[花邊] Joe Ingles對在他們家車道尿尿的屁孩說:都拍到了~

看板NBA標題[花邊] Joe Ingles對在他們家車道尿尿的屁孩說:都拍到了~作者
時間推噓18 推:19 噓:1 →:15

來源: Larry Brown Sports

Joe Ingles hilariously calls out teenager who peed on his property
Joe Ingles搞笑的對在他家車道上尿尿的屁孩喊話

Joe Ingles is getting the last laugh on a troublemaking young whippersnapper.應付那些不知天高地厚搞破壞的屁孩,Joe Ingles是獲勝的那位。

The Utah Jazz forward took to Twitter on Saturday and hilariously called out
a skateboarding teen who peed on his property. Unbeknownst to the youngster,
Ingles’ security cameras caught everything.

"To the young skateboarding teenager that pee’d on our driveway/garden...
Just a heads up but our security cameras see EVERYTHING... face & every othersmall detail"

Ingles, who was averaging 9.8 points and 5.2 assists per game this season, isthe oldest player on the Jazz, set to turn 33 later this year. That probably
means he has especially little patience for annoying teenage antics.

The Australia native also has no problem calling people out on their
nonsense, so that teenager better think twice next time before bringing that
weak stuff into Ingles’ paint (or at least his front lawn).



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ericf129 06/28 20:42阿北XD 小屁孩快去道歉阿

c280019 06/28 20:48小。細。節

web946719 06/28 20:49野外露出

bestteam 06/28 20:52他會出賽嗎?

LeGGoRay 06/28 20:52高清 無碼 正太 野外露出 排泄物

mod980 06/28 21:07這粥好鹹

riddickwu 06/28 21:18小屁孩應該是不太會在意自己尿尿被拍,所以lngel並

riddickwu 06/28 21:18沒有贏

REI3173 06/28 21:19鷹勾經典笑臉笑屁孩很小

kattte 06/28 21:28小屁孩怎麼不會在意。。。

darkdixen 06/28 21:35最後一段笑噴「小屁孩下次想帶著他的弱爆小東西進

darkdixen 06/28 21:35到Ingles的油漆區前最好多想想」

darkdixen 06/28 21:36雙關又雙關 前後雙關呼應

dixieland99906/28 21:53bring that weak stuff...XDD

noahfly 06/28 22:12原文比較精彩哈哈

Noxus 06/28 22:21笑死 老屁孩

Toy17 06/28 22:51技能全部點在嘲諷的鷹勾阿伯

a104018 06/28 23:38small detailXD

f22313467 06/28 23:45

lannystan 06/28 23:57都看到了,屁股最好夾緊一點

Tawara 06/28 23:58澳洲白人屁孩超多

arthur8787 06/29 00:58ingles真的有夠靠北好笑

igoati60153 06/29 01:18我就爛 (Ingles ver.)

sampsonlu91906/29 04:06鶯哥得分 果然有數位腦就會有大思維 當過爸媽的最

sampsonlu91906/29 04:06討厭孩子做錯事還被上網爆料

sampsonlu91906/29 04:07其實我覺得這個笑話也多少跟新冠肺炎有關啦

Kazmier 06/29 09:41澳洲白人屁孩超多的...而且很多愛攻擊亞洲人

sampsonlu91906/29 10:16看Bogut那態度 澳洲白人討厭亞裔不意外啊

sampsonlu91906/29 10:17而且Bogut還斯拉夫裔的耶

TonyYo 06/29 10:47XDDD 笑得你心裡發寒

cidcheng 06/29 11:35small detail www

ken812025 06/29 12:18白人青少年問題很嚴重阿 偏偏又特別保護青少年

ZZZZ9999 06/29 12:48講Bogut的先搞清楚發什麼事好嗎XD

yuran 06/29 14:44傻傻的 小屁孩才是贏家

f77928 06/30 05:17垃圾話大師