[外絮] Harkless計畫在尼克打完這季

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時間推噓18 推:19 噓:1 →:7

Moe Harkless went from a guy often starting and playing critical minutes for a contender in the Clippers to being the matching salary in a trade and finding himself on the woeful Knicks.


“It is definitely an adjustment with the way things are,” Harkless told Stef
an Bondy of the New York Daily News. “Everything is different, the culture and everything.”

「面對現在的情況,這絕對是個改變,所有事情都不一樣,包含文化與任何事情」, Harkless告訴紐約日報記者Bondy 。

If there was a player nobody would blame for wanting a buyout and the chance to get back to a team playing for something, it would be Harkless.

如果Harkless 想要買斷,去找尋重新加入競爭勁旅行列的機會,沒有人會責怪他。

That’s not happening. Multiple reports have surfaced that he is not talking buyout with New York running up to the March 1 deadline.


Then Harkless was even more direct speaking to Bondy.

“I’ll be here the rest of the year,” he said.


Harkless has fans in NBA front offices, with the Lakers rumored to be among them (although they are about to land Markieff Morris in a similar role). Harkless could play good defensive minutes on the wing down the stretch for a team,buying rest for key guys, plus in the playoffs he could be advantageous in certain matchups.


Harkless and the Knicks have time to change their minds, but it sounds like he will play out the season in New York then be a free agent next summer.





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creative 02/22 23:00追殺起來囉

d62353 02/22 23:00誰追殺?要位子還不簡單

hbkhhhdx200602/22 23:01一樓那id不用太意外

NanaoNaru 02/22 23:02moe

jardon 02/22 23:03湖人補強失敗

dwiee 02/22 23:03湖人有mm也不太需要他了 比較缺組織 ex dc

a3221715 02/22 23:05有MM就不用他啦

yuiop358 02/22 23:05湖人缺組織砍分 IT可以上車嗎

a3221715 02/22 23:05湖人現在缺組織或單打手

hydra6716 02/22 23:06 再簽個舞王或服務生就差不多了啦

TimmyJiang 02/22 23:09先領錢比較重要,買斷上車這種事,退休前還來得及

SwissMiniGun02/22 23:12學MM先刷一波成績再走 上上策

dw1012 02/22 23:18他學生時期都在皇后區長大的 想在紐約打球很正常

minagiyu 02/22 23:38現在就是在夢想的家鄉花園打球,膩了之前不會想走

minagiyu 02/22 23:39

sk050607 02/22 23:42留尼克明顯好吧 有機會打先發拿合約 他才26

sk050607 02/22 23:4226歲 沒事跑去湖人打替補幹嘛?

mx1103 02/22 23:47去爭冠球隊壓力也大吧 沒打好可能就消失了

gn00152097 02/22 23:58可是他今天只上了16分鐘 好像還比在快艇少

a11011788 02/23 00:41不管啦 尼克卡湖

ethel7669 02/23 01:03Logo爺厲害到爆,快艇出去的湖人也搶不到

firemm444 02/23 01:47人家不想去 然後才開始自我安慰說湖人也不需要他了

firemm444 02/23 01:47 笑死XD

n10617 02/23 09:55一樓很急著秀下限 嘻嘻

JanKid 02/23 10:35不上車嗎? 那回來阿拓玩玩吧

bubblewn 02/23 11:37logo爺厲害大家知道 但個人意願這種就不用在吹到他

bubblewn 02/23 11:37頭上好嗎.....