[外絮] 助教被問到是否會擔心LeBron的上場時間

看板NBA標題[外絮] 助教被問到是否會擔心LeBron的上場時間作者
時間推噓21 推:22 噓:1 →:6


Fizdale, asked if he has any concern about LeBron's minutes
"LeBron don't give us a choice, what you talking 'bout?"
Says LeBron always wants to be out there, and that he's in such good shape that Fiz doesn't worry about it.

Is there a concern about LeBron's minutes?Or you just don't have a choice?

“LeBron don't give us a choice!What you talking'bout?LeBron is like'put me out there.' This guy is a freak, man. It's so cool being with him again. He just wants to be out there competing. And so if he sees a situation where we're down or where he would normally come out but it's right there and he's like'feel OK' - like in Chicago, I said just let me know, 'but he felt good, and he just kept saying'”want to stay in here. I want to stay in here. 'So, no, I don't have a concern is the short answer. But again,I'm not here that long(laughs). That's easy for me to say as an assistant. Obviously the higher-ups and our medical team will obviously have to make those decisions. But the way he prepares himself and the liveliness that he brings to the game, no, I don't(have a concern), “"勒布朗沒有給我們選擇的餘地!你在說什麼? 勒布朗就像「把我放在那裡。 」這傢伙是個怪胎,兄弟。 再次和他在一起真的是太酷了。他只想在場上競爭。 因此,如果他看到我們落後或他平常出場的情況,他就會在那裡,他看起來就像 "感覺不錯" -
像是在芝加哥,我說(想下場)就讓我知道,"但他感覺很好,他只是不停地說 "想留在這裡。 我想留在這裡。"所以,不,我沒有擔心,這是簡短的回答。 但同樣,我在這裡沒有那麼久(笑)。 這對我這個助理來說很容易。 但他準備自己的方式和他給比賽帶來的活力,不,我不(有擔心)。 "

The 不給選擇
The 不想下場


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a11011788 12/22 21:14他自己要打的

ajul1230 12/22 21:16魔獸:

mrif 12/22 21:16基本上巨星說要上場 教練都不太能限制他波波除外

ljk476820 12/22 21:17這是第十幾篇有關姆斯的了吧 跟上風潮酸仔黑仔 放

ljk476820 12/22 21:17飯了喔==

malain 12/22 21:17米國紅中

dwiee 12/22 21:17他自己要打的

WIGGINS22 12/22 21:18The 0648

depo 12/22 21:21操死姆斯 他自己說要打的

ronert0975 12/22 21:41操死姆斯 嘴死姆斯~

linjim86 12/22 21:42這篇不是要酸另外一位會累的神獸嗎

a8856554 12/22 21:49為了40000不惜粉身碎骨

bobyacool 12/22 21:51反觀一個喊累 說舉手就要休息的

bravo 12/22 22:02一散步就換下來

ptrpan 12/22 22:04翻譯:替換零件原物料供應充足

ct2189 12/22 22:15

oddtong5566 12/22 23:01反觀旁邊的nash操KD,底下的推文全部都喊西瓜

bbbyes123 12/22 23:04反觀舉手神獸

ginopun1047712/22 23:20喇叭雖然有時候偷懶但整個生涯出賽還蠻勤勞的

mmk 12/22 23:46要助教管總管 就像 一對想贏同花順

c22501656 12/23 00:23LBJ身體素質KD比不上

Magic0312 12/23 00:43上場就要跑起來

jim986988 12/23 00:55他確實打很好啊 這幾場有打不好嗎?

louisgirl 12/23 08:17都37很肯這樣打 要給肯定了吧

louisgirl 12/23 08:18一堆人只會酸想刷數據...不然在場上都遊魂

louisgirl 12/23 08:18又是另一種酸法...

louisgirl 12/23 08:18都不曉得還可以看幾年了...珍惜珍惜

cj0920 12/23 08:38只剩下波波跟Kerr能處理了

seasonses 12/23 11:40散步詹不上場怎麼刷到40000分