[外絮] 騎士總經理:對球隊未來感到樂觀

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時間推噓46 推:46 噓:0 →:15


There is a lot of optimism about where we are as a franchise,We tasked ourse
lf with building this thing through the draft and creating a young core of t
alented players. The future is really, really bright. The next step is we ha
ve to supplement that talent.


Koby Altman talked about Drummond.


Altman said: "When we traded for a center that represents the future Jaret A
llen, we were a little nervous. It was open and transparent. We tried to get
him in, but the feeling at the time was different. Not very good. Whether D
rummond plays or not, it is difficult for him to match Allen. We tried to st
art them with either of them or one of the substitutes, but the effect was n
ot very good.


Drummond is an amazing guy. He is in his contract year. I don't want him to
remain in such an awkward position. Because (if he stays with the Cavaliers)
we might not let him play and destroy him. Data, we can't do this to him.


So we reached an agreement with him. If we can't trade him, we will let him
go where we want to go.



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jim12441 05/30 18:15每日樂觀

hank13241 05/30 18:17我也對國王未來感到樂觀,FOX+哈利雙核互補,讚

s66449 05/30 18:18好聚好散

kevin46833 05/30 18:20再抽到一個LBJ就搞定了

joystation 05/30 18:24因為騎士很也會抽狀元

s87995109 05/30 18:25刷首抽

s925407 05/30 18:26不管上場與否都很難搭配是哪招XD

a3221715 05/30 18:27先把非藍圖丟一丟

evangelew 05/30 18:28@@,這是那招,不論上場與否都很難搭配

sacbin 05/30 18:29那幾個後衛看起來都不太適合當核心啊...

yutapon 05/30 18:30性頓看起來天花板低得像樓中樓啊

benboy 05/30 18:31倒是挺好奇會不會買斷love?

hasroten 05/30 18:34看起來就是氣氛阿XD

bbbyes123 05/30 18:43二樓是在反諷嗎

kkl522608 05/30 18:44是時候刷首抽-SSR-CADE

airbear 05/30 18:50持續樂觀

Rosenkreuz 05/30 18:50很會抽是真的

seeyou24 05/30 18:50Love合約還有二年,騎士可用他填薪資空間,買斷不急

bobyacool 05/30 18:55騎士這幾年運氣也不太好 現在還沒抽到可以當基石的

ARCHER2234 05/30 18:56開心籃球

s27052705 05/30 18:58抽到Cade就更樂觀了

sky8171014 05/30 18:59NBA聖文

aegis80728 05/30 19:02每日樂觀

tomlin12128305/30 19:03連活塞和魔術都能輸 樂觀個頭啊

www2967 05/30 19:07愛神那身價沒人敢接手了 買斷除非他願意打折不然..

k7202001 05/30 19:13sex-land連線 未來可期?

s880303 05/30 19:14當抽卡遊戲玩

ajul1230 05/30 19:16美國聖文

AbukumaKai 05/30 19:17能處理掉LOVE會更樂觀

DuoDuokk77 05/30 19:29抽前五應該都沒問題啦

Hohenzollern05/30 19:35騎士GM能力算不錯了 別忘2017暑假沒有多少人想接屎

Hohenzollern05/30 19:35

Hohenzollern05/30 19:37還能補強到昔日明星球員 看到團隊磨合差 又果斷在季

Hohenzollern05/30 19:37中交易掉

s27052705 05/30 19:39Koby是真的不賴啊,看看JA小王子那筆操作真的很讚

s27052705 05/30 19:39,只有抓猛那筆變空氣但那也是沒辦法約太大

u9596g12 05/30 20:05選情越來越樂觀

Hohenzollern05/30 20:09當初裝萌是活塞隊送禮 其實不會太虧

Hohenzollern05/30 20:10季初對騎士的長人陣很有期待感 可惜被當今球風玩死

swingingbear05/30 20:12二樓大概當Walton 空氣吧

ts012108 05/30 20:12全隊只有爆炸頭有防守 慘

ac147963 05/30 20:15我騎今年主要是傷病太嚴重 不然長人陣那時候防守不

ac147963 05/30 20:15錯的

Hsuannn000 05/30 20:22每日樂觀

HotDogCC 05/30 20:31刷首抽魔關羽

ASDF0714 05/30 20:34看抽到啥了

hank13241 05/30 21:09不管誰當教練,我都相信國王能季後賽阿,不過是十

hank13241 05/30 21:09幾季沒實現而已沒什麼

SeanR 05/30 21:25期待我詹45歲回騎士?

flicker36 05/30 21:35等lbj回來退休比較實際

seemoon2000 05/30 21:51他如果說悲觀 我是老闆明天就開除他 這是廢話阿

crishding 05/30 22:12其他隊更樂觀

chris0112 05/30 22:15期待今年神抽 然後找到真正的重建核心

fantastic96 05/30 23:06神抽Cade

YunHung46 05/30 23:38每日正能量 樂觀

Butterdog06 05/30 23:38真的要夠樂觀才能當騎士老闆

hi770418 05/31 01:29推。

Nitricacid 05/31 02:40還好到湖人不上場就能搭配了

Ten6666 05/31 04:02騎士現在就是等神抽

bilibo 05/31 10:39哪一年不樂觀?

EricTao 05/31 14:23很難更爛了 =樂觀