[討論] 病毒相關-12/24

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D'Angelo Russell not starting due to delay in COVID-19 testing

Jon Krawczynski: Clarifying: D’Angelo Russell was not able to start shootaround




James Harden fined $50,000 for violating NBA's health and safety protocols
Shams Charania: Rockets’ James Harden has been fined $50,000 for violating NBA?



Shams Charania: James Harden violated the NBA’s health and safety protocols when he attended a private indoor party on Monday. League protocols, among other things, prohibit attending indoor social gatherings of 15 or more people or entering bars, lounges, clubs or similar establishments.


ames Harden unavailable tonight due to violation of health and safety protocolsShams Charania: James Harden is unavailable due to a violation of the health and safety Protocols, NBA says. Three Rockets have returned positive or inconclusive coronavirus tests. Four others are quarantined due to contact tracing.



James Harden told NBA investigators he followed COVID-19 protocol during night out
Ramona Shelburne: Harden has told NBA investigators he believed he was in compliance with NBA health and safety protocols, according to a source close to the situation.
4 hours ago – via Twitter ramonashelburne

Ramona Shelburne: Harden has told the league that he attended a seated dinner for a friend who’d recently been promoted at work, according to the source.

Ramona Shelburne: Harden has told the league he took a photo with his friend, when he gave her a gift. Harden also claimed he left after approximately 30 minutes, and did not continue on with the group, which went to other locations later in the night.





2 hours ago – via Twitter SmithRaps

Doug Smith: There was an inconclusive test for someone in Norm Powell’s circle of friends/family, Nick Nurse just told us. It has been resolved and Powell is cleared to play tonight



Kenyon Martin Jr. the cause COVID-19 contact tracing with Rockets
Adrian Wojnarowski: The Rockets contact tracing is connected to testing on rookie KJ Martin, sources tell ESPN. Martin is on team injury report now as “not with team, self isolating.”



譯:按照安全協定 跟他有交集過的也不能上場。即使陰性也有潛伏期。

像表弟與Wall就陰性,但按照規定他要等KMJ 隔離完2陰或是他自己3天後2陰

Adrian Wojnarowski: There was a group of Houston players — including Martin, John Wall, DeMarcus Cousins — away from the facility at an apartment getting haircuts, sources said. That’s led to the contact tracing on Wall and Cousins as team awaits more testing results on Martin, sources said.

KMJ跟Wall 還有表弟一同外出


Ben McLemore not the Rockets player with new positive COVID-19 test
Adrian Wojnarowski: As Rockets disclosed yesterday, Ben McLemore is in self-isolation and out for tonight’s game vs. OKC. McLemore tested positive for the coronavirus days ago, sources said, and has been in isolation. He isn’t the teammate whose positive test initiated contact tracing today on team.


譯: 簡單整理 ,一開始以為是哈登,但哈登陰性,他禁賽但沒有害到其他人;然後以為是McL,但他好好隔離著。然後是新秀Jaesean Tate 但也被排除、最後發現Wall跟表弟禁止出賽。得證雷包是KMJ



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peter89000 12/24 09:56火箭也太多人中了吧

ksk0516 12/24 09:58鬍子好快

kkb512sk 12/24 10:00現在是抓戰犯就是了?平常球員互動也變成傳染途徑厲

kkb512sk 12/24 10:00害了,乾脆直接弄泡泡圈好了

laptic 12/24 10:00現在是在抓元凶嗎...

hank13241 12/24 10:00在玩狼人殺

lickllll 12/24 10:01鬍子好強,30分鐘摸個大屁股就閃

lickllll 12/24 10:01還沒中獎

EZ78 12/24 10:02美國的狀況就算遵守防疫中獎機率還是不低啦 沒啥好

EZ78 12/24 10:02雷包的

MrDK 12/24 10:02KMJ據說只是去剪個頭髮就中了?

O10lOl01O 12/24 10:03這病毒就是在殺那些愛社交活動的阿

knight714 12/24 10:05美國那確診人數…

takechance 12/24 10:05現在有傳染力更強的,不覺得NBA能防禦住

nctudaniel 12/24 10:06搞的這麼麻煩 要不要就取消賽季呀..

emptie 12/24 10:07NBA的態度還不錯,但能不能撐過去不曉得

runawayyu 12/24 10:09鬍子是社交活動還是射交活動?

shing529 12/24 10:12不過DLO今天有上

gigiii1134 12/24 10:16火箭是玩人狼殺膩

ej6shit 12/24 10:16DLO有上場呀

ripmelo 12/24 10:16美國有規定不能任意公布患者資訊,只有球員自己出來

ripmelo 12/24 10:16講才知道到底是誰中獎了

elvita 12/24 10:17這些人真是...倒時又被關回泡泡就知道了


※ 編輯: azlbf ( 臺灣), 12/24/2020 10:21:18

vgil 12/24 10:21鬍子自帶抗體喔 怎樣玩都沒事

MrDK 12/24 10:23鬍子確診過了 抵抗力會比較好...哈哈

amo0717 12/24 10:23導致今天沒有準時出席吧

amo0717 12/24 10:23你少打了

roger262390012/24 10:25鬍子爽完都沒中喔?

laipyn 12/24 10:29鬍子這咖到底什麼時候才學乖

JALAL 12/24 10:33一起去剪頭髮也不行?

tyrone0923 12/24 10:37就是因為搞這麼麻煩,才能說服各地州政府順利開打,

tyrone0923 12/24 10:37嫌麻煩的只出一張嘴,不想看就不要看

MrDK 12/24 10:38好像不是一起去剪頭髮? 感覺是剪完頭髮跟其他人接觸

h916041 12/24 10:39鬍子:不交易我,我夜生活就一直衝,衝到你受不了~

MrDK 12/24 10:42衝到後面鬍子等於今年薪水全泡湯 老闆最開心吧

darren2586 12/24 10:441:延遲導致準時出席?

larson 12/24 10:51鬍子想要球隊賣他,但目前他的舉動只會讓賣相更差啊

leffyiscome 12/24 10:54火箭在玩現實among us?

ghostxx 12/24 11:12球員的健康關係到成百上千家庭的生計,繼續開趴吧

david119327 12/24 11:19笑死 哈登禁自己的賽 到底乾他屁事xD ?

david119327 12/24 11:20講得好像不能打是因為他 啊酸民不是說火箭不用哈登

david119327 12/24 11:20 他不上鬍酸應該很爽才對啊

ckshchen 12/24 11:47KMJ: KiMoJi~~~

WILLY955230 12/24 11:54不是一起去剪頭髮不行,而是有接觸感染者,所以都要

WILLY955230 12/24 11:54隔離

jitaomef 12/24 11:58第一點的中文翻譯?

a22234798 12/24 14:50第一點應該翻錯了