[花邊] Haliburton講到小李給的"歡迎來到NBA"時刻

看板NBA標題[花邊] Haliburton講到小李給的"歡迎來到NBA"時刻作者
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來源: Essentially Sports

Tyrese Haliburton Reveals How Damian Lillard Gave Him a ‘Welcome to the NBA
’ Moment
Tyrese Haliburton透露說拓荒Damian Lillard怎樣給了他一個"歡迎來到NBA"時刻

NBA rookies learn their lessons the hard way, and that was the same with
Tyrese Haliburton as well. Playing against NBA athletes for the first time
can be demanding, and Damian Lillard ensured he mesmerized Haliburton with
his shooting arm.
NBA菜鳥球員會在痛苦的過程中學習,國王菜鳥Tyrese Haliburton也是一樣的。第一次面對NBA球員可能會很辛苦,而拓荒Damian Lillard則是用他的投射能力讓Haliburton失魂。

Kings’ Haliburton recently joined JJ Redick’s podcast, where the NBA
veteran asked the rookie to mention if he had encountered any ‘Welcome to
the NBA’ moment thus far. The Iowa State alum couldn’t help but reveal 2
moments that had him scratching his head.
Haliburton最近上JJ Redick的Podcast節目,主持人問他是否最近有遇到那些"歡迎來到NBA"的時刻。這位Iowa州大出身的球員忍不住說了兩個事情讓他只能抓頭皮。

Haliburton narrated the first incident and mentioned how the Kings blew a
comfortable 20-point lead against the Toronto Raptors.

Sacramento ended up losing the game by a double-digit margin and Fred Van
Vleet’s brilliance left the 20-year-old gasping for breath.
最後國王兩位數輸給了暴龍,而暴龍Fred Van Vleet的優異表現讓這位20歲的菜鳥只能喘氣。

Damian Lillard starred in the second incident as it was a classic example of
‘Logo Lillard.’ Here’s how Haliburton put it in his words, “We played the
Trailblazers the other day.
第二個事情是由阿拓Damian Lillard所主演,那就是典型的"Logo小李"。以下就是

“They beat us bad then they played us again and Dame, they told me the
pickup spot was 40 [feet], like pick him up at 40. And he [Lillard] shot it
from half-court and I said, ‘Coach I know you said 40, but he just shot it
from 50.

“I don’t know what you want me to do here.’”

Welcome to the NBA


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nuggets0916 01/21 08:23哈利用索命咒會不會太狠

TomBoHu 01/21 08:33真的不知道能幹嘛

kullan 01/21 08:3650呎外投籃 真的是不知道能幹嘛 沒辦法的

justin1943 01/21 08:38哈利波特

hank13241 01/21 08:38不過本來就不可能從50呎開始防吧

louisxxiii 01/21 08:39就是大學強者進到NBA遇到怪物的經過阿XDDDD

highwayshih 01/21 08:43這個真的沒辦法

linearppt 01/21 08:54大學天之驕子體驗到職業聯賽的那一瞬間真是有意思

linearppt 01/21 08:54,說那個“字母哥持球全速向我衝過來”很有畫面感

wahaha5678 01/21 09:14無解XDD

jonestem 01/21 09:16字母哥那個畫面應該會讓大多數人轉身烙跑吧… 囧rz

lickllll 01/21 09:17教練:我他媽也不知道你在那能做什麼

ChrisPaul03 01/21 09:1750呎外有人投籃 快去抓籃板刷數據

ABA0525 01/21 09:29看到50 不防也是對的

ABA0525 01/21 09:29真的是歡迎光臨NBA

ClownT 01/21 09:35NBA就是一堆怪物組成的阿 大學再強還是要繳學費

XD051 01/21 09:3750呎就在貼防小李這種等級的 等著被過到哭吧

littlebonnie01/21 09:38問華頓是能幹嘛 他球員教練生涯防守都比大學生爛啊

TheoEpstein 01/21 09:45

tailsean 01/21 09:55原來是智將的

e2167471 01/21 09:57歡迎來到霍格華茲

impartial 01/21 09:58字母那個畫面不像在打球,比較像超大隻長臂猿準備衝

impartial 01/21 09:58過來把你吞了

currit 01/21 10:00字母哥全速衝過來 人生跑馬燈會不會亮起來阿

jackyu0810 01/21 10:02看到全盛歐肥衝刺過來的菜鳥不知會想什麼

SlamKai 01/21 10:04菜鳥:忽有龐然大物 拔山倒樹而來 (人生跑馬燈

tailsean 01/21 10:12

tailsean 01/21 10:14找到了,好像就是這球欸XD真的沒在開玩笑的

tailsean 01/21 10:15全速往你身上撞

JTFWAHQ 01/21 10:28字母哥衝過來感覺好可怕

iphone7ss 01/21 10:37站在那邊當背景啊

sky0158 01/21 10:38有點自信,兄弟.你也可以想成,你把小李逼得只能在50

sky0158 01/21 10:38尺外出手啊.

blake1003 01/21 10:39我覺得歐肥全力衝過來 人生跑馬燈一定亮

Alistargod2 01/21 10:42字母這球感覺還好 從罰球線啟動速度沒完全拉到頂

kkb512sk 01/21 10:46JJ可以退休專心做節目

SCLPAL 01/21 10:47哈利波特:豪郩啦,魔法喔 (咦)

lowl99 01/21 11:04華頓球員生涯成績也不怎樣,難怪執教也不怎樣

iamaq18c 01/21 11:26XDDDDDDDDDDDD

oocooc 01/21 12:30全速字母哥,怕

asidy 01/21 12:46小李真屌

jacky070 01/21 13:08沃頓: 你先喝雞湯 我先燒草

vvnbear 01/21 13:31以前Shaq有自己帶球快攻阿!對方後衛直接讓開不守

vvnbear 01/21 13:32那是擦撞也會報廢的畫面,不閃不行

hcwang1126 01/21 14:1135呎還在範圍呢 官方說法