[外絮] Jared Dudley在推特上捍衛Iguodala

看板NBA標題[外絮] Jared Dudley在推特上捍衛Iguodala作者
時間推噓3X 推:20 噓:58 →:29

來源: ClutchPoints

Lakers’ Jared Dudley defends Andre Iguodala amid standoff with Grizzlies
湖人Jared Dudley出來替目前陷入灰熊僵局的Andre Iguodala講話

Los Angeles Lakers veteran forward Jared Dudley is coming to the defense of
Andre Iguodala, who won’t play a single game for the Memphis Grizzlies this
season despite being part of the roster.
湖人老將前鋒Jared Dudley出來替本季在灰熊輪值名單卻沒打過任何一場比賽的Andre

On Monday, a report from David Aldridge of The Athletic said Iguodala is
prepared to sit out the remainder of the season if the Grizzlies are unable
to trade him to one of the agreed-upon teams he designated.
星期一的時候,The Athletic記者David Aldridge報導說若是灰熊本季找不到Iguodala他指定同意要去的球隊的話,他準備好本季都不會上場比賽。

Iguodala and the Grizzlies mutually agreed before the season started that he
would not report to the team while the front office tried to find a trade

The Grizzlies have unexpectedly become a playoff contender this season, with
rookie point guard Ja Morant and second-year big man Jaren Jackson Jr.
leading the charge. They are 25-25 on the season after defeating the Detroit
Pistons at home on Monday.
在菜鳥控衛Ja Morant跟二年級生大個Jaren Jackson Jr的率領下,灰熊本季出乎意料的成為可能打進季後賽的隊伍。在今天擊敗活塞之後,目前戰績是25勝25負。

It shouldn’t shock anyone that the Lakers’ Jared Dudley is siding with
Andre Iguodala on this one. Before the season started, no one picked the
Grizzlies to even make the playoffs. The fact that they are playing this goodhas surprised a lot of people, probably including Iggy.
湖人Jared Dudley與Andre Iguodala在這事件上站同一邊並不令人意外。在本季開始之

Jared Dudley推特
"This shows you his reputation, he’s been a constant pro, selfless, great
teammate .. So at the end of your career yes you do get a pass cuz he did it
in a professional way.The Gm, Agent and player communicated what’s Best for
both parties, and agreed. Happens more then you know"

The former MVP wants to play for a contender. If he doesn’t get his wish,
then Iguodala will sit out the season and enter unrestricted free agency onceJune 30 hits.

Many people around the league could see Iguodala signing back with the GoldenState Warriors. It is also worth noting that the Lakers have interest in
trading for the veteran wing, as well as the Houston Rockets.

Business is business.


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※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 02/04/2020 17:06:37

lickllll 02/04 17:08湖人派出的代表,以為說好話就有機會?

AxelGod 02/04 17:08職業球員 反觀CP3 令人尊敬些 帶隊帶心又幫帶小將

msarthur 02/04 17:09拔草

ashebird 02/04 17:09好啦 iggy換餅皇啦 雙贏

guardian128 02/04 17:10Curry被噓到X5 來看看這篇如何

TimmyJiang 02/04 17:11還沒買斷已經開始拉票了呀

itsmegd 02/04 17:11補個血 等等要一堆噓了

gn02253749 02/04 17:11推個五樓 XDDD

nO25948 02/04 17:12專業的方式???直接拒打真專業

holices 02/04 17:12這樣湖人會有兩個LBJ 很不方便

tjtcgcha 02/04 17:12來看有多少雙標仔

AngelMAyCry 02/04 17:12灰熊交易到這咖也是算雖

nO25948 02/04 17:12最好以後有球員被交易不爽就都擺爛不打

wsx89589468 02/04 17:13唉,可悲,每個都在吃灰熊豆腐

ntusimmon 02/04 17:13球團同意 無話可說

peter211183 02/04 17:13我湖迷 我照樣噓 小AI這種態度 來我湖我也不要

NSYSUheng 02/04 17:13說是達成協議啦 但灰熊能怎麼辦 無奈

cp3bg32 02/04 17:14不然球團能怎樣 拿槍逼他上場?

peter211183 02/04 17:14打球是這種精神在打的,真的很可憐

linjin2 02/04 17:14湖人:達叔換小AI

nO25948 02/04 17:14好聽是達成協議啦,難聽是老子就不爽打你想怎樣

brian040818 02/04 17:14為了拉票連這種話都講的出來

steven59420 02/04 17:14這不就來了嗎

a3221715 02/04 17:15Cook都比他好

brian040818 02/04 17:15帕爽死都沒人幫他講話,有戒指就是狂

manuginobii 02/04 17:16到時候到湖人就真香 王境澤都準備好了

a3221715 02/04 17:17湖人沒交易籌碼 不用幫湖人擔心

alex8725 02/04 17:17CP25至少還想打球 被交易不上場的咖我還是第一次看

alex8725 02/04 17:17

a3221715 02/04 17:17你艇還有可能

narutotha 02/04 17:19可憐哪

NYYsucks 02/04 17:19幫未來隊友護航嗎

jeffsu 02/04 17:20挺小AI必噓 沒例外啦

tfoxboy 02/04 17:20一棍打死

tmac4ever 02/04 17:20上節目也是pro的行為嗎

zego41 02/04 17:21達叔人太好 還幫他講話

paradoxQ 02/04 17:22柯粉透氣區

a3221715 02/04 17:22反觀聖獸跟聖瓜還要擔心被聯盟退休 這咖領爽爽

paradoxQ 02/04 17:23兩個差那麽多不用比

fibula 02/04 17:23快艇也不要這咖

Kazmier 02/04 17:24別隊的出來緩頰倒還好啦 不過同隊的就噁心了

shwkz 02/04 17:25可是 他不怕被裁嗎...

