[外絮] 魔術隊--交易市場與自由市場的關鍵?

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作者: Jake Fischer

Entering a second straight NBA winter with more teams looking to upgrade
their rosters rather than selling off valuable veterans, no rival front
office may be monitoring the sputtering Chicago Bulls’ decision-making
closer than that of the Orlando Magic.


It was this time two years ago league executives were circling Orlando as thetrade deadline approached, and the Magic delivered: dispensing Nikola
Vucevic, Aaron Gordon and Evan Fournier across the postseason map.

兩年前的大限,聯盟管理層都圍繞著魔術隊,魔術的回應則是:分發Nikola Vucevic,
Aaron Gordon與Evan Fournier至季後賽地圖上的不同角落。

The ramifications of that Vucevic deal lie at the center of Chicago’s
current predicament. Forget the fact talent evaluators are consistently
pegging Wendell Carter Jr., the centerpiece of the Bulls’ package that
landed Vucevic, as a more impactful player at present than the veteran
center. The first of two picks Chicago sent to Orlando already netted dynamicwing creator Franz Wagner in the 2021 NBA draft. The second outgoing Bulls
pick to the Magic is this year’s top-five projected selection that’s
protected only Nos. 1-4 — which could bring Orlando a second premium lottery
selection in a highly anticipated draft class.

Carter Jr.可能現在在比賽中就比該名老將更具有影響力的事實。這兩張首輪第一張已經在2021年選秀兌現成了高活動力側翼Franz Wagner。公牛的第二張選秀權只會在今年保護在前4順位--這很有可能帶給魔術在大年中有第二個高級的樂透選擇。

A six-game winning streak that ended Monday, Paolo Banchero’s stellar rookie
season, plus Orlando’s unique blend of size and young talent has onlookers
rather bullish about the near future of these Magic. They are not exactly
banging down the door of the play-in tournament, but Orlando, at 11-21, has
exhibited the positive step toward competitiveness that Magic staffers were
hoping to witness this season.

在這禮拜一結束六連勝之後,Paolo Banchero的明星菜鳥賽季與奧蘭多獨一無二的高大天賦們讓人們對他們的未來形勢看漲。他們可能還仍未能敲開附加賽的大門,不過11-21的奧蘭多正在對有競爭力的路上踩出正步,這也是魔術管理層想要看到的。

“They have two of the premier positions in the league — playmaking forwards
— on rookie-scale contracts, intriguing young talent around them on solid
contracts, no bad money moving forward, and some veterans who could get them
back even more draft capital should they choose to trade them,” one Eastern
Conference team strategist told Yahoo Sports.


There are certainly pieces for Orlando to move ahead of this season’s
deadline, but the Magic won’t be gaining nearly the return they saw two
years before.


Terrence Ross has long garnered interest from the Los Angeles Lakers, sourcessaid. New York was in pursuit of Ross in previous years, as well. Yet, while
Orlando has rebuffed offers below a first-round pick for the veteran swingmanin recent seasons, sources said, it’s difficult to foresee a playoff
contender sacrificing more than a single second-round selection for Ross’
services. The same goes for Gary Harris, although both wing players carry no
guaranteed salary beyond this 2022-23 campaign.

Terrence Ross一直以來都吸引到不少湖人的注意力。紐約也前幾年都在追求他。然而,當奧蘭多拒絕了那些不到一枚首輪換這名老將搖擺人的時候,很難想像一隻季後賽球隊犧牲超過一個二輪籤來換取Ross。同樣的情形也發生在Gary Harris身上,即使兩名側翼球員在2022-23球季後就會變成自由球員了。

R.J. Hampton is another strong Orlando trade candidate after the Magic didn’
t pick up his fourth-year option for next season. Hampton has changed
representation and searched for more playing time with Orlando’s G League
affiliate in Lakeland, Florida, but he is also unlikely to draw a significantyield.

RJ Hampton在他的第四年選項沒有被執行後是另一名魔術的交易候選人。Hampton撤換了經紀人並在奧蘭多G-League尋求更多上場時間,不過他應該不太可能得到巨量的注意力。

Former No. 6 overall pick Mo Bamba may be the Magic’s greatest trade chip.
Orlando pursued Isaiah Hartenstein in free agency, sources said, before the
center joined New York and the Magic then re-signed Bamba to a two-year,
$20.6 million deal. League executives expect Orlando to hold out for a
protected first-round selection or a late first-round pick to part with the
24-year-old rim presence. There are teams like the Lakers and Clippers, as
well as Toronto, Sacramento and Brooklyn, that front-office personnel expect
to sniff around the big-man market ahead of the Feb. 9 trade deadline and maybe willing to cough up a pair of second-round choices for Bamba. Chicago,
too, has been considering its post-Vucevic options as his contract comes to aclose at season’s end.

