[外絮] 某支神秘球隊一直在收集Udoka的情報

看板NBA標題[外絮] 某支神秘球隊一直在收集Udoka的情報作者
(Kawhi Leonard頭號粉絲)
時間推噓60 推:61 噓:1 →:21


An unknown team reportedly has been gathering intel on suspended Boston Celticscoach Ime Udoka.

根據報導,一支不知名的球隊一直在收集關於被禁賽的波士頓塞爾提克隊總教練Ime Udoka的情報。

An Eastern Conference general manager revealed to Fox Sports’ Ric Bucher that a team was gathering intel on Udoka following his suspension by Boston.

一位東區球隊的總經理向Fox Sports的記者透露,在Udoka被塞爾提克禁賽後,一支球隊正在收集有關他的情報。

“I know for a fact a team was gathering background intel on Ime a week after everything happened in Boston,” the general manager said. “Ime was going to be their guy if they fired their current coach.”


Udoka was suspended by the Celtics for the entire 2022-23 NBA season for multiple violations of team policies. Udoka had multiple violations of sexual misconduct directed at woman in the organization.

由於多次違反球隊政策,Udoka在整個2022-23賽季被塞爾提克禁賽。 Udoka有多次在球團中針對女性的不當性行為。

The Brooklyn Nets had been rumored to be in the running for Udoka after they fired head coach Steve Nahs, but the team opted to make interim head coach Jacque Vaughn the team’s head coach this week.


That leaves Udoka still suspended in Boston, but it’s possible that this mystery team could make a move for him at some point in the 2022-23 campaign.



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Leaflock 11/12 18:09新北國王

laptic 11/12 18:09問就是...

chihlee5566 11/12 18:10高雄鋼鐵人

dwiee 11/12 18:10紫金配色 難道是湖人

tsai529 11/12 18:10

pokerhow 11/12 18:10謝謝你 火腿(?

hyperfrog 11/12 18:10全家海神

horstyle041111/12 18:11收集什麼小秘密

ginopun1047711/12 18:11七六人啦 老河剛好滾蛋

asd8604 11/12 18:11樂天桃園?

a2156700 11/12 18:12想贏的球隊吧

feathery 11/12 18:12那當然是全世界最愛解僱教練的高雄鋼鐵人啊

mose56789 11/12 18:13太神祕了吧 ==

mayeve 11/12 18:14費城啦

※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 11/12/2022 18:14:41

horstyle041111/12 18:15不要講半天也是籃網喔= =

SEVEnMonth 11/12 18:16問就是T1,不問就是P+

Ayanami5566 11/12 18:16笑死

a8856554 11/12 18:18湖人?

kaodio 11/12 18:18不能縮的球隊 恐怖鵝

monk2 11/12 18:19七六人 ? 灰狼 ? 兩隻成績不如預期

mhkt 11/12 18:20問就是??

linchez 11/12 18:21火腿只能當中間的夾心,所以?

chunyo0229 11/12 18:22問就是湖人

allyourshit 11/12 18:22老河真的該滾 沒料只剩雞湯

sk050607 11/12 18:23湖人

Skyblueway 11/12 18:25雲豹

josephpu 11/12 18:26富邦勇士

tigertiger 11/12 18:27樂天桃猿

ste14563 11/12 18:2976人

fonder 11/12 18:29問就是湖人

ruiun 11/12 18:31火腿燉湯不好喝嗎?

YeeeeeTW 11/12 18:33問就是桃園雲豹 魔獸都反應教練不會講英文了 當然

YeeeeeTW 11/12 18:33找一個美國人來

e8e88 11/12 18:33珍妮阿姨歡迎勿都卡~

AtDe 11/12 18:35七六人應該不會要吧,不然莫雷又要走了?

auron4041 11/12 18:36不就籃網 不然哪支球隊有開除總教練了?

NYYsucks 11/12 18:37高雄鋼鐵人

※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 11/12/2022 18:37:43

merkx051 11/12 18:37樂天桃園

ryancho 11/12 18:39之前籃網不是要找他,難道也是收集了資訊後縮了

cor1os 11/12 18:39籃網已經真除代理總教練了

NOKIA8888 11/12 18:40湖人

Kazmier 11/12 18:41國王

PR58 11/12 18:41雲豹

benson0134 11/12 18:4576人 冠軍黑人教頭滾 我們需要亞軍黑人教頭

reaman 11/12 18:45要蒐集7大罪做人柱力吧

jayjen 11/12 18:48問就是T1

kevin1018 11/12 18:49問就是湖人

TexasFlood 11/12 18:51紫紫金金的

muvowen 11/12 18:53問就是雲豹

oooellis 11/12 18:54應該是雲豹,因為dh說教練不會講英文

KillLakers 11/12 19:061成67湖的主帥位置抖抖der~~~~~~~~~~~

anomic24 11/12 19:06啊不就籃網 還有其他喔

pttboy99 11/12 19:07樂天?

class21535 11/12 19:16聽說雲豹教練不會英文 那就

SeanR 11/12 19:18會講英文的教練來了

MK47 11/12 19:19神秘

Qorqios 11/12 19:19t1

turnpoint 11/12 19:22我懷疑那段紫金上色是在開車?

ParuruChan 11/12 19:23台啤收

a11011788 11/12 19:27問就是湖人

chh1470 11/12 19:31台啤要了

C00L 11/12 19:31某L開頭?

ojizz4u 11/12 19:40問就是湖…

mmk 11/12 19:45PTT籃球版教練團??!!

starxls 11/12 19:46問就是湖人

sunnyyoung 11/12 19:49收集他喜歡哪一型的?

NTUKarbe 11/12 19:51問就是籃網

demonh311 11/12 19:52就湖人啊 這有什麼好猜的

tptx6 11/12 20:01你湖 20場內就會開除火腿了

a34567 11/12 20:06尼斯湖水怪逆

nfsong 11/12 20:34桃園雲豹

ahinetn123 11/12 20:52哪次不是湖人

nottell 11/12 21:10就湖人啊

ArlenBeard 11/12 21:48拜託76 老河該滾了

lu3yao 11/12 22:20哇 好神秘喔(棒讀)

f87992018 11/12 22:39太陽?我是説台中太陽

GGdong 11/12 23:03湖人每個都要,包括教練,換湖人蒐集七大罪了嗎?

a25270672 11/12 23:53勇士收。富邦勇士

attpp 11/13 00:26桃園雲豹?

chen2021 11/13 00:31雲豹

a2815963 11/13 05:44棒球富邦吧

whhw 11/13 12:12笑死

SonoSion 11/13 13:41湖人