[外絮] 熱火需要三巨頭與籃網三巨頭抗衡

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The Brooklyn Nets shook the basketball world by trading for James Harden, pa
iring up the reigning scoring champion with Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving (e
ventually). To keep pace, theMiami Heatshould look to swing a big trade, t
oo, andBradley Bealof the Washington Wizards should be the prime target.

布魯克林籃網用一筆巨型交易得到了James Harden轟動了整個籃球界,超級得分手Kevi
n Durant和Harden在籃網重聚Kyrie Irving也在陣中。

為了跟上這樣的步伐,熱火應該選擇也做出大宗的交易,華盛頓巫師的Bradley Beal就

There’s chemistry to be made with Brooklyn’s new big three, as well as som
e gaps in the rest of their roster, namely at the center spot. But if the Ne
ts play their cards right, they can be unstoppable.


Head coach Steve Nash canstagger his rotationsso that two the greatest off
ensive weapons in recent memory can always be on the floor for 48 minutes.

主教練Steve Nash什最近在進攻端上的使用就很得體,聯盟最強的進攻武器能夠48分鐘

The Heat, meanwhile, don’t have much of a reason to feel all that giddy. Th
ey don’t look like the same team that took the league by surprise last seas
on.Miami’s offense is less crisp, committing 17.8 turnovers per game – wh
ich ties for the most in the league – and ranking 22nd in offensive rating.
The Heat’s death-by-3-pointers-and-off-ball movement attack isn’t as leth
al as it was last year.



It hasn’t helped that Jimmy Butler is off to a horrid start to this season.
Miami’s go-to player is averaging a mere 15.8 points per game. Even though
his slump isn’t a major cause for concern, Miami’s offensive prowess decl
ining is.

Jimmy Butler本賽季開局糟糕,主力球員平均每場只有15.8分。儘管他的低迷主要是因

The Miami Heat’s defense is in the middle of the pack right now, posting a
109.8 defensive rating that ranks 17th in the league. The defense certainly
won’t be good enough to take down the Nets at full strength. Miami doesn’t
have enough individual defenders to dole out one to each Brooklyn star and
a zone defense likely won’t be effective against a team with so many knockd
own shooters.



Swinging a trade for improved defenders would likely snip off some of Miami’
s offense. Last season, Miami traded an injured Justise Winslow to the Memph
is Grizzlies for Jae Crowder and Andre Iguodala. Having a young talent avail
able helped them bolster their defense without sacrificing their offense. Cr
owder, in fact, helped Miami’s offense with his lights-out 3-point shooting

e Winslow去到灰熊,換回了Jae Crowder、Andre Iguodala。


Miami may not have the chance to make a trade like that. Rookie of the Year
nominee Kendrick Nunn has fallen out of the Heat’s rotation, so he may be a
vailable for trade. But the 25-year-old guard might not bring back anything
of serious value.

熱火或許並沒有做出那樣交易的機會,新秀Kendrick Nunn已經掉出了輪換陣容,所以他可能是可以放進交易名單的,但是25歲的年齡讓他帶不回什麼交易價值。

Moving Tyler Herro, Duncan Robinson and/or Goran Dragic may net valuable def
ensive reinforcements. But it may also devalue Miami’s offense by an unheal
thy amount. Floor spacers are crucial to Butler and Bam Adebayo, whose offen
sive diets consist almost exclusively of shots inside the arc and therefore
require space to operate.

交易送走Tyler Herro, Duncan Robinson或者Goran Dragic或許會讓熱火的防守端情況


The best chance the Miami Heat have to compete at a higher level is to acqui
re another star. The most realistic chance they have at doing that may be pr
ying away Bradley Beal from the Wizards.


Let’s analyze why Beal would fit with the Heat.


1. Bradley Beal has unreal scoring abilities

一、Bradley Beal是一位現象級的得分手

Beal has long been speculated as a trade target,including for Miami.The 27
-year-old All-Star is the league’s leading scorer at the moment, scoring 34
.9 points per game. His scoring abilities are as well rounded as they come.
He’s one of the most efficient scorers in the game out ofisolationbecause
he can score anywhere in any way.


