斷,我們會得到足夠的分數。」


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JGB 07/11 23:58自幹王?

Miyanishi25 07/12 00:00swanton bomb!!!

efbnm753 07/12 00:01Jeffffffff hardy

MK47 07/12 00:03原來Dudley當教練了 我還蠻喜歡他的說

matsuwu 07/12 00:03感覺在小犢爬很快

VL1003 07/12 00:04沒 Kidd 壓著,壞習慣又出現了?

SUTSUME 07/12 00:05讓我們一起意淫 Hardy 的不「受」控

s3531573 07/12 00:08也不算吧 夏聯一個重點就是要讓他練控場 所以很放給

s3531573 07/12 00:08他打

KKB 07/12 00:10原來達叔當教練了

wahaha303 07/12 00:13達叔跟老基一起來的 也幹兩年了

love1500274 07/12 00:14Dudley: 我是教練 你們要尊重 要聽CALL

BignoZe 07/12 00:17達叔這麼有戰術素養?

Gilbertsky 07/12 00:34達叔的專長是和球員溝通吧

lay10521 07/12 00:43Jeff

Kelite 07/12 00:57再吵就給你一發天鵝炸彈

DVE 07/12 01:07The Hardy Boyz vs The Dudley Boyz

ohmyya 07/12 01:10The tag team champion

EX37 07/12 01:25推 DVE : The Hardy Boyz vs The Dudley Boyz

imrich 07/12 01:39難忘那個超級高梯的天鵝炸彈摔(咦?

cook10402 07/12 01:58我以為我來錯版

louie83279 07/12 02:17有Dudley 有Hardy 怎麼能漏掉Edge&Christian(?

GoodM 07/12 02:26懷念天鵝炸彈摔 現在好像看不太到了

freijaking 07/12 06:31跟Jeff Hardy一樣不受控

Ed860227 07/12 07:01當初天鵝炸彈炸掉orton鎖骨

sirenkim 07/12 07:09達叔也已經轉教練職了啊...

sm84113 07/12 07:56來到摔角版XDD

imanikki 07/12 08:16以後板凳席旁要擺幾副桌子,這樣才能讓他聽話

DemonRing 07/12 09:333D, get the table!

K0RVER 07/12 10:04竟然歪樓變摔角板 笑死