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看板NBA標題[花邊] Deni Avdija 分享新秀趣事作者
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There is common practice that rookies have to do certain tasks throughout
their first campaign in the NBA. Star Russell Westbrook, who was a part of
the Washington roster that year, took advantage of it.


"What my teammates asked me to do was usually bring snacks to the plane or
carry their bags - really simple things. It never happened to me that they
filled my car or something.

沒有車被塞滿滿還是其他啥的。 (爆米花塞車)

I remember that once at 22:00, before our first flight to the pre-season
game, I got a call from an unidentified number. I answered and said, 'Hello'.The person responded, 'You know who is talking to you?'.


I told him, 'No', then he said to me, 'Russell Westbrook'. I greeted him,
'What's going on, Russell?', while he was straightforward, 'You're lucky you
answered because if you did not answer a second time, we would have problems'.


That's how I knew it was a good start. Then he told me, 'I'll send you a listof snacks now and I want you to bring them to me tomorrow on the plane'.


Those were the things that could not be bought at any ordinary grocery store.I had to go to certain places at great distances to buy them. It was not
easy. In the end, I got everything and I was fine. Though, that's the
strangest case I can remember," Avdija concluded.



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※ 編輯: wai0806 ( 臺灣), 05/07/2022 10:47:20

xp1224n 05/07 10:49安抓龜哥

liefuchen 05/07 10:49龜龜給你的第一堂NBA社交課

chaben 05/07 10:49零食dija

cross980115 05/07 10:49所以那份清單有多奇怪?

jyekid 05/07 10:51買批薩

firemm666 05/07 10:52學長學弟制

ruiun 05/07 10:52龜龜人和很好(棒賭

ruiun 05/07 10:53棒讀*

awheaton311 05/07 10:53安抓龜哥xD

ruiun 05/07 10:54捧老人,凹新人,完全就公司中階主管性格

rlhl7799 05/07 10:56晚上好 龜哥

s955346 05/07 10:57有些脾氣很怪或很硬的新人會照做嗎???還是挑人做

drcula 05/07 11:00這算不錯了,沒叫你去弄什麼很危險的舊好

gp03dan 05/07 11:00哈哈,不過他們交情似乎不錯

gp03dan 05/07 11:00Avdija第一季受傷很囧,還好恢復的不錯

liefuchen 05/07 11:01龜龜跟壘哥感情還不錯

whatahw1 05/07 11:03安抓龜哥

hank7218 05/07 11:03老兵,叫你買飲料還要找零

CC80016 05/07 11:05安抓龜哥

s880303 05/07 11:07一年老龜迷都說龜場下聖人

mmk 05/07 11:12龜龜的第一堂NBA教學

robinstart 05/07 11:14這哪是趣事,這是出來噴你GY龜

bill85831 05/07 11:14龜龜人和MAX,直接幫你上課

may60524 05/07 11:23安抓 美送?

true317 05/07 11:25龜哥:去買個烏龜餅乾來給我

madeathmao 05/07 12:15這有趣嗎...

spursmanu 05/07 12:16樓上XDDDD

spursmanu 05/07 12:16*樓樓上

ccris 05/07 12:17還好是零食清單不是番號清單

kanetakusan 05/07 12:19什麼有趣不有趣…這就人家業界的文化啊

tyrone0923 05/07 12:27這就行之有年的文化啊,以前王建民大聯盟新人不也被

tyrone0923 05/07 12:27玩過

Faillover 05/07 13:10In a second time, 一秒鐘內跟我打招呼的意思,不是

Faillover 05/07 13:10第二次

ann5220 05/07 13:17龜龜很照顧新人啊,這季AR和上季壘哥都有特別提過QA

ann5220 05/07 13:18Q

sctty 05/07 13:19而且買稀有零食這種算蠻好玩的捏

elviscarter 05/07 13:51永遠記得零號瘋子撒痱子粉XDDD

dicklkk 05/07 14:03AV底加啦

※ 編輯: wai0806 ( 臺灣), 05/07/2022 14:06:15

wayne0215 05/07 14:33魔術:今晚我想來份彩虹

oceanway062005/07 15:43人在台北 然後叫你明天準備丹丹那種嗎

joy9601 05/07 16:13AV底家啦

a509170123 05/07 17:31翻的不錯欸