His sky-high volume – a league-high 24.5 field goal attempts per game -does
n’t cripple his efficiency in the slightest. He is posting a true shooting
percentage of 60.8 percent, the highest of his career. His per-game attempts
, per-game makes and percentages in field goals and free throws are all care
er highs, as are his rebounds per game. He’s averaging 2.4 3-pointers per g
ame on 37.5 percent shooting from deep.



A trio of Butler, Adebayo and Beal would wreak havoc on the league.Beal’s
fit alongside Adebayo, in particular, would be terrific. Their pick-and-roll
s would be lethal – Beal scores the sixth-mostpoints per game in pick-and-
roll situations as the ball handler. Adebayo scores the third-most points pe
r game as the roller. Miami loves running dribble hand-offs with Adebayo and
sharpshooters. Beal would feast off of those looks.

Beal和Butler、Adebayo可以組成鐵三角,他們足夠在聯盟引發風暴。 尤其是Beal和Ad



Bradley Beal would also be useful off the ball as an adequate floor spacer.
He shoots 42.4 percent on catch-and-shoot threes. His defense isn’t great,
but he isn’t bad enough to be played off the floor.


Given Beal’s abilities, working Beal into Miami’s system shouldn’t be a c
hallenge. What will be challenging, however, is getting him to Miami in the
first place. That would require the Wizards to begrudgingly hit the reset bu


2. The Washington Wizards are in need of a rebuild


The 2020-21 season couldn’t be going worse for the Wizards. As they navigat
e an influx ofCOVID-19 cases, on-court issues are the least of their concer
ns at the moment. But there are still plenty of them. Westbrook is 1-6 as a
Wizard and is now dealing with aquad injurythat could sideline him for wee
ks. The team is 3-8 overall and didn’t look like a playoff team when Westbr
ook was healthy.

2020-21賽季的巫師真的很糟糕,開局很差。 巫師雖然也遭受著疫情的影響,但是他們


The Wizards are more in need of rebuilding than they would like to admit. Tr
ading Beal, who would net a handsome collection of assets, is the first step
in doing so. A trade package that would get Beal to Miami would likely incl
ude the following:

巫師現在很需要重建,他們也願意承認這一點。 交易Beal,將會收穫可觀的資產,這有利於他們重建的第一步。 將Beal帶來到邁阿密的交易方案如下:

Kelly Olynyk and Andre Iguodala, whose contracts make the trade financially
Kelly Olynyk、Andre Iguodala可以作為薪水配平的成員

Tyler Herro, Precious Achiuwa, Kendrick Nunn and KZ Okpala as the assets of
(varying) value

Tyler Herro, Precious Achiuwa, Kendrick Nunn and KZ Okpala作為有形資產。

Washington may be interested in Duncan Robinson, but at almost 27 years of a
ge, he doesn’t fit on a team looking to build from the ground up. Miami is
devoid of any valuable draft picks, so perhaps a third team would need to ge
t involved.

巫師或許還會感興趣Duncan Robinson,但是他已經快27歲了,他並不適合想要重建的球隊,熱火要避免出掉未來選秀權或許需要拉上第三方球隊加入到交易中 。

Miami’s path to title contention got tougher when Durant became healthy and
is now even difficult now that Durant and Irving are about to be joined by
James Harden. Acquiring Beal to play alongside Butler and Adebayo would incr
ease the Heat’s chances of returning to the Finals. It’s time for the Miam
i Heat to construct a new Big 3.




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Aggro 01/18 22:10阿舍哥這麼大噢O_o

zehow 01/18 22:11Beal的價值熱火根本換不到吧

a11011788 01/18 22:11沒巨頭換了 叫你歐印哈登不趕快

kooyoo1144 01/18 22:12LBJ WADE BOSH幾冠

x851221 01/18 22:12一直以為阿舍是新秀欸

alittleghost01/18 22:12有哈登那包不換,現在才在擔心進不了季後賽

ewc024 01/18 22:13火火進退兩難了 交易Beal只會讓陣容缺陷更明顯

lanver1220 01/18 22:13新秀跟年紀,也有大齡新秀不衝突呀

lanver1220 01/18 22:14熱火不是很愛鐵的防守,選了Beal能防守嗎??

