[情報] 有關LBJ的2K刺青官司被撤銷

看板NBA標題[情報] 有關LBJ的2K刺青官司被撤銷作者
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REPORT: LeBron James tattoo lawsuit vs. NBA 2K dismissed by judge
by Virgil VillanuevaMarch 29, 2020

A judge has finally allowed the tattoos of Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron
James to be replicated in NBA 2k after dismissing the lawsuit.

The lawsuit filed against Take-Two Interactive in 2016 was dismissed by
Manhattan federal judge Laura Swain, calling the use of tattoos too trivial
to warrant deliberation. Solid Oak Sketches claimed that their copyright was
infringed since the NBA players were shown with their tattoo designs for
which the company holds licenses.

Among James’ tattoos included in the lawsuit were those named “Child
Portrait,” “330 and Flames” and “Script with a Scroll, Clouds and Doves.”

在撤銷控訴後,法官最終允許了有關洛杉磯湖人球星LeBron James的刺青在2k中複製的訴

曼哈頓聯邦法官Laura Swain駁回了Take-Two(2K遊戲廠商)在2016年的訴訟,他認為刺青的使用過於瑣碎,無法認同(控告方),Solid Oak Sketchs(設計LBJ刺青的公司)聲稱,NBA球員身上的刺青被展示的行為,侵犯了他們公司設計刺青的版權

訴訟中包含的LBJ刺青有Child Portrait、330、Flames、Script with a Scroll、Clouds以及Doves

Citing expert analysis, Judge Swain noted that “only 0.000286% to 0.000431%
of the NBA 2K game data is devoted to the Tattoos” which were mostly
obscured during gameplay. Swain sided with Take-Two’s argument that the
tattoos were fair use because they were no longer the artists’ designs but
have become part of the players’ likeness.

“The tattoos only appear on the players upon whom they are inked, which is
just three out of over 400 available players,” Judge Swain wrote. “The
undisputed factual record shows that average game play is unlikely to includethe players with the Tattoos and that, even when such players are included,
the display of the tattoos is small and indistinct, appearing as rapidly
moving visual features of rapidly moving figures in groups of player figures.Furthermore, the tattoos are not featured on any of the game’s marketing




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takechance 03/30 22:28這在台灣也是因為在作品佔比太少也不構成侵權啊

takechance 03/30 22:292K又不是玩刺青的遊戲

dixieland99903/30 23:18這個有點爭議...除非刺青師跟球員簽屬著作相關的

dixieland99903/30 23:19文件,不然連NBA轉播可能都要跟刺青師要使用費了

xm3k0828 03/30 23:23勉族

davy50707 03/30 23:48球員付費請刺青師刺上去後就是所有權轉移 (嗎?)

Scubadive 03/31 00:03創作者版權受重視是好事

Scubadive 03/31 00:03 但這樣是不是有點無限上綱了

yesido330 03/31 00:04...蟑螂喔

dixieland99903/31 00:25球員有"使用"刺青的權利(包含展現),但遊戲公司是否

dixieland99903/31 00:26有權"重製"並以此獲利...這就有點爭議了

scott90213 03/31 00:58關鍵在於遊戲內的模組等於是照著畫 就涉及版權

scott90213 03/31 00:58拍球員照片則沒有重製的過程

KKyosuke 03/31 01:53有時候這種東西不是占比的問題 曾經有案例一部電影

KKyosuke 03/31 01:53裡 演員哼了幾秒鐘某流行音樂 也被告版權

yeustream 03/31 06:05被告是一回事,但只哼幾秒告得成嗎?

liusim 03/31 08:36重點應該在那句球員形象

liusim 03/31 08:37今天是付費DLC隨附某人的刺青圖案才有問題

AndyWT 03/31 10:54唯利是圖的訟棍

combokang 03/31 11:09語意有點容易誤會,應該是:Laura Swain駁回了在201

combokang 03/31 11:096年「對Take-Two(2K遊戲廠商)」的訴訟

Yanagi5566 03/31 12:18在吵著作權跟人格權的問題吧