[花邊] Wall說他曾可能因為感染失去他的腳

看板NBA標題[花邊] Wall說他曾可能因為感染失去他的腳作者
時間推噓31 推:31 噓:0 →:17


Houston Rockets guard John Wall divulged Thursday that there was concern about him losing his foot due to infections while rehabbing from a torn Achilles.

Wall described the situation during an interview with Shams Charania of Stadium and The Athletic (beginning at the four-minute mark):

Wall said he dealt with "three or four" different infections and that it got to the point of "are you gonna have to cut your foot off or not."

The 30-year-old veteran missed the entire 2019-20 season due to the injury and was subsequently traded from the Washington Wizards to the Rockets this offseason for Russell Westbrook.

Washington made Wall the No. 1 overall pick in the 2010 NBA draft, and he wasamong the best point guards in basketball during his time with the Wizards.

Wall was a five-time All-Star and one-time NBA All-Defensive Team selection who averaged 19.0 points, 9.2 assists, 4.3 rebounds and 1.7 steals per game in 573 regular-season appearances for the Wiz.

He has yet to appear in a game for the Rockets this season due to COVID-19 contact tracing, but he is set to make his Rockets debut Thursday night against the Sacramento Kings.

The Rockets are off to an 0-2 start, but with Wall and DeMarcus Cousins joining forces with 2018 NBA MVP James Harden, Christian Wood and others, Houston has a chance to make some noise in the Western Conference.

When Wall takes the court Thursday, it will mark his first NBA regular-seasongame since Dec. 26, 2018, and his first NBA game with a team other than the Wizards.

He will look to help Houston pick up its first win of the season and hand thesurprising 3-1 Kings just their second defeat of the campaign.



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bobon0921 01/03 12:03復健變成感染?

josephpu 01/03 12:05術後的感染吧

gn00945822 01/03 12:05好慘 能回來真幸運

PoLiao 01/03 12:07Grant Hill表示

aaa40303 01/03 12:08手術後都有感染風險

heavensun 01/03 12:11他短期連動兩次 感染風險更大


lws0527 01/03 12:11蠻希望火箭能打出一番東西的

mhkt 01/03 12:16我記得好像是動第二次刀 就有感染跡象……

mhkt 01/03 12:17要不是約翰牆撐住著危險期

sunnydragon701/03 12:17術後感染的風險

※ 編輯: ckurryobe ( 臺灣), 01/03/2021 12:19:01

hasn8620 01/03 12:23難怪爆哭

ESTARRIOL 01/03 12:24運動員要截肢,光用想的就很痛苦

gp03dan 01/03 12:27加油

steven0515 01/03 12:47不只運動員截肢會想哭 任何人截肢都會想死吧

Gibye5566 01/03 12:48能回來打球一定很感動

a92005712d 01/03 12:50推牆哥

heavensun 01/03 12:50前一次好像是 左腳肌腱鈣化

mhkt 01/03 12:51阿基里斯腱那刀啦 術後感染

micbrimac 01/03 13:02乾 這樣我更不敢手術了...

mhkt 01/03 13:05常見感染就是怕引發敗血症 所以手術風險就是這麼

mhkt 01/03 13:05

nuturewind 01/03 13:05這種通常是蜂窩性組織炎吧,很可怕

nuturewind 01/03 13:07 剛開完ACL刀又看到

nuturewind 01/03 13:07牆哥講這個真的會怕


spring719 01/03 13:13樓上加油

mhkt 01/03 13:14自然大你開刀0.0

※ 編輯: ckurryobe ( 臺灣), 01/03/2021 13:19:28

PTTfaggot 01/03 13:23QQ

nuturewind 01/03 13:28ACL跟半月板啊,要慢慢復健

mhkt 01/03 13:29這要休養一段時間了……

mhkt 01/03 13:29要一年了喔

nuturewind 01/03 13:32半年前道路坑洞的交通事故受傷,拖到跨年前工作有空

nuturewind 01/03 13:32檔才能開,感謝關心啦,至少之後還是能有機會回到正

nuturewind 01/03 13:32常狀態

crownschou 01/03 13:38保重 早日康復

h760108 01/03 13:48現在還能回歸根本奇蹟了

CaTkinGG 01/03 13:49很珍惜打球的機會啊

ninaman 01/03 14:06保重,希望早日康復,也恭喜牆哥回到NBA賽場了

t3031476057 01/03 14:40

mark11422 01/03 15:41加油!

TheoEpstein 01/03 16:07自然風請多保重,祝早日康復

william12tw 01/03 16:27加油

Nuey 01/03 16:58我之前開半月版術後一星期就感染 多躺了一個月==

Nuey 01/03 16:59自然大不用自己嚇自己啦

HaHaPoint 01/03 20:39牆角

boss8792252201/03 20:53牆哥加油

zapion 01/03 23:47grant hill記得也是感染QQ

sunnydragon701/04 07:29wall是膝蓋開刀完復健,然後在浴室滑倒換開阿基里

sunnydragon701/04 07:29