前第六順位Mo Bamba可能是魔術最大的交易籌碼。魔術曾經在自由市場追求過Isaiah

All this is to say whatever in-season tinkering comes from Orlando may be
more predicated on amplifying that bright horizon rival personnel believe is


If the Magic keep their entire roster for next season outside of Harris’
non-guaranteed 2023-24 salary, they’ll be playing with roughly $37 million
in cap space. And there are direct avenues for Orlando to clear upward of $60million this summer. Markelle Fultz is on the books for only $2 million
guaranteed next season. Bamba’s second year is completely non-guaranteed as
well. Bol Bol has a non-guaranteed salary for 2023-24. And that’s not to
mention Jonathan Isaac’s deal that can cost Orlando precisely nothing beyond
this season if the Magic choose to part ways with the injury-plagued
defensive stalwart.

Bol無保障、甚至Jonathan Isaac的合約因為傷病特例的緣故一毛都不用再付給這名傷病困擾的防守巨人。

If you’re sensing a theme, it’s quite apparent how significantly the Magic
value financial flexibility amid this rebuild. And you don’t just keep your
books clean for the sake of monetary tidiness in perpetuity. League figures
familiar with Orlando’s thinking maintain Magic ownership will be ready to
spend when the opportune time arrives to support Banchero and Wagner.


Will that come this summer? Or would the Magic pounce on an upcoming free
agent before the deadline to obtain that player’s Bird rights or simply
begin incorporating him into the flexible lineups at head coach Jamahl Mosley’s disposal?

這會是這個夏天嗎?還是魔術將會在之後的在球員變成FA前換來他們的鳥權亦或是留下總教練Jamahl Mosley覺得好用並有彈性的陣容?

“Everyone talks about playing positionless basketball,” one scout told
Yahoo Sports, “but they’re the only ones who have really said, ‘F*** it.’

'F*** it'的球隊。"

With Orlando’s pair of supersized ball handlers, guard play isn’t
necessarily a dire need for the Magic. Plus, Fultz has shown continued
promise in 11 games this season, converting over 40% from distance while
sporting an increased comfort shooting off the dribble.


Still, the Magic’s backcourt is an obvious area for Orlando to look to
spend. Especially in advance of Cole Anthony’s rookie extension
conversations next summer, for which league personnel are preparing for a
sizable gap between Anthony’s wishes and his ultimate market value. Perhaps
we’ll gain a further glimpse of the Magic’s plans if they entertain moving
Anthony before the deadline.

依然,魔術後場還是一個魔術需要注意花費的部分。尤其是在Cole Anthony明年夏天的新秀延長合約談判開始之前,不少聯盟中的其他隊伍準備要對Anthony的期望薪資與他市場價值之間的差距中出手。如果魔術在大限前賣掉Anthony,或許我們會得到更多魔術計畫的蛛絲馬跡。

It is too early to pinpoint specific Orlando targets should the Magic grow
aggressive between now and the opening night of next season. But scan the
list of upcoming free agents and take your pick to who’d best slot alongside
the Magic’s core pieces.


Could you fault the Magic for throwing maximum money at, say, Khris
Middleton, who holds a player option for next season and whom Magic general
manager John Hammond landed for Milwaukee when he was piloting the Bucks?

你可以想像魔術丟出頂薪合約給像是,Khris Middleton,這名明年有球員選項的明星且魔術現任總管--John Hammond正是當年在公鹿把他交易過來的掌舵手。

Here’s to waiting and seeing if this current Orlando regime is willing to
take a big swing.







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Chanlin01 12/22 18:30Bamba 我湖想要了

EZ78 12/22 18:31老實說 我也蠻想要快艇補bamba的XD

love1500274 12/22 18:32那幾隻後衛賣像其實都很差

FAYeeeeeeee 12/22 18:33魔術砸錢要搶什麼 PG?

EZ78 12/22 18:35Fischer覺得Middleton會是很棒的人選

candbilly15312/22 18:38不知道魔術有沒有興趣擅長無球、剛簽大約的年輕冠軍

candbilly15312/22 18:38射手

phoenix286 12/22 18:39Middleton感覺時間軸有點對不上吧

lichingJHIN 12/22 18:40可愛跟Bamba交情蠻好的 感覺可以交易看看

dwiee 12/22 18:40蜜豆湯會走嗎

combokang 12/22 18:414樓都沒在看內文膩

EZ78 12/22 18:42Middleton PO 如果公鹿沒能達成提前續約那他很有可

EZ78 12/22 18:42能跳出尋求生涯最後一張大約

earldunn 12/22 18:43公牛很難開坦,就是因為籤在魔術 武切:我又要流浪了?

VL1003 12/22 18:44沒關係,我艇歡迎高個子加入 =) 雖然換不到..

