[網宣]2022/2023交換學生教育展 倒數3天!

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2022/2023 國立臺灣大學交換學生教育展 倒數3天!

在 #美洲區沙龍 中,#魯孝圓 同學分享了她在疫情期間前往 #伊利諾大學芝加哥分校(UIC)交換時的點點滴滴,例如前往美國交換是為了完成自己的美國夢,無畏疫情、毅然決然地隻身前往芝加哥、疫苗還沒出來時在美國平安度過,後來還幸運地在美國打到疫苗護體,最後她不藏私分享了許多碩士班同學參加交換學生甄選的小撇步!
還想知道更多 #交換教會我們的事 嗎?記得準時鎖定11/26-27各區域沙龍!
手刀上國際事務處官網 NTU周邊得獎者說不定就是你

2022/2023 NTU Virtual Exchange Student Fair 3 days to go!

In the #AmericasSalon, #Siao-#Yuan #Lu, our former exchange student, shared her fruitful exchange experiences at the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC). She highlighted that to fulfill her American dream, she departed without any hesitation despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, how she survived and the dramatic stories of how she received her #covid19shot in the US. As a former postgraduate student, she also provided a few useful tips for our postgrads to makeyour next exchange application a smooth and successful one!
Want to learn more about #WhatExchangeHasTaughtUs? Stay tuned to our fair
during 26-27 November!
Quiz Zone is now open! Visit the link now and make NTU souvenirs yours beforethey are gone!


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