[情報] AMD 的 Scott Herkelman 宣布離職

看板PC_Shopping標題[情報] AMD 的 Scott Herkelman 宣布離職作者
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AMD's Scott Herkelman Announces Departure

Scott Herkelman thanks his colleagues who have served with him "shoulder to
shoulder in the trenches."

斯科特·赫克爾曼(Scott Herkelman)感謝與他“肩並肩地在戰壕中”服務的同事。

In a post this afternoon to X (formerly known as Twitter), Scott Herkelman,
who serves as AMD’s Senior Vice President and General Manager of the
Graphics Business unit, announced that he is leaving the company. Herkelman'sdeparture comes after Robert Hallock, who served as Director of Technical
Marketing, left the company in late 2022.

在今天下午發給X(以前稱為Twitter)的一篇文章中,擔任AMD高級副總裁兼圖形營業單位總經理的斯科特·赫克爾曼(Scott Herkelman)宣佈他將離開公司。赫克爾曼的離職
是在擔任技術營銷總監的羅伯特·哈洛克於 2022 年底離開公司之後。

“After seven years at AMD and launching three increasingly competitive
generations of RDNA graphics architectures, I have decided to leave AMD at
the end of this year,” said Herkelman. The fact that he is waiting until the
end of the year should give AMD time to find a replacement to fill his

“在 AMD 工作了七年並推出了三代競爭日益激烈的 RDNA 顯卡架構後,我決定在今年年
底離開 AMD,”Herkelman 說。他等到今年年底的事實應該讓AMD有時間尋找替代者來填

He added that he has enjoyed his time with fellow AMD colleagues over the
years, including the excitement that builds around the release of new GPUs.
In what seems to be a rallying cry to the troops that he is leaving,
Herkelman closed this X post by stating, “May you continue to punch above
your weight class and one day… beat the final boss.”

他補充說,多年來,他喜歡和AMD同事共度的時光,包括對新顯示卡發布所帶來的興奮。在這篇文章中,Herkelman 似乎在向部隊發出一種激勵的呼籲,宣布他即將離開,並表示:“願你們繼續超越自己的重量級,有朝一日... 打敗最後的大Boss。”


After seven years at AMD and launching three increasingly competitive
generations of RDNA graphics architectures, I have decided to leave AMD at
the end of this year.


I will miss every single one of you, fighting shoulder to shoulder in the
trenches together, the excitement we shared during new product launches, and
the joy of being in the arena for this wonderful, vibrant industry.

May you continue to punch above your weight class and one day… beat the
final boss.


We can only assume that Herkelman refers to Nvidia in that last statement,
which remains the 800-pound gorilla in the discrete GPU industry regarding
market share and performance. But Nvidia isn't the only competitor that AMD
must contend with; Intel joined the fray with its Arc graphics cards, which
offer competitive performance for entry-level and mainstream graphics cards.


We last heard from Herkelman about a month ago, when he was lobbing bombs at
Nvidia over early issues with the much-maligned 16-pin power connector on theGeForce RTX 40 Series graphics cards. "We specifically, for 7900 Series, and
even 7600, we didn't plan on the new power cable, but 7800 and 7700 did have
a plan for it," said Herkleman at the time.

我們最後一次聽到Herkelman的消息大約是一個月前,那時他對Nvidia提出了批評,因為GeForce RTX 40系列顯示卡的16針電源連接器早期存在問題。當時,Herkelman表示:“

"We removed it, and that was a purposeful removal. You shouldn't blame end
users for issues you have. You should catch and own any problems, just like
we did with the vapor-chamber issue. I was all over social media because I
felt like it was AMD's problem and I was going to own it."


We don't know where Scott Herkelman will wind up next. Intel, AMD, and Nvidiahave revolving doors of top talent that hop from one ship to another. So it'sentirely possible that he could land at Intel, which is hard at work on its
next-generation Battlemage Arc GPUs. However, it would be pretty interesting
if Herkleman ended up at archrival Nvidia, which he has spent the past seven
years fighting "in the trenches."

我們目前不清楚Scott Herkelman接下來將會去哪裡。Intel、AMD和Nvidia都有不斷流動的頂級人才,他們可能會從一家公司跳到另一家公司。因此,他有可能會加入Intel,因為Intel正在全力開發其下一代Battlemage Arc顯示卡。然而,如果Herkelman最終加入宿敵Nvidia,這將非常有趣,因為過去七年來,他一直在與Nvidia進行激烈競爭。

當初Raja走了,眾人說AMD GPU有救了
現在...AMD GPU的未來...?


