[情報] 乳摸:湖人試訓 Waiters表現"印象深刻"

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時間推噓69 推:70 噓:1 →:18

來源: BleacherReport

Lakers Rumors: Dion Waiters Had 'Impressive Showing' at Workout with LA
乳摸: 在湖人的試訓中 Dion Waiters的表現"讓人印象深刻"

Dion Waiters finished his workout with the Los Angeles Lakers and "had an
impressive showing," according to Shams Charania of The Athletic and Stadium.根據The Athletic記者Shams Charania報導,Dion Waiters已經完成在湖人的試訓,表現"讓人印象深刻"。

Tania Ganguli of the Los Angeles Times reported Waiters also met with head
coach Frank Vogel, general manager Rob Pelinka and team adviser Kurt Rambis.
洛杉磯時報記者Tania Ganguli也報導說Waiters也與湖總Frank Vogel,總管Rob Pelinka以及顧問Kurt Rambis碰面。

According to Charania, Waiters "owned up to his mistakes and errors" from histime with the Miami Heat and made it clear he was willing to accept any role
in L.A.:


The Lakers are desperate to find some secondary scoring to ignite the offensewhen LeBron James is on the bench. Los Angeles was unable to make any
significant additions ahead of the Feb. 6 trade deadline, and signing
Markieff Morris didn't really address the problem.
湖人非常渴望找到當LBJ在板凳席時,能有替補得分能力的球員。湖人在2/6交易大限前沒找到人手,而補上Markieff Morris並沒有真正解決這問題。

Darren Collison also chose to remain retired rather than return to the NBA.
Darren Collison沒有重返NBA,最後選擇退休。

Waiters' workout and Smith's session illustrate how few options Pelinka has
at his disposal.

Waiters has received three suspensions this season, a number equal to his
games played for the Heat before they traded him to the Memphis Grizzlies.
The Grizzlies, who are contending for the playoffs, were content to eat the
almost $24.8 million remaining on his contract rather than have him suit up
for the team.

When healthy, Waiters can be an effective scorer in a limited role. He
averaged 12.0 points and shot 37.7 percent from beyond the arc in 44 games
for the Heat in 2018-19.

Smith, meanwhile, hasn't played a competitive game since Nov. 19, 2018. No
matter what the 34-year-old has been doing to stay in shape, his long layoff
will make it hard to get him back up to speed, especially on a new team with
so little time left in the regular season.

Smith has the edge in playoff experience and was an impactful member of the
Cleveland Cavaliers' rotation when they won a championship in 2016. But his
blunder in Game 1 of the 2018 Finals is the lasting image many fans have of
his Cavs tenure.
Smith有季後賽經驗的優勢,他也是騎士2016年拿下總冠時騎士的重要球員之一。但是他在2018年Game 1那個荒腔走板的表現則是則是一直留在許多球迷的印象當中。

Both Waiters and Smith carry a level of risk for the Lakers. All things
considered, the former might be the better bet.



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NightBlue03 03/03 14:17

jc0215 03/03 14:17“impressive”

Anonymous00 03/03 14:18一樓圖關聯在哪

NightBlue03 03/03 14:19服務生的表現啊

a3221715 03/03 14:20別再呼麻給我詹感化也行啦

dream128520103/03 14:20都是DW

OPPAISuki 03/03 14:21感化人數+1

davidturtle 03/03 14:22是直接在場上呼起來嗎

Puye 03/03 14:22JR也讓姆斯印象深刻 算平手吧

roger262390003/03 14:23一樓圖很像前熱火球員呼麻啊

Bomy5566 03/03 14:25這些台詞 好眼熟 讓我想起聖光

SugarK2222 03/03 14:25

ja1295 03/03 14:26服務生在生糖之後也說犯錯 後來請假打卡出去玩 慎選

oocooc 03/03 14:26印象深刻,穩了

linceass 03/03 14:26可以開賭盤這傢伙能乖多久了

tvbstim 03/03 14:29寧願要JR也不要服務生這種扯後腿的憨仔

taiwanalien 03/03 14:30季賽也快結束了,是來喝飲料嗎

Solid4 03/03 14:32JR那段的lasting 不是最後,是持久/持續/揮之不去

Solid4 03/03 14:32這類意思

謝謝指正 已修 感謝

※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 03/03/2020 14:36:16

MiNiMusi 03/03 14:39殷悅

karta128882603/03 14:39印象深刻到底是三小www

yashiky2010 03/03 14:42聖光服務生

AxelGod 03/03 14:43都好雷

airphone 03/03 14:46聖光服務生 哈哈

Taeja 03/03 14:57聖光湖務生

whyen23 03/03 14:59爛到印象深刻

Kidd0502 03/03 14:59服務生很適合湖人啊

Nuey 03/03 15:01印象深刻是好還是壞

zego41 03/03 15:02還是簽JR好

tony20095 03/03 15:03Impressive通常是指"正面"的印象深刻吧?

