[外絮] KI為何變卦?Perkins:因聯盟說KI不能去迪士尼

看板NBA標題[外絮] KI為何變卦?Perkins:因聯盟說KI不能去迪士尼作者
時間推噓 1 推:18 噓:17 →:14

來源: Yahoo Sports

Kendrick Perkins: What changed with Kyrie Irving? NBA told him he couldn’t
go to Disney World
甚麼改變了Kyrie Irving? Kendrick Perkins說:因為聯盟跟KI說他不能去迪士尼

A timeline:

May 26: Protests seeking racial justice emerge (and have continued through
today) in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd
5/26: 在George Floyd的死亡之後對於種族正義的抗議開始(一直持續到現在)

June 4: NBA owners approve resuming the season with 22 teams at Disney World
6/4: 聯盟球團老闆同意22支球隊在佛州迪士尼復賽。

June 5: Kyrie Irving – out for the season due to injury – reportedly
expresses interest in joining the Nets at Disney World to support his
6/5: 據報導,因為傷勢退出本季賽事的Kyrie Irving表示有興趣到迪士尼加入他的隊友們,表示對他們的支持。

June 5: The National Basketball Players Association – which counts Irving as
a vice president – approves the restart format
6/5: 球員協會--包括身為副主席的Irving--同意復賽的模式。

June 10: ESPN’s Brian Windhorst – who co-wrote a blueprint on how the NBA
could resume in a bubble and is well-connected throughout the league – says
“No, Kyrie, you’re not going in there, because the whole point of this is
to keep it to as few people as possible” (though acknowledged Brooklyn could
bump someone else from its limited travelling party for Irving)
6/10: ESPN記者Brian Windhorst--在聯盟人面極廣同時也是幫忙聯盟規劃復賽模式的人--他說,「Kyrie,你不行去那邊,因為這次復賽的重點就是人越少越好。」(雖然籃網仍然可以把要去的人員去掉一個好讓KI也可以去)

June 12: Leading a video call with other players, Irving reportedly says he’
s against resuming play in Orlando
6/12: KI與其他一些球員召開會議,據報導KI反對在迪士尼復賽。

Kendrick Perkins on “Golic and Wingo:”
Kendrick Perkins在"Golic and Wingo"節目上說:

"What changed over the last nine, 10 days? What changed was – from what I
strongly believe and what I heard – is that the NBA and the players’
association told Kyrie that, no, you can’t go."
「到底過去9-10天發生了甚麼改變了KI? 我強烈的認為,也根據我聽到的消息,是因為聯盟以及球員協會跟KI說,『不行,KI你不行去迪士尼。』」

I hope Perkins isn’t just supposing Irving’s motivations. That’s a major
charge to suggest disingenuousness from Irving, who reportedly cited
systematic racism as central to his stance.

The NBA is limiting the number of people in the bubble, which is good for
safety and bad for standard of living. Players should be concerned with theirwork conditions as the season continues. Likewise, Irving deserves room to
reconsider his priorities.

But Irving and Lakers center Dwight Howard (at least Howard’s statement more
than his agent’s follow-up) don’t sound like they’re merely making
personal choices. They sound like they’re suggesting players band together
to sit out to fight racism. Other players ought to consider Irving’s and
Howard’s interests before following their lead.
但是KI跟湖人中鋒Dwight Howard(至少Howard原先發的聲明比他的經紀人講得多)聽起來不僅僅單純只是做選擇,他們的說法聽起來像是暗示球員們應該要團結起來與種族歧視對

Irving and Howard have career earnings far above most players. For other
players, the money earned by continuing to play can be transformational.

Even directly with combatting racism, players can use their spotlight to makea difference.

There are reasons to play. There are reasons not to play. But there’s a
whole mess of considerations for players weighing the competing arguments.



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jjjohnny128206/17 15:43Perkins講話也沒什麼根據

jtch 06/17 15:44給KI一本全年護照

yowhatsupsli06/17 15:46怎麼像百貨公司吵著買玩具的小孩一樣

horstyle041106/17 15:46Perkins猜猜猜 = =

w9 06/17 15:49這咖我必噓

CW4 06/17 15:52在剛開始討論復賽的時候 是有傳出KI詢問(雖然他不能

theBATMAN56 06/17 15:53唉想當老大想到腦袋出狀況著魔了沒實力真的不要大小

theBATMAN56 06/17 15:53

whoAU 06/17 15:53咩棒最近也有在ig直播提到KI不能隨隊心生不滿

CW4 06/17 15:53健康出賽)以inactive player進入園區支持隊友的可能

CW4 06/17 15:54不過我覺得臭臉這種爆料 有先聽過前面那件事的人都

CW4 06/17 15:55編的出來 得有更多證據才有可信度

percy90723 06/17 15:56樓下氣氛粉噓都是假新聞

timmyen 06/17 15:56Disney Vacation Matters

CW4 06/17 15:58待在那裏面應該是比較辛苦啦 尤其是第二輪前不能申

XiaoAnn 06/17 15:58這咖講的話有人會信喔

CW4 06/17 15:58請家人進入

kutkin 06/17 16:01原來是報復性排擠

SwissMiniGun06/17 16:02臭臉除了蹭幾個大咖話題跟猜 好像沒可信度

KyrieIrving106/17 16:02其他人說就算了 這傢伙從ki到塞爾提克開始黑他黑到

KyrieIrving106/17 16:02他離開

KyrieIrving106/17 16:04他就是標準的Ki什麼沒說也能黑一篇的超級Ki黑

justicelaw 06/17 16:08感覺以KI的個性 這說法蠻有可能的

tottoko0908 06/17 16:09這傢伙比KI還不可信啦笑死

j003862001 06/17 16:10臭臉還是閉嘴

DogBe105 06/17 16:10完美解釋從贊成到反對心路歷程

AhirunoSora 06/17 16:11這咖比ki更沒說服力

ja1295 06/17 16:13這咖還是閉嘴吧 整篇都在猜

ginx03 06/17 16:13推一個 感覺有說服力

kai08130623 06/17 16:14你就詹的人馬啊

x851221 06/17 16:19靠北 原來是想免費到迪士尼結果不行就大家都不要去

roger262390006/17 16:52用猜的也一篇新聞XD 不愧是專業KI黑

cofactor34 06/17 17:20臭臉是不是很想加入香蕉船兄弟團.....

lkk88 06/17 17:28如果這篇說的是真的 那KI根本就是人渣

matsuwu 06/17 17:37100% 假新聞

micbrimac 06/17 17:45這人講話沒一句真的

youga 06/17 17:52沒證據前先觀望

kem0606 06/17 17:58

seanlee0131 06/17 18:46KI應該是欠他錢而且還欠過年

ganhua 06/17 18:46臭嘴

love1500274 06/17 19:01zz

leo755269 06/17 20:27來猜猜看有多少人信這低端雜魚尼哥

Ommmmmmmmmm 06/17 22:08臭臉就是LBJ粉然後追殺KI啊 還有人不知道?

bluemei 06/17 22:11現在竟然還有人相信他的爆料歐?

kingianlin 06/18 00:10反正他講的我是不怎麼相信啦 講話超偏袒某方的噁

kingianlin 06/18 00:10心人

kingianlin 06/18 00:11不過這次都沒幾個大咖出來說話,就只有KI跟DH

Magdalen 06/18 07:33什麼 原來是不能去迪士尼玩

josephpu 06/18 15:30球星專職野雞媒體代表人物