iamchyun 01/18 22:15傻傻的 交易ki來 讓天元網三巨頭解散 順便讓東區其

iamchyun 01/18 22:15他隊瑟瑟發抖

GianniC 01/18 22:15熱火是贏幾場???

rodes 01/18 22:15鬍子包 把英雄吹上天 現在會急了厚~~~

kobe30418 01/18 22:15熱火現在雙星在幹嘛我也是看不懂

ARCHER2234 01/18 22:15

a3358826 01/18 22:15熱火需要防守好的側翼

kobe30418 01/18 22:15今年頂多二輪

dwiee 01/18 22:16不換鬍子跑去換Beal? 怪怪的

rodes 01/18 22:16繼續這樣打下去 士官長要生氣了~~

mrporing 01/18 22:16當初要換你不換,現在病急亂投醫

vinc4320 01/18 22:16但是熱火這個三巨頭 組起來 好像也沒很強

vinc4320 01/18 22:17而且當初這一包配上選秀明明可以換登登

loserfeizie 01/18 22:17beal比鬍子便宜啊

leon82guy 01/18 22:17熱火這三個感覺星度不夠阿,籃網三個是SSA,熱火感

leon82guy 01/18 22:17覺是AAA

alittleghost01/18 22:17巫師要超車了

dwiee 01/18 22:18便宜且年輕阿 但有沒有比較強就不知道了

alittleghost01/18 22:18哈登那包說人家搶劫,明明是送大禮自己不要

YeSerD 01/18 22:19not 1 not 2 not 3...

onetooneya 01/18 22:20Beal有無球技能包 跟阿爹比較好搭

aegis43210 01/18 22:21但哈登也能打無球,只是有些浪費

heavensun 01/18 22:21Beal得分比熱火小醬強很多 進攻大升級

sowenvoy 01/18 22:23Beal 要是真喊吹蜜,我看熱火也沒什麼機會。

fack3170 01/18 22:25熱火恐怕沒季後賽

f22313467 01/18 22:25能抗衡的只有LCD了

heavensun 01/18 22:25哈登有和JB搶老大的疑慮吧 萊里可能擔心兩人不能搭

cl3bp6 01/18 22:26已經有撥湯了 巫師不會要上將吧 要組投石車大隊喔

heavensun 01/18 22:26籃網KD和哈登是朋友 而且比哈登強 沒氣氛問題

alittleghost01/18 22:27巫師跟熱火要黃金交叉了,誰要跟你換

x851221 01/18 22:27等一下就重磅交易 LBJ去熱火 wade bosh復出

FAYeeeeeeee 01/18 22:27熱火上季也不過第五

FAYeeeeeeee 01/18 22:28季後能打進總冠是他們最好的招募吸引力

drang329 01/18 22:28只出英雄了話 去問馬刺DDR要不要賣好了

max52001 01/18 22:28熱火本來等明年組雙巨頭拉 但看到天網降世 有點急惹

dwiee 01/18 22:29明年也沒大咖可以組了阿 剩可愛而已

dwiee 01/18 22:30今年

alittleghost01/18 22:31這季直接坦了吧,選秀大年欸

rodes 01/18 22:32明年基本大咖都確定了吧

rodes 01/18 22:32可愛應該是不至於會跑掉

NightElf 01/18 22:32是不是沒把天空鹿放在眼裡

max52001 01/18 22:32啊對是今年 下個賽季 熱火有空間撈不到巨頭就虧了

heavensun 01/18 22:34KL 洛杉磯 商業利益大 不太可能跑走

sunnydragon701/18 22:34剩可愛,其他都綁了

ODFans 01/18 22:34熱火今年根本沒本錢坦 籤都給雷霆了 還沒保護

oklagg 01/18 22:36那Ki給熱火吧

ignativs 01/18 22:38媒體炒的,熱火每次都有傳聞,但是都沒交易

noahlin 01/18 22:38熱火怎麼可能坦 全員到齊季後賽還是沒問題啦

josemora 01/18 22:38熱火和雙白前些日子不是被吹很高嗎 笑死

josemora 01/18 22:39熱火坦是爽到其他隊.....