mib999888 02/04 17:26直就退休好了啦

BadGame 02/04 17:26不打也可以場邊看指導新人

shwkz 02/04 17:26還是丹丹或Rondo要掰了?

lavon 02/04 17:27錢照領,連裝病都沒裝就不打還護航

o0991758566 02/04 17:29無賴大概就是這樣 爽領約 不爽打就可以不打

su06su06 02/04 17:29照噓不誤

vincecarterx02/04 17:29這個護航的說法也太差了 = =

MK47 02/04 17:30看看WHO 就知道黑人護航是什麼德性

godgod00 02/04 17:31沒職業道德噁心到不行

rycheal 02/04 17:32他用了專業的方式???

ckt0830 02/04 17:34幫他說話他也不會馬上加湖人啦 急著舔幹嘛?

tomoti 02/04 17:36推CP3認真帶XD 不過其實他約還有3年,擺爛也不行...

thibw13ug1 02/04 17:38不想打球就不要打阿

abc1599 02/04 17:41他如果湖人我就當湖黑

a11011788 02/04 17:42湖人出品

LKN555 02/04 17:43嗆喔

leedonsee 02/04 17:44招募組來了

s90526 02/04 17:47還想招募

willy911006 02/04 17:53這咖就是噓

justice0926 02/04 17:55他現在出來打萬一下去就領繩了 確實正確決定

inthenchen 02/04 17:58原來是招募文阿,阿銀準備罰款囉

kl015013 02/04 17:59支持

MaRin0725 02/04 18:05一個圍事一個擺爛

CDIAMOND 02/04 18:08我也想領錢不做事

andy82116 02/04 18:08這樣不行

ellis5566 02/04 18:13NBA球員的素質也不怎麼樣

dusted 02/04 18:18噁心

shwkz 02/04 18:20那就趕快當湖黑吧 不要如果 嘻嘻

CKluber 02/04 18:27嗯嗯嗯

mlb93525 02/04 18:30講這種垃圾話

jokebrother 02/04 18:36

sexycute 02/04 18:36噓起來沒有例外

Utopiasphere02/04 18:39講這什麼屁話 誰挺他就噓誰

f655990 02/04 18:39我是很好奇 制服組都已經和iggy協議不用報到了 怎

f655990 02/04 18:39麼還有怎麼多問題

zzzz5602 02/04 18:40小ai就噓

zzzz5602 02/04 18:40馬的按錯等等補

s27052705 02/04 18:43好了啦

sky0158 02/04 18:54小AI好歹有跟球團達成協議,老魚當年被湖人賣掉,可

sky0158 02/04 18:54是直接不去報到,逼火箭買斷合約。

jackyu0810 02/04 18:57達叔你確定不是在反串嗎XD

godgod00 02/04 19:07因為灰熊原本希望Igu能來隊上指導年輕球員,教導正

godgod00 02/04 19:07確打球方式,結果這沒職業道德的直接逼球隊「全額」

godgod00 02/04 19:07買斷他。灰熊不得已才同意他不必隨隊。

godgod00 02/04 19:08現在又要逼球團交易他到「指定」球隊,真大牌

chengyu1010 02/04 19:27這咖也想招募阿

SC30mvp 02/04 20:16Curry被噓到X6 不知道算明星待遇還是勇士待遇

Pixis 02/04 20:25幫五樓一把

dfish 02/04 20:27看到這咖必須噓

iecdalu 02/04 20:29雙標某隊迷這篇不敢來噓了只因為顏色正確XDDD

a3221715 02/04 20:37都X3了說沒人噓 眼睛瞎了

NSYSUheng 02/04 20:58這篇都X3還在沒人噓 是眼幹喔XD

NSYSUheng 02/04 20:59會造成X3跟X6的原因 就是達叔跟咖哩人氣的區別而已

NSYSUheng 02/04 21:00一般人看到關於這兩個人的文章 通常都會看咖哩的好

NSYSUheng 02/04 21:00嗎zz

puro 02/04 21:35等等補噓

puro 02/04 21:40補個

asidy 02/04 21:55湖人看到curry推文不甘示弱派出代表XD

NanaoNaru 02/04 22:13球衣顏色正確

aegisWIsL 02/04 22:29灰熊做慈善是不是

aegisWIsL 02/04 22:29推錯補噓

Ten6666 02/04 23:09來啦

zeroBB 02/05 09:00別以為你是湖人就沒噓。lbj可別幫這種咖護航

amo0717 02/05 11:23X3 果然有雙標迷

satelliter 02/05 17:22我湖不用小AI這廢物