※ PTT 留言評論
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justice2008 09/26 13:12逃難潮?

cat05joy 09/26 13:13難道有人在偷偷搞第三廠了嗎

KurakiMaki 09/26 13:16amd又沒比較便宜,買amd幹嘛

KurakiMaki 09/26 13:16intel至少有便宜這優勢

deathy 09/26 13:18聽到水桶冒泡的聲音

Zenryaku 09/26 13:26台灣intel哪有比較便宜

kuroshizu21 09/26 13:28咕嚕咕嚕 咕嚕咕嚕咕嚕咕嚕咕嚕

kuroshizu21 09/26 13:29怪了, 水桶為什麼一直在晃跟發出聲音

kaj1983 09/26 13:30現在走滿值得佩服的,看到一直寄生一定很

kaj1983 09/26 13:30難過

PTTfaggot 09/26 13:32amd gpu這一代有夠失敗的 快滾

crimsonmoon9 09/26 13:327900沒有用12VHPWR倒是77/7800曾經

crimsonmoon9 09/26 13:32有想過?

kimula01 09/26 13:33跳船囉

(更新文章 修正機器翻譯)

※ 編輯: Severine ( 臺灣), 09/26/2023 13:35:32

Fezico 09/26 13:41搞不好被挖去水果店惹,ARC750後面第一個

Fezico 09/26 13:41跳水下來真不貴R,但前提是要能接受他是第

Fezico 09/26 13:41一代產品就是。

kuroshizu21 09/26 13:43倒是770的價格一直撐著也是厲害 XD

Fezico 09/26 13:46A770從上市到停產掉沒五百塊的樣子,但A77

Fezico 09/26 13:460整體做工真的沒話說,真的漂亮。

kuroshizu21 09/26 13:49的確, 卡本身光看就頗為喜歡...

kuroshizu21 09/26 13:49所以我到現在還沒過電(被打

kaj1983 09/26 13:49那就等10年後收一張壞卡就好啦XD

kaj1983 09/26 13:49反正不會拿來用

kuroshizu21 09/26 13:50有在想之後要組香香機(喂)時, 在買新

kaj1983 09/26 13:50二手電腦零件店家也會整新洗得乾乾淨淨

Fezico 09/26 13:50那個散熱模組成本應該不低,萬元卡該給的

Fezico 09/26 13:50都給滿,另方面2slot顯卡越來越稀少

kuroshizu21 09/26 13:51顯卡前先把他裝上去過過電 XDDDD

Severine 09/26 13:51電子垃圾只要夠便宜 還是有人買單的拉

kaj1983 09/26 13:52也是啦,3k有找就買一張來備用亮機

Fezico 09/26 13:55備用亮機搞個內顯就好,花錢幹啥。

Fezico 09/26 13:56600塊的不用要去買幾千塊的東西,現在沒內

Fezico 09/26 13:56顯還有價值拿的應該也剩75F

giancarlo82 09/26 13:59kuro大真的沒讓A770上過機喔?

kuroshizu21 09/26 14:01To Gi大: 嘿啊, 兩張A770都還沒上過

kuroshizu21 09/26 14:01機 (先說我不是I粉 XDDDD)

kuroshizu21 09/26 14:01當初只是想說intel這獨顯說不定初版

kuroshizu21 09/26 14:02就絕版, 或許不會有下一代產品了, 再

kuroshizu21 09/26 14:02加上卡本身真的蠻好看的(至少我自己

kuroshizu21 09/26 14:02還蠻喜歡他的設計), 所以就買了一張

kuroshizu21 09/26 14:03本家的, 一張Acer的

kuroshizu21 09/26 14:04不過現在我個人會期待intel在獨顯這

kuroshizu21 09/26 14:04塊加油點, 多個選擇總是好的

kuroshizu21 09/26 14:05To F大: 真的, 2槽卡越來越少, 就跟

kuroshizu21 09/26 14:05日本製的壓縮機一樣(咦??

wolver 09/26 14:05價格緊追老黃

kuroshizu21 09/26 14:06現在卡都那麼後, 讓主板上其他的PCIE

kuroshizu21 09/26 14:06插槽等於廢了大半(正常安裝方式下)

Fezico 09/26 14:24現在X1/X4都被板廠廢惹改去做m2也還好,卡

Fezico 09/26 14:24厚越肩另個問題是機殼,小機殼給預留的空

Fezico 09/26 14:24間本來就沒那麼大

MrDisgrace 09/26 14:39去水果店?

kuroshizu21 09/26 14:43To F大, 機殼的確是個問題, 而且現在

kuroshizu21 09/26 14:44系的電源線新接頭又讓這個問題更麻煩

kuroshizu21 09/26 14:45倒是史考特真的跳去N家的話, 他也可

Zenryaku 09/26 14:45pcie擋到要看主板設計,技嘉把插槽全部

Zenryaku 09/26 14:45往下擠,會被蓋到的部分全部改成M.2

kuroshizu21 09/26 14:45以換個名字像是特考史之類的, 然後戴

kuroshizu21 09/26 14:45個假面出來露面就可以了(x

kuroshizu21 09/26 14:46To Z大, 的確如此, 不過當初板廠應該

kuroshizu21 09/26 14:47也沒料到顯卡居然可以恐龍化到這樣,

kuroshizu21 09/26 14:47連帶影響到主板這些等等的設計

Zenryaku 09/26 14:49板廠自己也有做顯卡,不可能沒想到,要

Zenryaku 09/26 14:49不要去處理而已

ltytw 09/26 14:49希望新的人上任後可以把FM(影片的)加回來

kaj1983 09/26 14:50還在懷念FM啊,都2023了...

