[花邊] 球迷:Doris對於詹姆斯的愛意是OD

看板NBA標題[花邊] 球迷:Doris對於詹姆斯的愛意是OD作者
時間推噓41 推:42 噓:1 →:14


ESPN女記者Doris Burke回答了推特上網友的提問

I like Doris Burke but I hate when she calls Lakers games. Her love for LeBr
on is OD.

我喜歡Doris Burke,不過我討厭當她解說湖人比賽的時候。 她對於詹姆斯的愛意是OD

Well, does I don't know what OD stands for but LeBron James is the greatest
player of his generation and perhaps the greatest player of all time. So I c
an promise you this, when the king is playing, I'm gonna absolutely enjoy it
. My only wish is that you would enjoy it as much as I do

最偉大的球員。 所以我可以向你保證,當他打球的時候,我盡情地享受在其中。 我唯

A few minutes into to the game. And Doris Burke has said LeBron, like 10 tim
es already.

比賽才開始幾分鐘,Doris Burke已經說了大概10遍的Lebron

I am starting to get the feeling that fans believe I'm obsessed with LeBron
James. So you know, there's a point at which people think I was obsessed wit
h the, the size of kawhi's hands, right? Like he's the greatest player of hi
s generation. I can't help it , if he's working, I've gotta talk about him.

我開始感覺到球迷們總認為我迷戀於詹姆斯。 你知道有一段時間,人們認為我癡迷於可愛的手掌大小,對吧?他是他這一代最偉大的球員。 我就是情不自禁,假如他在打球,我還是得談論他。


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theBATMAN56 05/30 11:20milf

p08171110 05/30 11:21所以od是啥

iamchyun 05/30 11:21我就問一句 od到底是什麼?

kosoj6 05/30 11:21OD不就是over dose嗎 滿常見的縮寫

Rabarc 05/30 11:22當然愛 16冠軍賽訪問訪到哭

O10lOl01O 05/30 11:22愛到漫出來

c332008 05/30 11:24Doris臶urke

sky8171014 05/30 11:24Doris臶urke

william8141305/30 11:25原來是 over dose

a3221715 05/30 11:25笑著播

crowley 05/30 11:25爾康4你?!

pighong 05/30 11:26過量

ApAzusa126 05/30 11:27Doris臶urke

dougho 05/30 11:28obsessive disorder?

Brucetk 05/30 11:28Od?我已經跟不上年輕人的用語了嗎

basterds 05/30 11:30可愛的大手手♥

DuoDuokk77 05/30 11:35Oven dishes

icou 05/30 11:36Freddy:

icou 05/30 11:38OD是oral deep吧我想(被拖走)

tupacshkur 05/30 11:43What does OD stand for lah?!

tupacshkur 05/30 11:45Overdose

okichan 05/30 11:48Doris臶urke

CycleEnergy 05/30 11:49Doris臶urke

lpsobig 05/30 11:56Doris至存urke

HaHaPoint 05/30 12:04黑豬肉?

u9596g12 05/30 12:06高級黑豬肉?

TimmyJiang 05/30 12:07MILF

pippen2002 05/30 12:10OD ... Q?

kelvintube 05/30 12:11高級Elva ?

asdfzx 05/30 12:14阿爹 不要

dylancdylanc05/30 12:17外國人也不知道的OD 代表它只是特定族群的用法嗎?

lampajoyoung05/30 12:17OD熱情 好像一把活

dylancdylanc05/30 12:22over drives over draft overdose ...其它 都是OD

Childishan 05/30 12:28and if I OD

Qorqios 05/30 12:29癡迷於可愛的手掌大小>/////<

Childishan 05/30 12:30黑人一定知道OD是哈藥過量 沒有要歧視

※ 編輯: mingonly ( 臺灣), 05/30/2021 12:33:12

Gsun 05/30 12:38Doris,我可以

King5566 05/30 12:49姆斯我不想努力了

iverson0218 05/30 12:56那Poly 呢,那contact呢

nuturewind 05/30 13:13地方媽媽的最愛

stevejack 05/30 13:29原來是手控

cktony 05/30 13:33那個唱火鳥的害我大笑

cktony 05/30 13:35查了一下是 冬天裡的一把火,快笑死

satousei 05/30 13:44不是什麼新詞.....我上個世紀就知道OD,只是比較黑

satousei 05/30 13:44人文化

linqqq007 05/30 13:53還真的沒聽過OD 長知識了

nash3000 05/30 14:07over dose

sweetsmoke 05/30 14:16過量的意思

putto 05/30 15:11over my dead body的簡寫嗎

behati 05/30 15:40overdose

a630522 05/30 15:51還以為是over dick 太屌的意思

aaakuei 05/30 18:03長知識了

BronnyJames 05/30 18:33Over Doris 吧

JerrieRip 05/31 01:53太屌這個解釋太好笑了XDDD

rudy0115 05/31 02:06OverDose 搖滾音樂和嘻哈音樂常用到

rudy0115 05/31 02:06形容用藥過量的失控狀態

Xing97302 05/31 08:34iccu大大 謝謝你精闢的解釋