rodes 01/18 22:41就把自己新秀當寶阿 .........

rodes 01/18 22:41鬍子那包 看到快笑死

rodes 01/18 22:41連英雄都可以當主菜吹

uuuuOPuff 01/18 22:42這算什麼三巨頭...= =

rodes 01/18 22:42談到後面發現火箭根本不鳥 在說可以加個 Robinson

purplebfly 01/18 22:43急什麼籃網不見得會有三巨頭,就算有也是負分倒扣而

purplebfly 01/18 22:43

rodes 01/18 22:44上面說的不錯啦 把這包拿去換KI啦

rodes 01/18 22:44瓦解對方三巨頭

patrickc 01/18 22:44幻想 上賽季成功就不是靠巨頭的 主要紀律跟態度

dannyshan 01/18 22:46三小 有鬍子不換選他?

Leaflock 01/18 22:47熱火這個暑假的窗口不是關閉了嗎?

mrif 01/18 22:47籃網三巨頭成不成立都還是個問題 還太早

special3070801/18 22:55哪來的三個人啊 是不是不會算數啊

tsai529 01/18 22:58熱火雙白不是未來嗎? 都捨不得換哈登 怎麼突然願意

tsai529 01/18 22:58換beal了?

ms8706616 01/18 22:59熱火 有小AI 這張大爛約 暫時也補不了強!!

alex0936 01/18 23:00XX比雞腿 熱火連個頭都沒有吧....

wwf1588 01/18 23:02今年還有戲嗎?

nimaj 01/18 23:04靠北 這都記者腦補的 結果推文也推的那麼開心

ms8706616 01/18 23:05一切看吉巴回來 帶不帶得起來

nimaj 01/18 23:05熱火擺明就是現狀拼這季了 是在那邊腦補個鬼

Rush0406 01/18 23:07巫師只出Beal換的到熱火雙白嗎 還要貼首輪吧

linearppt 01/18 23:08全出換Beal我看是還差不多,Beal27歲你現在就是享

linearppt 01/18 23:08用他全部的巔峰期。熱火迷不要在對雙白迷之自信啦

trylin 01/18 23:08熱火這幾個巫師應該沒興趣吧

ninaman 01/18 23:09直接跟火箭換Ola吧....

trylin 01/18 23:09沒一個all star潛力的

abcde010710 01/18 23:32沒把阿爹拿出來誰要送Beal給你..

ctw01 01/18 23:32其實我真的挺想看熱火Ola+吉巴的

purestone 01/18 23:39當初真的不該簽來小AI

sd09090 01/18 23:40西河

PatlaborGao 01/18 23:45當初去換哈登還可以減少一個籃網對手 現在換你急了

ts012108 01/18 23:51我有Beal的話 熱火不是阿爹我根本都不太需要

cenwandino 01/18 23:54記者自己腦補的新文 就看幾個推文一直譙熱火不要哈

cenwandino 01/18 23:54登要Beal 好好笑

cenwandino 01/18 23:55根本沒有人急好嗎XDDD

black2453 01/19 00:39前面也一篇熱火透過邁阿密媒體呼籲Beal出來喊吹me

black2453 01/19 00:39還熱火不急勒XD 這季戰績崩成這樣 是要放掉這季了?

pi020412 01/19 01:34先進季後賽吧 最近一堆失誤看得很頭痛

jacky070 01/19 01:56按按鈕正夯

jacky070 01/19 01:58雙白季後賽就是被點名點到炸

retre77 01/19 03:35這樣換也不會強到哪...

sampsonlu91901/19 06:39抓到了 這個記者也可能是熱火側翼xd 未來有ESPN記

sampsonlu91901/19 06:39者提議這個計劃我也不意外

orion199183001/19 07:29等籃網自己氣氛就好

ljk476820 01/19 07:54鬍子跟士官長搭?不敢想像

akatsuki102201/19 09:42突然覺得歐拉其實是個不錯的人選

sky0158 01/19 09:54喔,是喔,我以為熱火要抗衡的是東區十五隊,開季很不

sky0158 01/19 09:54妙,先打入前八再談其他.