boren 09/26 14:53A卡其實並沒有很失敗,失敗的是定價,只想

boren 09/26 14:54寄生在老黃的定價下一起撈,某個角度來說是

zxcvbnm00316 09/26 14:54AMD藥丸

boren 09/26 14:55在吃A卡持支者的豆腐

Fezico 09/26 15:07我個人猜測是去水果店惹,水果店搞GPU搞很

Fezico 09/26 15:07久,最近的A17也是主打GPU

oopFoo 09/26 15:10rick bergman在q2被退休,Jack Huynh接手

oopFoo 09/26 15:11AMD的cpu部門正在全面接手gpu。是好是壞?

Fezico 09/26 15:13是驢是馬還是要放出來跑跑看才知道R,用看

Fezico 09/26 15:14的就能看出來我還當什麼輪班仔。直接去幹

Fezico 09/26 15:14獵頭惹

Severine 09/26 15:43定價是個問題 但主要是製程也很貴

DarkLin 09/26 15:52我剛買了7800X3D 除錯了兩天 想賣掉….

friedpig 09/26 16:03這代失敗應該是個原因吧 太有自信去搞

friedpig 09/26 16:03MCM 結果成本炸裂效果也不怎麼樣...

friedpig 09/26 16:04下代看會不會乖乖回去用mono八

Fezico 09/26 16:27我倒覺得MCM下一代繼續搞,學費都繳惹

Fezico 09/26 16:30再說下一代應該已經在路上惹,RDNA3才用惹

Fezico 09/26 16:307000一代應該沒那麼快放掉,現在砍掉不就

Fezico 09/26 16:30要從頭開始?

PTTfaggot 09/26 16:32Chiplet gpu不可能放棄吧

ken720331 09/26 16:39壓力大

Severine 09/26 16:42MCM是未來 放棄是很可惜的

a2935373 09/26 16:53MCM明顯是為了運算卡準備的,不可能不幹

a2935373 09/26 16:54跟當初Fiji和Vega用2.5D封裝一樣,以單

a2935373 09/26 16:54一產品看賠到脫褲但練功不可能不做

oopFoo 09/26 17:22老實說,目前chiplet不太適合gpu。

oopFoo 09/26 17:23可能要等包裝技術的突破才行。

oopFoo 09/26 17:24這幾年還是mono比較保險。

Fezico 09/26 17:32fuji跟vega是HBM再搞吧?後面出包都是HBM掛

Fezico 09/26 17:32惹不是?連修都沒得修

aegis43210 09/26 17:44蘇嬤CPU部門的人才比較多,去RTG部門

aegis43210 09/26 17:44短期是好事吧,但繪圖卡的驅動很重要

aegis43210 09/26 17:44,對遊戲表現的幫助不大

a2935373 09/26 18:55HBM就2.5D台積電現在喊很大聲的高階封

a2935373 09/26 18:55

cancelpc 09/26 19:22硬體搞起來,但遊戲相容性難

cancelpc 09/26 19:23手上A750害我之前準備的550W電供用起來

cancelpc 09/26 19:23會抖

cancelpc 09/26 19:23跑分漂亮,遊戲輸2060,3060

cancelpc 09/26 19:24耗電堪比3070

cancelpc 09/26 19:25贏在2K,記憶體頻寬沒挨刀

kaj1983 09/26 19:33這麼耗電喔,連當亮機卡都不行了...

friedpig 09/26 19:40會不會放棄看rdna4就知道了 NV遊戲卡還

friedpig 09/26 19:40是不敢用

friedpig 09/26 19:42這次弄2.5d還只是切cache都還是gg 等到

friedpig 09/26 19:42真的切運算核心mcm還不知道多遠

commandoEX 09/26 22:02fiji表現算不錯了,vega重頭到尾都是

commandoEX 09/26 22:02病啊

sisiho 09/26 22:08有卦

cancelpc 09/26 22:57ARC 官方建議600W阿,考慮到我其他週邊

cancelpc 09/26 22:57都是低階,用550W應該安全一些吧

cancelpc 09/26 22:58官方規格220W左右,跟3060ti有拼了(印象

cancelpc 09/26 22:58中)

Qpera 09/27 00:40RDNA3大失敗,早該讓一堆人滾蛋了

a2935373 09/27 03:17Vega就典型的拖太久被打下去

amos30627 09/27 11:57每代都在練功 消費者又不是傻子 這代又

amos30627 09/27 11:57

Wilson310 09/27 17:13A卡最重要的問題是定價

EAFV 09/28 08:48A750 controller預設是190w 拉到滿才是220