[花邊] 送Lebron一輪遊,球迷:別亂舒服

看板NBA標題[花邊] 送Lebron一輪遊,球迷:別亂舒服作者
(Ashley Grecia)
時間推噓76 推:77 噓:1 →:26

[Post Game Thread] The Phoenix Suns (3-2) defeat the Los Angeles Lakers (2-3
), 115-85, to push LeBron James to the brink of elimination



Ayton actually lowered his FG% tonight. This postseason he is shooting 80.9%
from the field and shot 66.7% tonight. Incredible lol


He's a young player, he's bound to make mistakes in the playoffs


gotta give credits to the Lakers’ interior defense


I'm always gonna be a little salty about not getting Luka, but nobody gives
the Rockets shit for drafting Hakeem over Jordan.Hoping that's the case 20
years from now for Ayton.


Crazy that as good as doncic is, both the suns and the hawks won’t lose any
sleep over skipping him because ayton and trae are so good man


Was losing sleep before Chris Paul came to the Suns. That dude is a game cha
nger. Ayton knows how to play basketball because of him. And knows his expec
tations are much higher than he thought he could go.

CP3來到太陽之前,我還真的睡不著覺,這傢伙是個能改變比賽的人。 Ayton在CP3來了

The suns are a game away from giving lebron's first L in a First-Round Playo
ff series of his entire career


No no, don’t type that out, you know what this man is capable of

別 別,別亂說這種話,你知道辣個男人的能力。

Exactly. Don't jinx it. Bron might just turn the clock 3 years and destroy t
he Suns next 2 games.

確實,不要亂舒服。 Lebron可能會將時光倒流3年,接下來兩場比賽摧毀太陽。

Why did Bron leave the bench with 6 minutes left to go in the game?


If I had seats as good as LeBron for this I wouldn't have left early lol

如果我能有Lebron那麼好的看球的位置,我才不會提前離場呢 哈哈

LeBron's seeing three exits out there. Went for the middle.


he had to make some tacos for Taco Tuesday

他要為Taco Tuesday準備一些玉米卷

Bron going back to locker room to rub AD's groin


He wanted to go catch those Nugs & Blazers Lillard highlights

他想趕上金塊和拓荒者 Lillard的highlights。

To punch a whiteboard like he did in his game 1 loss in 2018.


Who wants to make a bet now that Lebron comes out to the post-game interview
in a sling if they get eliminated?

誰想現在下注? 賭一賭Lebron被淘汰的話,會不會綁著繃帶出席賽後採訪?

He was probably getting measured to have a cast made for his shoulders so it
would be ready in time for the press conference.


Vogel said he was getting treatment.


Lakers injury update for the next game:

Anthony Davis - OUT (Hurt groin)

Dennis Schroder - OUT (Broken jaw)

LeBron James - OUT (Broken fist)





Dennis Schr0der scored as many points as Anthony Davis


I scored the same amount and didn’t brick once


I’m not a Blazers fan at all and I’m still hurting from his historic perfo
rmance going to waste...painful night over on the Pacific coast


Curry had a game or two in the regular season where he put up 45+ only to ca
tch the L. I can’t imagine what that feels like in the playoffs. Much love
to Portland y’all are some great fans over there and you’ve been through a

Curry例行賽也有一兩場比賽,砍下45分還是輸球了。 我無法想像這發生在季後賽是種

Big changes coming for the Lakers regardless of what happens this postseason
. Harrell and Schroeder are both trash. Will be real interesting to see what
they do.


As a non-Lakers fan watching Kuzma this series has been hilarious. I can't b
elieve how hyped up this guy was, and he's been running around this whole se
ries like a chicken with his head cut off.

