Re: [花邊] PG:我欠球隊一座總冠軍獎盃,想和Leonard

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※ 引述《fack3170 (法克)》之銘言:
: PG:我欠球隊一座總冠軍獎盃,想和Leonard長期合作

: 虎撲12月11日訊 根據之前的報導,Paul George4年1.9億美元提前頂薪續約快艇。隨後Pa: ul George接受了媒體採訪。
: George表示,他下賽季的重點不是去回擊質疑者,而是向隊友和球隊證明他的“可靠”。: “我欠球隊一座總冠軍獎杯,這就是我欠這支球隊的東西。”
: “我對我自己以及這支球隊充滿信心,我喜歡在這裡,我喜歡這一年球隊建立起的東西。: 最終,我希望可以在這裡成為傳奇,留下自己的印記。”
: “我的家人是我決定續約的最大因素,這讓我的家人過得輕鬆,實現了我兒時的夢想。”: “我想在這份合同的剩餘時間內都能與Leonard合作,但這是他的決定。”
: 我要為溜馬、雷霆拿一座冠軍獎盃!


Paul George Made Huge Promises On The Indiana Pacers, OKC Thunder And LA
Clippers: ‘I Never Want To Leave Indy… I’m Here To Stay In OKC… I Want To
Retire A Clipper.’

PG在溜馬 在雷霆以及快艇都做出重大承諾:"我從沒想過離開印城" "我想留在OKC"


Paul George seems to be very willing to make big promises in every team he
plays for in the NBA. The swingman has made bold claims in each of his prior
two franchises and nothing has changed with the Clippers. He knows the team
failed to deliver last season and they want to make things up for fans but PGhas taken things to the next level, showing his commitment to the team ahead
of the 2020/21 NBA season.

PG似乎很喜歡為每一支他待過的球隊許下重大承諾 快艇也不例外


但PG把境界提高到更高層次 趕在20/21球季開季前表達他對球隊的承諾

Back in 2017, months before the Indiana Pacers sent him to Oklahoma City,
George stated that he ‘never wants to leave Indy’. A couple of months
later, after finding out the team didn’t have the same ambition he had, PG
decided to request a trade.


PG說:他從來沒想過要離開印地安那 但幾個月後就喊吹密惹

He landed in Oklahoma City, where he played with Carmelo Anthony (for a brieftime) and Russell Westbrook. After Melo left the team, George stayed with
Brodie and he once again promised he wasn’t going anywhere.

來到雷霆後 他跟甜瓜和西河一起打球

甜瓜離隊後 他再次承諾他哪裡都不想去

“I’m here to stay,” George said in 2018 while at a private party in
Oklahoma City.

"我要待在這" PG說

Last year, he was shipped to Los Angeles Clippers to team up with Kawhi
Leonard and the promising team they had in LA. Flash forward, we find out
that PG once again made a huge promise to one team. This time he claimed he
wants to retire as a Clipper.


大家發現他再次給了重大的承諾 這次他聲稱要在快艇隊退休

“I want to retire a Clipper.”


“This is where my heart is and I’m happy,” he said on Friday, via Beth

這裡就是我心歸屬之處 我很快樂

“I’m my toughest critic,” he said. “I know what’s not good, what’s
unacceptable. Last year was an unacceptable year for me. I know that.”

我會嚴格批判我自己 我知道我的表現不夠好 我很清楚去年的結果是不被接受的

Every time he’s said things like this, PG has been shipped to a different
team. It happened in Indiana, then in Oklahoma City and if the Clippers don’
t have a deep playoff run this season, it can happen in Los Angeles, too.

He’s confident that the team can get a lot better than last year, but only
time will tell if he was right.

每次他說完類似的話後 他就到了新的隊伍 先是溜馬 再來是雷霆

而如果快艇在本賽季無法拿出夠好的季後賽表現 誰也不能保證這件事不會再發生




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asd860079 12/11 09:21the 放羊

jkduke 12/11 09:22續約 匹配 鬍子薪資 順便延長掌控時間 準備交易囉~

RadioMan 12/11 09:22放羊的孩子

tj2061 12/11 09:24"I'm here to stay"

tj2061 12/11 09:24"Where"

tj2061 12/11 09:24"USA"

roger262390012/11 09:24所以PG話要反著看嗎XD

Hohenzollern12/11 09:27PG做人太輕諾寡信 2018暑假自拍微電影表達續留

Hohenzollern12/11 09:282019暑假可愛找他組團 立刻要球隊交易他

syrctiger 12/11 09:40人稱放羊喬治

frank47147 12/11 09:40對他來說每一年都能吹密轉隊 還有多久合約沒差

laipyn 12/11 09:47一輩子被LBJ打爛的咖

ra19850304 12/11 09:48嘴炮王,拿出實際行動比較實在

hankchang29 12/11 09:55和Leonard長期合作..就是久久拿不到冠軍的意思

LaoDa581556612/11 09:574F XDDDDDD

kuria610478 12/11 10:02跟渣男有87%像

wahaha303 12/11 10:05這咖的信用已經破產了

tony1768 12/11 10:08快賣了嗎一直喊話

solarwind 12/11 10:17在雷霆也是先簽下去才喊trade me

aheartcool 12/11 10:19說說喬

on32 12/11 10:23五年風險高

leg0125 12/11 10:25靠這招已經兩張頂薪而且從印地安納刷到洛杉磯了 真

leg0125 12/11 10:25的超猛

yellowboy 12/11 10:33哈登要來了嗎

ahsoo 12/11 10:58可愛: trade me

pippen2002 12/11 11:02受過大傷...算了

orion199183012/11 12:34真正的三姓家奴

asher02 12/11 12:37超酸XD

sh58702e 12/11 12:47怕被交易啦

somanyee 12/11 13:21pg 騙感情一定是高手

walter74122512/11 13:44簽五年感覺交易難度變高了

fegat 12/11 15:08騙了OKC跟LAC兩張頂薪 真爽

coffee112 12/11 15:25呵呵 = =

YUIJIN 12/11 18:3394個渣男