[花邊] Magic Johnson提供1億鎂貸款給弱勢族群企業

看板NBA標題[花邊] Magic Johnson提供1億鎂貸款給弱勢族群企業作者
時間推噓21 推:24 噓:3 →:16

來源: USA Today

Magic Johnson to provide $100 million in loans to minority-owned businesses
Magic Johnson提供1億鎂貸款給弱勢族群企業

Hall of Famer Magic Johnson announced Tuesday that the company for which he
owns a majority will be giving a $100 million donation in capital to fund
federal loans for minority and women-owned businesses.
名人堂球員Magic Johnson星期二時宣布,他擁有大部分所有權的公司將會捐出1億鎂去資助原本要用來資助弱勢族群以及女性持有的公司的聯邦貸款。

EquiTrust Life Insurance Co., of which Johnson has held a majority stake
since 2015, , is taking aim at helping the business owners hit hard
economically by the coronavirus pandemic. Johnson, the CEO of his own
company, Magic Johnson Enterprises, collaborated with MBE Capital Partners todistribute the loans, which will be given through the Small Business
Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program.
這家Johnson從2015年成為主要持有者的公司,EquiTrust人壽,目的是要幫助在這次武漢肺炎疫情嚴重受創的企業主。身為Magic Johnson Enterprises的CEO,Johnson跟MBE
Capital Partners合作,會經由小型企業薪水保護計畫(Small Business
Administration's Paycheck Protection Program),將貸款發放出去。

Congress' initial allotment of $349 billion for PPP funds in April ran out intwo weeks and then an additional $310 billion was approved, including $60
billion designed to help smaller businesses. But African American and
Latino-owned businesses have been left out because of poor relationships
with banks.

"This will allow them to keep their employees and keep their doors open,”
Johnson told CNBC’s “Squawk Box” on Tuesday. "We have to remember that
these businesses have been in urban communities for a long time. They’ve
been doing great things, and they probably didn’t have a relationship with
the banks when the stimulus package went out. So now, we’re able to say, ‘
Hey, you can have a relationship with us.’”

MBE Capital CEO Rafael Martinez said on MSNBC the goal is to help 100,000
businesses in urban communities.
MBE Capital公司CEO Rafael Marinez則是跟MSNBC說他們的目標是幫助10萬間在社區的公司企業。

Johnson guided the Los Angeles Lakers to five NBA titles in the 1980s and is
considered one of the greatest basketball players of all-time.



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hass231470 05/21 10:22各位不要在酸了

GenesisXD 05/21 10:24散播歡樂散播愛

manuginobii 05/21 10:25minority在這邊應該是指弱勢族群?

cigaretteass05/21 10:33恩 應該指弱勢

好喔 謝謝提供建議 已修

lwy012018 05/21 10:33大推魔術強森,史上最有魅力的球星

※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 05/21/2020 10:39:14 ※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 05/21/2020 10:40:12

downtoearth 05/21 10:41太神了

ARCHER2234 05/21 10:51這個真的有心

Acetoxy 05/21 10:59散播愛__

micbrimac 05/21 11:11像他這種貸款 要請誰來審核跟處理阿...

Nakata0911 05/21 11:25美金榨汁療法果然厲害

Nakata0911 05/21 11:28不過紐時有算他la球員加職員薪資總計3千多萬美元

Nakata0911 05/21 11:28 雖然很多 但感覺也不想是可以拿出那麼多錢的等

Nakata0911 05/21 11:28

aaron97 05/21 11:38#thankyoumagic

cidcheng 05/21 11:43他是提供貸款,不是發出去,所以不會實際花掉一億啦

cidcheng 05/21 11:43借給那些銀行不太想貸款的族群

Marshuman 05/21 11:53有就是借給連欠銀行錢資格都沒有的那種...真的很佛

Marshuman 05/21 11:53 一億美...

coollinyt 05/21 12:09雖然他是大股東,不過公司的錢不是他的錢

melzard 05/21 12:10難怪在湖人當GM當成那樣,主力都在外面

sigma0307 05/21 12:26我以爲應該是捐款 怎麼是貸款......

gossipking 05/21 12:36願意借人錢已經很好惹 這樣還要被噓喔 老天

HSKAO 05/21 12:49這借出去應該都很難回來了XD

himem 05/21 12:51是在噓啥,以為借錢出去沒風險嗎

jasonkau 05/21 12:52動不動就要人捐 伸手牌喔 暫時缺資金缺案子的公司

jasonkau 05/21 12:52協助繼續營運就可以了好嗎 又不是以後都沒有賺錢能

jasonkau 05/21 12:52力了

pierce56 05/21 12:59last dance裡面他的談吐勝過MJ的畫面

running711 05/21 13:02整天想叫人家無條件付出跟拿取的 心態上是沒尊嚴

running711 05/21 13:02這種word存在的

youga 05/21 13:03很棒阿

denverkobe 05/21 13:49好誇張...一億美

ethel7669 05/21 14:39真的有錢,他的理財頭腦也是超棒

ethel7669 05/21 14:44道奇在他的團隊入主之後,找炸男當經理,農場超級強

ethel7669 05/21 14:44化,現在年年爭冠軍……很難聯想到他湖人GM當得那麼

ethel7669 05/21 14:44

sharkboo 05/21 15:35

poo200 05/21 17:11這樣他還有足夠的現金去抑制他的HIV嗎

Ommmmmmmmmm 05/21 17:35這種還可以嫌喔 乞丐?

Ommmmmmmmmm 05/21 17:35等等補推

kl015013 05/21 20:06拉基走狗

bluemei 05/21 22:18好強

POCARI5566 05/21 23:35他錢夠不夠應該不用我們擔心