作為一個非湖人球迷看Kuz這輪系列賽的表現,實在太搞笑了。 我不敢相信這個傢伙為

Couple of things:Embarrassing effort by the Lakers. The first 2 minutes were
the only decent ones lmao.I’m not sure if it’s the ankle or just plain ol
d father time, but LeBron just doesn’t look right to me.Schroder does not d
eserve 100 fucking million. Looking like he didn’t even deserve that 4/84.
Disgusting performance.KCP with zero. Yuck.Kuzma shouldn’t have gotten that
extension. Man’s literally running around, doing nothing.Trezz is just a b
ad signing man imagine paying 19M for an unplayable dude in the playoffs.How
ard would’ve been very useful this series.AD probably isn’t playing next g
ame so I’m not sure if the Lakers can stay alive.The suns were ON FIRE. Hel
l, even Bridges & Johnson were making their shots. Cameron Payne is afucking
beast. Booker showing these “empty stats” haters wrong.If the Lakers are
going to lose then I want to at least see them go down swinging, not like th
is where they’re all afraid to makea fucking move/take a shot. See ya’ll i
n G6.





4、KCP 0分,無語。






的,投籃都不敢出手。 各位,我們G6再見!


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Byourself 06/03 00:13太平洋XDD

uuuuOPuff 06/03 00:16Lebron回休息室幫AD按摩腹股溝去了

samuelass 06/03 00:16深深太平洋翻得真到位 原來國外也有齊迷

awheaton311 06/03 00:17拳頭骨折太靠北了吧

ahinetn123 06/03 00:17滿有趣的XD

Nitricacid 06/03 00:18下巴骨折跟拳頭骨折 XD

tjtcgcha 06/03 00:18LBJ要對德軟使出昇龍拳了

peter199912506/03 00:18時光能倒流嗎QQ想再看2018詹

EZ78 06/03 00:20上不了場(X)教練團不敢用也不會用(O)

sasewill 06/03 00:20假如時光倒流

a20351 06/03 00:22又老又傷就不用想迴光返照了

xo1100 06/03 00:22太陽不選在地人當狀元老闆家會被火燒啦

Tabrisyang 06/03 00:24看到三個通道選中間離開XDDD

live147222 06/03 00:24唉確實老了,不是T1等級的球星了,目前8個系列賽7個

live147222 06/03 00:24人場均30+ 反倒姆斯只有場均22分了,以前都是反過來

live147222 06/03 00:24

vincecarterx06/03 00:25幫AD按摩腹股溝 XDDDD

Kaix2 06/03 00:27拳頭+下巴 我好像看到了畫面

WIGGINS22 06/03 00:29深深太平洋底深深傷心 翻的不錯!!!

UncleGarlic 06/03 00:30按摩腹股溝那畫面真的太甲

CW4 06/03 00:30德軟下巴骨折和姆斯拳頭骨折那條很哭

ooxxman 06/03 00:32國王表示:後悔選MB3

lichi750626 06/03 00:33下一戰基本上關不了門吧,在湖人主場面臨關不了門

lichi750626 06/03 00:33就搶七的壓力,太陽的年輕球員很難有發揮水準的表

lichi750626 06/03 00:33現吧

vgil 06/03 00:33下巴骨折XD

earldunn 06/03 00:34老詹的離去(走中間通道),意味著一個世代... cp3:咦?

f860506 06/03 00:35美國詹酸戰力也很強

a20351 06/03 00:35湖人沒AD就爛成這樣 太陽不用發揮太高水準也贏

hank7218 06/03 00:39深深太平洋底深深傷心...是勒?

