[閒聊] 動森-為何玩家花費那多時間製作虛擬服飾

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原文連結: WSJ會員制

‘Animal Crossing’: Why Gamers Are Spending Hours Making Virtual Clothes

Fashion-conscious people are using a Nintendo videogame as a platform for
style expression by dressing their avatars in pixelated versions of clothes
by Gucci, Celine and Supreme
Chicagoan Jazz Robinson created a dress by Copenhagen label Helmstedt in “
Animal Crossing: New Horizons”.

By Jacob Gallagher
April 18, 2020 12:00 am ET

JONATHAN VILLAMAR is not a clothing designer; he just plays one in a
videogame. For hours every day, the grocery-store clerk in West New York,
N.J., escapes into Nintendo’s “Animal Crossing: New Horizons,” the runaway
videogame smash of this coronavirus moment. Mr. Villamar, 22, doesn’t engage
with the charming game’s goal-oriented tasks. Instead, he burrows into its
character-design portal, a small side-feature where he creates digital
versions of real-world clothes like Supreme parkas for his mini-me to wear.
With a lockdown order keeping him at home, “Animal Crossing” is the only
place Mr. Villamar dresses to impress. “We basically can’t go outside
anymore,” he said. “The only way to flex is through ‘Animal Crossing.’”

JONATHAN VILLAMAR並不是一位服裝設計師,他只是在玩遊戲。這位西紐約的雜貨店店員每天花數個鐘頭沉浸在動森友會,這款在肺炎疫情下大紅的遊戲。22歲的VILLAMAR並沒有參與遊戲中的眾多目標任務,而是在鑽研角色設計,這是遊戲中一個小小的遊玩要素,可以讓玩家創造現實服飾的電子版本,像是Supreme的大衣,讓他穿在遊戲裡的角色身上。由於禁出指示使他長時間待在家裡,動森友會是唯一能讓VILLAMAR展現穿搭的地方。"我們基本上無法外出,動森友會是唯一能放鬆的方法"

Released on March 20, “Animal Crossing: New Horizons” is a role-playing
game in which a cutesy, cherubic character builds a community on a deserted
island. In Japan, it sold nearly two million copies in its first three days
of release. In the U.S., stay-at-home dictates be damned, demand for the gametriggered down-the-block lines on launch. Nintendo produces both the game andthe Switch, the hand-held console that it runs on. The Switch has sold out atretailers nationwide—last month, Mr. Villamar had to visit six different
Gamestop stores before he could find the console in stock. (Through a
representative, Nintendo America declined an interview request.)
Photographer Renzo Navarro has spent hours inside the videogame creating
virtual versions of real clothing designs.

For those idling at home, the game is a welcome time suck. And a sliver of
those players are, like Mr. Villamar, spending hours at a time meticulously
recreating real-world clothes for their avatars to wear. Renzo Navarro, 25, aphotographer in Manila, Philippines, clocks around five to six hours a day
diagramming clothes for his in-game character. On lockdown for just over a
month now, he’s been “itching to wear something nice.” The game gives him
that ability, even if he can only “wear” his schmancy Thom Browne button-up

對於那些在家閒的人,這款遊戲來的正是時候。像Villamar這樣的玩家會花一些時間精心製作現實世界的衣服,供他們的遊戲角色穿著。25歲的倫佐·納瓦羅(Renzo Navarro)是菲律賓馬尼拉的一名攝影師,每天大約要花五到六個小時為他的遊戲角色描繪衣服。禁出一個多月以來,他一直“渴望穿一些漂亮的衣服”。遊戲讓他能以數位形式穿上他的Thom

“Animal Crossing” is not the first videogame to let users play dress up.
Older titles as varied as the Sims, Grand Theft Auto and Tony Hawk’s Pro
Skater introduced choose-your-clothing options. Exemplifying how far video
technology has evolved, however, this game’s character design suite is
startlingly well-calibrated, allowing you to mimic the fine swoops of the
North Face logo or the cross hatching on a patchwork jacket. One user
described the feature as “basic Photoshop.”

動森友會並不是第一個允許玩家進行裝扮的遊戲。諸如《模擬人生》,《俠盜獵車手》和Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater等較老的遊戲引入了“隨你搭”的選擇。這款遊戲的角色設計套
件經過精心校準,充分彰顯了遊戲技術的發展潛力,可讓您模仿North Face標誌的細小線條或拼布夾克上的斜線陰影。一位用戶稱該功能為“基本版Photoshop”。

Dan Gonzales, 25, a recently furloughed photo editor in Toronto, spent three
hours on “Animal Crossing” painstakingly recreating an argyle jacket from
his closet. In many instances, players use the game to vicariously wear
clothes they can’t afford. Shaun Mejia, 30, who works in marketing at a
Seattle museum, replicates “higher-end type stuff,” like a Gucci hoodie and
a Prada button-up that actor Jeff Goldblum wore, both of which would exceed
Mr. Mejia’s real-world budget

25歲的丹·岡薩雷斯(Dan Gonzales)是最近在多倫多休假的照片編輯,他花了三個小時在動森友會上精心製作了壁櫥中的argyle jacket(?)。在許多情況下,玩家會使用遊戲來替代他們無法負擔的衣服。30歲的肖恩·梅加(Shaun Mejia)在西雅圖博物館的市場營
銷部門工作,複製了“高端類型的產品”,例如演員傑夫·戈德布魯姆(Jeff Goldblum)

