[閒聊] 歐洲2022遊戲銷售

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159 million console and PC games were sold across tracked European markets in 2022, a drop of 7.1% over the year before.


82.5 million games were sold via digital downloads, with the remaining 76.6 million sold via physical retailers.


If we focus purely on new games (so titles released in 2022) game sales are actually up 16% compared with the new games released in 2021.

Sales of FIFA 23 were up 3% over FIFA 22 year-on-year, and Call of Duty: ModernWarfare 2 sales were up nearly 73% over Call of Duty: Vanguard.


If Pokémon Scarlet and Violet sales were combined, the game would have chartedat No.6 (replacing its sister title, Pokémon Legends: Arceus). It's worth noting that the Pokémon games do not include digital sales, so they may have charted higher.

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet's sales were 13% bigger year-on-year than 2021's Diamond and Pearl remakes, and 8% bigger than the previous mainline releases (2019's Pokémon Sword and Shield).


In terms of countries, the UK was the No.1 games market across Europe (game sales down 6% year-on-year), followed by Germany (game sales down 13%), and then France (game sales down 3%). Both Spain (up 1%) and Italy (up 2%) saw an increase in game sales year-on-year.


The UK was the best performing market for games such as FIFA, Call of Duty, LEGO Star Wars and Elden Ring. Whereas Germany and France were the strongest markets for Nintendo Switch titles, such as Pokémon Legends: Arceus, Mario Kart 8: Deluxe, Nintendo Switch Sports and Pokémon Violet/Scarlet.


FIFA 23 was the best-selling game in most major markets, with just a couple of exceptions (such as Finland, where Elden Ring was No.1).


In terms of console sales, not every major market is tracked (Germany and UK data is missing – for UK figures, check our latest monthly charts story). However, for the tracked territories, 5.3 million consoles were sold last year, a drop of 25% over the year before.


Nintendo Switch was comfortably the No.1 console, despite sales falling by 15% over the year before. PS5 was a clear No.2 (sales down 35%), while the Xbox Series S and X consoles were the only platforms to report a sales growth year-on-year (up 4.4%) but it is in third position.


Switch was the No.1 selling console in almost every country with a few exceptions. In Denmark and Sweden, PS5 is the No.1 console, whereas Xbox Series S and X was No.1 in Norway.


In terms of peripherals (including toys-to-life), sales were down 10% across tracked European markets to 18 million products sold. The best-selling accessorieswere the PS5 DualSense controller (sales up 12% year-on-year), followed by the PS4 DualShock controller (sales down 3.2%), then the Nintendo Switch Joy-Con controllers (sales down 23.7%), before the Xbox Series Wireless Controller (down 32.2%).

外設市場下降10%,賣最好的是PS5 DualSense賣出1800萬份上升12%,
Xbox Series Wireless下降32.2%。




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space08ms01/14 08:43今年硬體銷售歐洲年末商戰老任大勝其他兩家很多就是

TED78112001/14 08:44最後結算就已經贏了,而且PS5銷量衰退35%簡直莫名其妙

TED78112001/14 08:44……明明今年年初就喊供貨穩定了而且都優先供貨歐美。

wulouise01/14 09:20NS竟然衰退今年一定倒!甚麼你說PS5降更多!!

deolinwind01/14 09:21黃牛不買就是供貨穩定銷量下降了

dreamcube01/14 09:30我個人是覺得是因為PS5沒有甚麼獨佔大作吧?跟NS獨佔

dreamcube01/14 09:30大作連連比,下降幅度當然有差。

space08ms01/14 09:37遊戲機歷史上第三年就賣的比第二年差的通常都

TED78112001/14 09:38現在的問題應該是會多接近PS3的數字了。

gundamdx01/14 09:39德國PS5還在缺貨啊,根本沒有優先供貨歐美

TED78112001/14 09:40Switch賣快滿六年,而且剛脫離疫情的這一年下滑幅度只

TED78112001/14 09:40有15%也著實令人吃驚,谷川說生命週期才到中期真的不

TED78112001/14 09:40假。

Maiyo01/14 09:53因為switch lite定位是掌機 沒有額外買jc吧

lbowlbow01/14 10:07額外把手還是買switch pro比較好

lbowlbow01/14 10:08就是優先供貨歐美,但是想買的都買了,當然會下降

LJL45201/14 10:29芬蘭太硬派了

※ 編輯: TED781120 ( 臺灣), 01/14/2023 10:31:06

a956420801/14 10:46NS大作多到需要藏一下