hank7218 06/03 00:39鄉民是任賢齊喔

baseball586006/03 00:46對隊友的分析很精闢欸笑死沒有一個有屁用

YouGot5566 06/03 00:46下巴骨折 拳頭骨折 笑死

brian040818 06/03 00:47看來外國鄉民跟ptt看法差不多,今年簽的沒一個能用

lj7168 06/03 00:49米國有楊過迷瘋,深深太平洋咧

ccer 06/03 00:49深深太平洋底 笑歪

gigiii1134 06/03 00:55下巴骨折XD

ChinaKlay 06/03 00:55唉真的 要淘汰好歹展現一點拼勁 這場表現就是垃圾

ChinaKlay 06/03 00:55 沒話說

MasqueRade0006/03 00:56拳頭骨折+下巴骨折XD

camuskiroro 06/03 01:00看來國內外的陽迷都怕亂舒服後全力詹真的跑出來接管

camuskiroro 06/03 01:00戰局

samuelass 06/03 01:06今年已經沒有全力詹了 剩拳力詹

brian514 06/03 01:0736歲的全力詹,希望還看得到的

webberfun 06/03 01:08按摩那個也太甲

ralfeistein 06/03 01:11按摩XDDD 不舒服

bryantchen 06/03 01:16怎麼很甲的感覺

same60710 06/03 01:22深深太平洋深深傷心XD 翻的真妙

iamnotme 06/03 01:23太平洋那個翻得真好XD

jonestem 06/03 01:36按摩... XDDDDD

firemm666 06/03 01:40三個通道選中間那個有梗

matsuwu 06/03 01:42red鄉民超好笑XD 如果翻譯不要那麼中國就好了

cktony 06/03 01:49國外的酸酸怎那麼好笑,身為詹迷我還是忍不住笑著

cktony 06/03 01:49看完

cktony 06/03 01:49只能感嘆老詹現在真的老了,真的很可惜啊,ad沒傷

cktony 06/03 01:49的話還是有機會爭冠

hijodedios3606/03 01:57我打賭下一場德軟至少20分

j3307002 06/03 02:20只能感嘆老詹現在真的老了

kittles 06/03 02:42講沒選77的那兩條根本是在偷酸國王

Aztec1100 06/03 02:50CP3的春天終於來了 是時候輪到他拿冠軍了

tonight0329 06/03 02:52一波還未平息 一波又來侵襲~

tonight0329 06/03 02:52茫茫人海狂風暴雨

j3307002 06/03 02:53CP3的春天終於來了?還有快艇呢

hipnos 06/03 03:56太平洋 翻得好~害我跟著唱

EricByrnes 06/03 04:11深深太平洋 翻得真好

tinhanho 06/03 04:17Lebron看到了三個通道,選擇中間那個離開了。

tinhanho 06/03 04:17幹快笑死

semicoma 06/03 05:38別亂輸湖

turkey7315 06/03 05:56一波還來不及 一波早就過去~

jay1130kimo 06/03 06:09翻譯真到位

kai08130623 06/03 06:18三個通道選中間有什麼特殊哏嗎?

qazzaq3977 06/03 06:25輸湖

philo31 06/03 06:26到位

jayc0102 06/03 06:33一生一世 如夢初醒~

ym60606 06/03 07:07Kuzzz

Smile916 06/03 07:16下巴骨折 拳頭骨折真是XDDD

asher02 06/03 07:51Taco Tuesday.......

aikensh 06/03 08:04傷病更新笑死

mmchen 06/03 08:14不要小看組團界的GOAT

Muratlo 06/03 08:18深深太平洋底深深傷心XDD 神翻譯

qazqaz69 06/03 08:48一堆貴桑桑的效率不如卡禿

orange7986 06/03 08:50翻譯超讚

icpolonaise 06/03 08:59之前姆斯被嘴綠戳眼後說看到三個籃框結果瞄準中間那

icpolonaise 06/03 09:00個籃框投進三分幹掉勇士

fish77324 06/03 09:03翻譯超好笑

pttsac 06/03 09:05通道那個我想了一下 XDDDDD 超好笑

qpeter 06/03 09:06深深太平洋底深深傷心

kai08130623 06/03 09:08@icpolonaise 謝謝講解

featherable 06/03 09:08酸得滿好笑的

gju88888 06/03 09:25翻譯有年紀了喔嗚嗚嗚

GiPaPa 06/03 09:28太平洋真會翻XDDDDD

Lee2007707 06/03 09:37三個通道那個真的很哭xD

alex80327 06/03 09:45真的是比無腦酸好笑多了 整天腿來腿去用快十年 毫無

alex80327 06/03 09:45心意 慘

jingchou 06/03 10:14這篇太有趣了,邊看邊笑

dk971355 06/03 10:18太平洋那個真的神翻譯

a509170123 06/03 10:58蠻不錯的

oc4r 06/03 11:08洛杉磯爪爪

changyiyao 06/03 11:51 推 深深太平洋底深深傷心。 信達雅

Moneygerm 06/03 12:44推一個翻譯

clou 06/03 14:01傷心太平洋唱起來~

Utopiasphere06/03 18:20太平洋翻譯太強了

gto731216 06/04 01:40有梗又酸的恰到好處,比那些沒梗硬要PO的自刪仔好

gto731216 06/04 01:40太多XD