For some shut-ins, “Animal Crossing” fills the void created by their
temporary inability to gawk at outfits on the streets. “My obsession with
fashion has been people’s personal style,” said Jazz Robinson, 36, a
marketing director at a creative consultancy in Chicago. Though she mourns
opportunities to ogle chic strangers’ coats on the Windy City’s avenues,
the game lets her “see the small brands and designers that people are into.”
市場總監Jazz Robinson說。儘管她喪失了在風城的大街上閒逛別緻的陌生人大衣的機會,但遊戲讓她“看到了人們喜歡的小品牌和設計師”。

“Animal Crossing” can also function as a virtual platform for low-risk
gender experimentation. “I’ve seen guys in the game use their avatars to
wear skirts or dresses,” said Kara Chung, 27, a Hong Kong photographer. “
People are often saying, ‘You know, I wouldn’t wear this on an everyday
basis, but it’s nice that I can explore these ideas.’”


Ms. Chung operates the Instagram account @animalcrossingfashionarchive, the
preeminent catalog for “Animal Crossing” outfits. All day long, players
send Ms. Chung screenshots of their pixelated repros--a dress by Celine, a
cardigan by Chanel, a bucket hat by Stone Island--for her to post to the
account’s over 26,000 followers.

出目錄。一整天,玩家都會向Chung女士發送像素化的複製品的螢幕快照,例如Celine的連衣裙,Chanel的開衫,Stone Island的水桶帽,以供她發佈到該帳戶的26,000名關注者中。

Critical to the game’s fashion appeal are the “outfit codes” users
generate when they reach a certain level in the game. These codes let them
share their creations with others both within the game and through social
media. So if one player creates a “Dior” shirt that other players want, the
“designer” can send them the shirt’s code so they can have it too. Despite
the intimidating prices the real-life versions of such pieces carry—an
authentic Chanel cardigan can cost nearly $4,000—their digital equivalents
are exchanged for free. The style-swaps make the game feel “very democratic,
” said Seattle’s Mr. Mejia.

碼使他們可以在遊戲中和通過社交媒體與他人共享自己的創作。因此,如果一個玩家創建了其他玩家想要的“ Dior”襯衫,那麼“設計師”可以將襯衫的代碼發送給他們,以便
Shaun Mejia runs an Instagram account @thenookface to catalog his “Animal
Crossing” clothes.

Some of the repro fashions created for the game have so tantalized the style
world that they’ve crossed over into the fashion media. Last month, Ms.
Chung photographed her friend’s in-game avatars wearing designer recreations
in an editorial for the streetwear site Hypebeast. “It did feel so similar
to my real job in a way, because the game has an actual camera app where you
can zoom in and you can change the angle,” said Ms. Chung. Earlier this
month, Garage, an artsy fashion mag, also ran an “Animal Crossing” “
fashion shoot,” tapping the owners of another Instagram account
@nookstreetmarket to photograph its avatars wearing recreations of dresses bybrands like Thom Browne, Loewe and Miu Miu. Although elaborate magazine photoshoots in far-flung locales, once a staple of the fashion world, are on pausefor the foreseeable future, “Animal Crossing” has emerged as a
just-good-enough substitute, pixelated though it may be.

一個實際的相機應用程序,您可以在其中放大並更改角度。” 本月早些時候,富有藝術
氣息的時尚雜誌《車庫》(Garage)也進行了“動森友會”“時尚攝影 ”,利用另一個
Instagram帳戶@nookstreetmarket的所有者拍攝穿著Thom Browne,Loewe和Miu Miu等品牌的休閒服飾的化身。儘管在遙不可及的地點(曾經是時尚界的主要部分)精心製作的雜誌照片拍攝在可預見的未來暫停了,但“動森友會”已成為一種恰到好處的替代品,儘管


恩?你說去去武器走之類的很弱 想學強大一點的咒語?




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aterui04/22 16:48就像為什麼很多人要畫畫給別人看的意思一樣吧

organ6352104/22 16:50這是一種成就感

zhmmg2504/22 16:50西施惠的穿搭才是讓名設計師們爭相模仿的榜樣啊

m1321104/22 17:01只是因為很閒

cjo4fu3121904/22 17:03 一個字:爽

ian9091104/22 17:21imgur網址沒弄好

bestadi04/22 17:37最神..是換衣服後要擺一堆可愛的pose 讓你想搭更多

wulouise04/22 18:01免費交換code是民主還是共產?

ailio04/22 18:18動森證明了很多人玩遊戲想獲得的“東西”未必只是破關或是

ailio04/22 18:18某些設計好的進度、成就,而是在於創造、規劃與分享,其實

ailio04/22 18:18也蠻多遊戲有這功能,例如創世神只是門檻比較高

nakinight04/22 18:19現實買不到的衣服 自己簡單做

chuegou04/22 18:22樓上在跟我想差不多的事

chuegou04/22 18:22欸 抱歉推錯

sunnus23104/22 18:58

sunnus23104/22 18:58 影片後方有關於玩家動機的討論,有興趣者可以參考

AbcPig04/22 19:12推簽名檔,但我比較喜歡「比黃昏還要昏暗的東西 (略)」