[外絮] Gary Payton: K.Irving應該要尊重總教練

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Gary Payton Calls Out Kyrie Irving Over Comments On Steve Nash Last Season:
"You Should Respect The Coaches, You Should Respect The Guys That Have Been
Put In Those Positions."

Gary Payton had some things to say about Kyrie Irving's comments on Steve
Nash last year. Ahead of the 2020/21 NBA season, the Brooklyn Nets point
guard made questionable statements about Nash's role as a head coach.

去年開季前 對於總教練Nash Irving說了一番令人質疑的言論

Gary Payton對此也很有意見

The 2016 NBA champion claimed that the Nets could have more than one coach,
with him and Kevin Durant even taking the responsibility.



"I don't really see us having a head coach," Irving said. "You know what I
mean? KD could be a head coach. I could be a head coach."

我不覺得我們有一個"總教練" 因為KD可以當 我也可以

At the time, these comments didn't sit well with people, and one year later,
people keep talking about it. Gary Payton, for instance, didn't appreciate
Kyrie disrespecting his head coach, calling him out in a recent interview.
Talking on CBS’ sports podcast “Nothing Personal with David Samson,” The
Glove said Irving should respect the coach (16:06).

當時人們覺得這樣的言論並不恰當 一年後人們依然談論著這件事



“That’s just a shame right there.”

“I think that that was a bad statement by him. You should respect the
coaches, you should respect the guys that have been put in those positions.

"我覺得他說這樣的話實在很丟臉 你應該要尊重教練 應該尊重教練這個身分


“And if you want to be that guy, if you were a guy that was my superstar,
and you come to me, and you perform on the floor and do the things on the
floor that you are supposed to, then I’m gonna bring you in on everything I’
m gonna do, anyway. Because I wanna keep you happy and keep my team happy.”

"如果你想要當領袖 想成為頂尖球星

就應該要在場上好好負起責任 做好自己該作的事

那麼你的總教練也會為你付出一切 你開心他開心 這樣全隊也都會開心"

Fortunately, Kyrie backtracked on his initial comments, saying he was wrong
when he made those questionable statements.

Irving後來收回了他的說法 認為他的言論是不妥的

"Steve's been amazing," Irving said. "He kind of commands the respect. I
think I've got to take back my comments in terms of the head coach back a fewmonths ago. But it's just like, man, we have such a great synergy. Everyone
feels like we're coaching one another to be better, so I'm grateful for that."


"Nash很棒 他也要求我們給予他尊重 我必須要把幾個月前的言論收回

但你知道的 我們球隊擁有很好的化學反應

大家都覺得我們可以互相給予對方指導 我也覺得非常感謝"

Still, Payton didn't appreciate those comments and let Irving know how he
felt about them. The Seattle Supersonics legend knows Nash very well and
knows that a team needs to be in harmony to win a championship.

但Payton對這樣的言論依然不買帳 也讓Irving知道他的想法


他也很清楚一支球隊想要奪冠 "和諧"是絕對需要的


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pneumo 08/30 15:31有翻有推

ljk476820 08/30 15:32鬧氣氛的話很容易分崩離析

SuikaJasper 08/30 15:35Nash甚至籃網其他人根本沒說甚麼一堆人幫他們氣氛

baseball586008/30 15:35他不就是一直怪聲才會到現在自己還打不出什麼東西來

baseball586008/30 15:35

louisywca 08/30 15:36不吃飯的話很容易肚子很餓 這到底什麼幹話

pneumo 08/30 15:37樓上是不是回錯篇?

GeeBen 08/30 15:46沒冠軍沒資格當教練

canlest 08/30 15:47內文有一段打成Paytony

utcn92 08/30 15:48別嘴KI 一個不爽他又不打了

permoon 08/30 15:54KI又不是第一次搞教練,從騎士到塞爾提克都有紀錄

umin928 08/30 15:55KI當頭只會搶爐主而已 以為他是KD嗎

callme76 08/30 15:55都收回言論了還在炒冷飯

madeathmao 08/30 16:01隔了一年才對我網小山有意見?是鴿子封包?

kevin9841 08/30 16:03respect u know

letitbee 08/30 16:05言論確實不妥但也承認自己說得不對了

ksk0516 08/30 16:07手套幾罐

dengjyun 08/30 16:08打不出東西來?是要打出什麼?

dengjyun 08/30 16:09他這季180欸

TexasFlood 08/30 16:16手套也有一冠喔別臭

kidd135 08/30 16:27都自己承認不妥了,手套是要lag多久

lonelysam 08/30 16:30ki的尿性就是嘴巴說服 心裡不太服

lonelysam 08/30 16:31當初沒去綠軍被年輕小醬羞辱 哪會跟LBJ道歉

roger18012 08/30 16:32聲仔就怪咖,根本還沒證明自己可以帶隊不知道在秋幾

roger18012 08/30 16:32點的

sasewill 08/30 16:35都收回還在鬧啥,無聊

roger262390008/30 16:41KI去年開季沒多久就收回了欸XD 真的蠻lag的

JiaK2rving 08/30 16:42一年多的舊聞也可以高潮

EvansChang 08/30 16:44確實

iamchyun 08/30 16:50Ki:ki才是總教練 1>0

f77928 08/30 17:23鬥教練?David Blatt表示:

Joey1999 08/30 17:44KI就不懂尊重啊

mrif 08/30 17:48KI是說話不得體 他佩服的還是會尊重

sunnyyoung 08/30 18:05他有尊重過任何"人”這個物種嗎?

ILLwill 08/30 18:16KI不會真心尊重誰啦,包括KD,但他就是這樣一路挺過

ILLwill 08/30 18:16來的,人的個性越接近30就很難改

lkk88 08/30 18:16從來都不信"收回言論"這種屁話 在牠說出口的瞬間就

lkk88 08/30 18:16是傷害到球隊了 更何況這種話根本就不應該從一個球

lkk88 08/30 18:16員口中說出 可見牠骨子裡就是這副鳥德性 所以才自

lkk88 08/30 18:16然而然的說出蠢話做出蠢事

baseball586008/30 18:32這季180俱樂部又怎樣,大家只管有沒有冠軍不是??

baseball586008/30 18:32還收回言論勒笑死,你以為你賴收回哦==

baseball586008/30 18:33收回就代表他心裡福氣了?

kidd135 08/30 18:42補腦仔心中的小劇場比KI還多

kkjjkkjj 08/30 19:02180又抱團,那不是穩拿冠了 ?

ts012108 08/30 19:23真 KI心裡絕對不服氣 嘴巴說說而已

ts012108 08/30 19:23這個人是史詩級的愛面子

linginwife 08/30 19:23手套一冠,但就算手套0冠也是偉大球員之一

chatnoir 08/30 19:54當然能收回啊,鄉民講一堆屁話也沒在收回的不是嗎^^

chatnoir 08/30 19:54當然不能

andre9 08/30 20:07昏倒 專門來氣氛的

CodyPTT 08/30 20:42有差嗎,你看那幾個酸民有在尊重人嗎,還不是把ki噴

CodyPTT 08/30 20:42成屎

AAAWhoAmI 08/30 21:17西瓜有什麼好尊重的

fahrenheit 08/30 21:22KI就是個自私的球員

ilove0shanya08/30 21:25

zingy 08/30 21:34黑命貴...

heavensun 08/30 22:12KI以前也不服魯教頭

andy8920203308/31 07:58ki是怪咖

Ray3627 09/01 09:34都多久了 還要拿出來ㄅㄧㄢˉ

Ray3627 09/01 09:34