[花邊] Alex Caruso為了閉門比賽沒參加姊姊婚禮

看板NBA標題[花邊] Alex Caruso為了閉門比賽沒參加姊姊婚禮作者
時間推噓28 推:30 噓:2 →:18

來源: FadeAwayWorld

Alex Caruso Skipped His Sister’s Wedding To Compete In The Bubble While Lou
Williams Was Caught At A Strip Club
Alex Caruso因為要待在奧蘭多打閉門比賽沒去參加姐姐婚禮 Lou Williams被拍到去脫衣舞店

With the NBA restart officially underway in Orlando, it will be interesting
to see how far each team gets in the race for the title.

With so many new and unique factors playing into how this will all unfold, it’s really anyone’s guess as to how it will end.

At the very least, it’s fair to say that teams with the most drive and
resolve will be the ones to make it to the Finals.

And, in a half-joking manner, one Twitter user noted an interesting
comparison between Lakers guard Alex Caruso and Clippers star Lou Williams.
有個推特鄉民以半開玩笑的方式比較了湖人後衛Alex Caruso跟快艇明星Lou Williams。

It has been reported that Caruso literally skipped out on his sister’s
wedding so that he can stay and compete in the bubble. And while Lou
originally left for a family tragedy, he was spotted at a Strip Club later,
where he said he was just going to “pick up food.”
已經有報導說Caruso沒去參加他姊姊的婚禮,好待在奧蘭多比賽。而Lou Williams一開始因為家庭事故離開奧蘭多,但是之後卻被發現出現在脫衣舞店,然後他說他去脫衣舞店是"拿食物"(Pick up food)。

"Alex Caruso skipped his own sister’s wedding to stay & compete in the bubble… Lou Williams really left for some ass at a strip club
Ya, Lakers in 4."
「Alex Caruso為了待在閉門比賽沒去參加他自己姊姊的婚禮....Lou Williams則是去脫衣舞店為了看屁股。
「耶! 湖人4號! (Caruso號碼)。」
(感謝大家建議 Lakers in 4也有4-0的意思)

To Williams’ credit, a family emergency definitely trumps a wedding in terms
of importance but still, the point remains the same: players need to take therules of the bubble seriously.

Breaking quarantine rules for food, or fun, or women, is a detriment to the
team and their chances of winning. Caruso seems to have the right idea about



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※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 07/27/2020 10:44:08

s29961091 07/27 10:44反觀

dwiee 07/27 10:45反觀

handsomehank07/27 10:45長老:看我幹嘛

XperiaArcS 07/27 10:47反觀

ahadears 07/27 10:49魯長老:抗議!台灣的翻譯錯誤,我不是去看屁股的

ciafbi007 07/27 10:53聰明白人

amox 07/27 10:59lakers in 4 還有弦外之音吧

a28200266 07/27 11:00魯長老:我只是去吃雞翅 雞翅!

cp3bg32 07/27 11:05Lakers in 4 是說湖人4-0 快艇 也就是在反串酸湖

sa13961387 07/27 11:05美國人日常吧

TonyYo 07/27 11:08反觀

MattiaPasini07/27 11:09魯長老:路過妓院剛好肚子餓進去吃個飯不行膩?

kuaiphoto 07/27 11:09laker in 4是雙關啦

謝謝大家建議 我補上去

※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 07/27/2020 11:10:47

TonyYo 07/27 11:10雖然會被說歧視,但白人真的普遍比較有sense..

a11011788 07/27 11:16只能推反觀

PeterHenson 07/27 11:17反觀有個用弔喪去開趴的

jack1993199307/27 11:20美國都很僥倖心理 哪有什麼白人比較怎樣

jack1993199307/27 11:20黑人Ray Allen不是才發一篇呼籲大家戴口罩

Mezerized 07/27 11:21不會有人說你歧視啦 就是你比較不聰明而已

d62353 07/27 11:23就是變相輪休,大家別在意

youga 07/27 11:25反觀

payton711 07/27 11:47這疫情還敢辦婚禮

JasperLo 07/27 11:57聰明白人

ccs100203 07/27 11:58反觀

ken720331 07/27 12:06反觀

KobeMamba 07/27 12:09反觀

njunju 07/27 12:09錢少的沒敢搞怪啊

blues386 07/27 12:15反觀

Krishna 07/27 12:28還外帶喔?太過份了

ckt0830 07/27 12:33美國那個疫情還敢辦婚禮也是很厲害

cloki 07/27 13:59大概是花了不少錢預約不辦會血虧

Dorae5566 07/27 14:08美國人根本不在乎疫情好嗎...

corlos 07/27 14:08美國人根本就覺得小感冒而已 -.- 不覺得有多panic

kagawcw 07/27 14:20反觀

Luvsic 07/27 14:23白人一堆雷的= = 尤其之前相信川普說詞的白人一堆死

Luvsic 07/27 14:23也不戴

kingroy 07/27 14:59禿曼巴是少林派的就對了

GGiider 07/27 16:37哪有人來妓院只吃東西的(咦?

rebuildModel07/27 17:20沒參加沒關係,包個千萬紅包就好了

yinwi 07/27 17:46說真的有人覺得湖人打得贏快艇嗎 沒人可以阻止快艇

yinwi 07/27 17:46總冠軍的,看來看去只有公鹿稍微能打,去脫衣舞休

yinwi 07/27 17:46息一下錯了嗎?反正早晚總冠軍的

Joey1999 07/27 18:31阿你就覺得快艇一定打得贏湖人?

CornyDragon 07/27 19:13反觀

rony98 07/27 19:16本來想誇一下他 但姐姐這時候辦婚禮...

yesido330 07/27 19:39反觀

yeustream 07/28 04:48某樓看不到歐美一堆白人在雷,你真的有歧視沒錯

billy830922 07/28 10:16反觀

ks96021019 07/28 10:58反觀

iloveben75 07/28 17:07反觀