EZ78 12/22 18:45公牛完全就是魔術重建如此迅速的大功臣lol

dwiee 12/22 18:45能在fa拿到蜜豆湯怎樣都賺 拆掉公鹿又能補強自己

Chanlin01 12/22 18:47KMT跟你換bamba 我艇小虧

benboy 12/22 18:49暴龍側翼海 魔術要組長人陣 太矮可是不要的? XD

combokang 12/22 18:55我對魔術還蠻期待的 先不要看薪資 天賦就已經很滿了

a126053 12/22 18:58米豆這種拿過冠又受過大傷的高機率爛約

tasiki2002 12/22 19:00湖人要了

mangreen 12/22 19:00魔術很多持球手了 不需要米豆頓 要3D跟護框

Lebrono 12/22 19:00魔術還不急 說不定過兩年077吹密就可以梭了

※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 臺灣), 12/22/2022 19:01:32

combokang 12/22 19:01個人預估上限Mvp:板橋羅 AS:WCJ,Franz,Bol,Isaac 可

combokang 12/22 19:01靠Starter:Fultz,Suggs,Cole,Bamba

EZ78 12/22 19:03是啊 魔術最可怕的就是彈性的關係 並沒有急切需要

EZ78 12/22 19:03改變的需求 Middleton也只是原文提出的其中一個可

EZ78 12/22 19:03能性

JameerNe1son12/22 19:04先別吹,我魔這些小將能健康最重要

zbvhj 12/22 19:05蜜豆湯這幾年很痛 而且又有年紀了

zbvhj 12/22 19:05魔術感覺還要個一兩年磨合 覺得超不適合……

EZ78 12/22 19:09原文提到的時間軸也是一到兩年後沒錯

EZ78 12/22 19:10但是起飛前本來就是得先買一些角色球員入隊就是

sasewill 12/22 19:10我覺得蜜豆湯比較高機率降點薪續長約終老啦

bada 12/22 19:13密豆越來越痛 買到撞到

Y225 12/22 19:14我獨誰都想要但是誰都拿不到

a1ibooda 12/22 19:26蜜豆當副手可以 當主力太痛 魔術先別啊

NCKUJaneWu 12/22 19:30魔術那兩個控球前鋒控得不怎樣啊 哪裡不需要後衛

NCKUJaneWu 12/22 19:30看看Fultz回來後控場穩很多 直接一波連勝

s925407 12/22 19:36魔術的球員組成跟合約,甚至是選秀籤狀況都很好,

s925407 12/22 19:36只差什麼時候能轉換為戰績了

melzard 12/22 19:48一隊長出4個AS 會不會太吹啊哈哈哈

arrowsean 12/22 19:48魔術交易大限跟暑假會不會有動作很難說,Weltman的

arrowsean 12/22 19:48耐心在總管圈應該數一數二,而且我覺得他其實是很在

arrowsean 12/22 19:49乎球隊天花板的類型,不見得會求快速兌換

k7202001 12/22 19:52板橋羅+斑馬 其他全部可以交易

s1031629 12/22 19:57上限 雖然說Isaac這個重型鎖前鋒受傷久到上限可能也

s1031629 12/22 19:57低很多,魔術就相對來說複數高天花板高養成期

linchez 12/22 19:59魔術陣容的深度真的很夠,而且最近還雙殺青賽

rbking21 12/22 20:01魔術控球前鋒偶爾代班還行 全程主控效果很糟糕

arrowsean 12/22 20:05其實全程主控這件事本身就有問題,魔術進攻打motion

arrowsean 12/22 20:06但前一陣子是傷到只剩Paolo跟Franz兩個持球者還得拆

arrowsean 12/22 20:07開用,能打體系的兩個長人WCJ跟Moe Wagner也都傷了

arrowsean 12/22 20:08連勝這段時間算是終於可以在場上擺出多位有品質的決

arrowsean 12/22 20:09策者

andy055097 12/22 21:04傑克魚聽聽就好

tomlo 12/22 22:29魔術真正需要交易的是隊醫…太容易受傷了

kenike 12/22 22:41健康才是真的 打出來後輪流擔任院長

chiyogga 12/22 23:31魔術補個射手跟季後賽經驗累積就差不多能穩定衝擊了

gnl1n 12/23 01:37魔術比賽很有能量

JMSDF 12/23 01:54班霸真的缺時間 不然真的很能打

ctw01 12/23 01:58班霸原來算搶手喔?有點意外

chenborruey 12/23 02:05Suggs要加油啊

withouttalk 12/23 03:04要交易大物也是交易來Bane,交易蜜豆來養傷?

julian42 12/23 03:07班霸是有三分的智將

bearest 12/23 05:10魔術如果全員健康的話現在的先發替補該怎麼排啊?

bearest 12/23 05:11太多天賦了...WCJ/板橋羅/FRANZ/suggs/兒子?

bearest 12/23 05:12忘了還有ISSAC..太豪華了吧