MK47 03/03 15:03搞不好變聖光服務生 嗑藥變嗑維他命

cornerchiu 03/03 15:04impressive 算很好的稱讚了吧

guess080505503/03 15:05先把維他命磨成粉 再用吸管吸這樣?

starchiang 03/03 15:08應該是選服務生啦,JR太久沒打了,風險更高

arrfu 03/03 15:08曾經跟KI爭奪騎士老大的氣氛人物

starchiang 03/03 15:09球季剩幾個月,他能氣氛到哪裡去?而且有皇帝在

brian040818 03/03 15:13印象深刻就是謝謝再聯絡的意思

kkjjkkjj 03/03 15:13給我一根

kevinacc084 03/03 15:15唯一支持丁尺 湖人的未來在丁手中

anoymouse 03/03 15:15印象深刻 然後無聲卡

erichavez 03/03 15:16其實可以收看看 姆斯應該有一年的有效感化期

supermni 03/03 15:17要大麻軟糖吃到絕頂升天的咖幹嘛?禁賽三次也不怕,

supermni 03/03 15:17還不如選聽話的丁尺

HardDDDD 03/03 15:23也可能是超廢到讓人印象深刻

RCTPNOTAM 03/03 15:26印象深刻的好還是印象深刻的爛?

starchiang 03/03 15:28服務生氣氛的時候,熱火目前東區第四

starchiang 03/03 15:28湖人的管理,根本不用擔心氣氛的問題,要擔心戰力

jojomickey2 03/03 15:35JR只是蠢,服務生太氣氛了

taiwanalien 03/03 15:43LA比邁阿密更多好玩的地方,服務生:開薰

LoMing1021 03/03 15:53JR:大哥救我

YunHung46 03/03 15:59服務生要靠很多人來壓制他 JR有姆斯就夠了

snake7222 03/03 16:02至尊戒,御眾戒。

lai0703 03/03 16:14ㄏ風

Playonenight03/03 16:15牧師……

humbler 03/03 16:19替補有得分能力的球員不是還有庫子馬?

sosad0128 03/03 16:22翻譯:謝謝再聯絡

a3221715 03/03 16:28褲子馬不夠穩啊 湖人要大心臟射手

a3221715 03/03 16:28褲子偶爾也有大心臟三分啦 不過場均也才30%初

MK47 03/03 16:35kuz防守固定爛 但是他進攻跟lbj搭就不錯 會不會是

MK47 03/03 16:35rondo完全跟他搭不起來的緣故?

AngelMAyCry 03/03 16:35那個退休又想復出的還是退休了嗎?

blake1003 03/03 17:00簽法能跟之前聖光獸一樣的日薪嗎?

gohit 03/03 17:11湖人感化院 詹老師化人無數

gohit 03/03 17:12春風沐雨 跟先走一步的曼巴老大 是不同類型的領導者

CW4 03/03 17:25現在簽都是剩餘球季全額保證了 裁掉也沒多少錢 只是

CW4 03/03 17:25市場跟可以磨合的時間變小是不可逆的

CW4 03/03 17:30其實在十二月的時候要提前幫魔獸轉為全額保證也無所

CW4 03/03 17:30謂了 過了一些門檻後就不太需要懷疑他了 人真的值得

CW4 03/03 17:30被承認就是像他那樣

CW4 03/03 17:36另外現在是能簽十日約 只是要看球員意願 JR的話其實

CW4 03/03 17:36我覺得他先接受十日約會對爭取機會比較有利 那麼久

CW4 03/03 17:36沒出賽跟有些年紀 球隊想放上場觀察後再決定要不要

CW4 03/03 17:36開剩餘球季合約不算過份

ashebird 03/03 18:03拿到救贖之路的票了嗎

bilibo 03/03 18:04兩個爛的選一個 真慘

saiwilly 03/03 18:04季後賽經驗優勢???笑死

AndKobe 03/03 18:18穩了

lkk88 03/03 18:35印象深刻的無腦

originbook 03/03 18:36又有人要被感化了…XD

kooyoo1144 03/03 18:40戳的印象深刻嗎= =

Luvsic 03/03 18:55真的要比JR其實還比較好吧

Gief 03/03 19:54小心吸毒成功

yowhatsupsli03/03 20:03湖人:今天抽不少哦

sea1985 03/04 00:32跟季初魔獸加盟時 大家都不太看好的情況很像

Alan555 03/04 00:38唯一支持JR

KingSteven 03/04 01:34印象深刻的好還是印象深刻的爛阿XDDD

BallDontLie 03/04 01:45當作服務生塑膠做的啊

hannah5269 03/04 01:54耳聞丁尺是抽太多史奴比狗狗

yesido330 03/04 08:11選服務生的話湖人真的...傻。