[情報] 韓國論壇玩家使用N+A雙補幀 提升達290%

看板PC_Shopping標題[情報] 韓國論壇玩家使用N+A雙補幀 提升達290%作者
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The Frame Generation is part of NVIDIA DLSS 3, and it is only supported by
NVIDIA RTX 40 graphics. AMD’s Fluid Motion Frames technology is part of the
enablement for FSR3 (next-gen upscaling) and HYPR-RX. AMD is working on
enabling its frame generation tech separately as part of their driver
features. Gamers may now enable AFMF per each supported game, but it requiresan AMD driver and GPU present to work.

QuasarZone had a crazy idea to combine both NVIDIA’s and AMD’s frame
generation to the same graphics pipeline. This means that both GPUs will
generate frames and, technically, this should much even higher performance.
Spoiler alert, performance is indeed much higher (in some tests) but there
are issues that may prevent this idea from making much sense.

For starters, to enable FG on both GPUs, two cards are required in the
system. The RX 6600 GPU (like in this case) must be connected to the primary
monitor, and the game has to be rendered on that monitor as well. Users then
must individually select the rendering GPU to RTX 40 graphics (RTX 4090 in
this example).

The way it works, the game is rendered on RTX 4090 which is using its native
DLSS3 FG technology, but the output image is then interpolated by AFMF again,which increases the average framerate by up to 290% compared to native
resolution. Without AFMF, it would be around 200% in games like Cyberpunk

The improvement in performance is remarkable. Significant enhancements in
average frames per second (FPS) have been achieved. However, the impact on
the bottom 1% FPS performance varies depending on the game. In titles like
Cyberpunk 2077, the application of AFMF has contributed to the improvement ofbottom 1% FPS performance, while in Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, it has, on
the contrary, resulted in a decline in bottom 1% FPS.

Conversely, in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III 2023, the implementation of
AFMF has enhanced the bottom 1% FPS performance, but when used in conjunctionwith DLSS 3 FG, there is a slight decrease, showcasing differences across

— QuasarZone
As mentioned, this configuration is not without compromises, and it does not
always produce the best experience. The average framerate will increase, but
the number of the slowest frames (1%) may go lower. This metric is often usedto showcase the smoothness of gameplay. In other words, despite an increase
in average framerate, the experience may be worse.

Furthermore, this setup means that two cards are used, so higher power
consumption and exotic GPU setup will enforce full-screen rendering mode, as
AFMF does not work in other modes. The Radeon GPU needs to be at least a
middle-range one because the AFMF uses 90% of the Radeon RX 6600 GPU, so
using cards like the RX 6500 XT might not be enough.

We look forward to seeing how modders and gamers take advantage of this thesetechnologies in the future. It is extremely unlikely that AMD and NVIDIA willever work together to combine their technologies, either officially or
unofficially. Moreover, the artificial doubling of already interpolated
frames will almost certainly introduce more graphics glitches. For science,
however, this seems like a very interesting thing to test.

韓國人使用RTX 4090 + RX 6600雙卡配置
同時使用N卡FG+A卡AFMF雙補幀 大幅提升遊戲幀數

4090負責渲染遊戲+DLSS3 FG補幀
遊戲要跑在全螢幕 因為AFMF目前只支援全螢幕遊玩


不過要注意雖然平均幀上升 但有些遊戲的1%幀反而降低
例如COD MW3的1%最低幀在開啟雙補幀後反而略降

-不是每個遊戲都更順暢 有些的1%幀反而降低
-韓國作者建議使用支援PCIe x16拆分x8/x8的主機板

一個補幀不夠 你有試過用兩個嗎XD
感覺很像A卡以前的FM 也是可以N+A雙卡配置
N卡拿來跑遊戲 A卡負責輸出跟影片補幀 只是現在是補遊戲


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LeoYuri 12/02 00:31我也想過用n+i卡,i卡還能用deeplink跟i

LeoYuri 12/02 00:31內顯連動

LeoYuri 12/02 00:31i卡驅動應該比較不會打架

wahaha99 12/02 00:33....有病(稱讚的意味)

mrme945 12/02 00:35有趣耶

otosaka 12/02 00:37如果插7000系列的A卡會補的更有效率嗎

ArSaBuLu 12/02 00:38天下大勢 分久必合 合久必分

Litfal 12/02 00:43可以這樣補了又補 補了再補的嗎

mrme945 12/02 00:497000系比較省電一點點,應該效率會更好一

mrme945 12/02 00:49些吧

ByPass128 12/02 00:50之後可以直接用新apu補ㄇ?

sincere77 12/02 00:53感覺延遲多少也會增加

E7lijah 12/02 00:55作者沒有對延遲作描述 但N卡將渲染好的幀

E7lijah 12/02 00:55交給A卡再處理 應該是會有延遲增加

E7lijah 12/02 00:566600都滿吃力了 APU會操到掛掉或閃退吧

jior 12/02 01:07我補幀你的補幀!!!!

henryliao 12/02 01:10紅綠一家親 一起補幀

CORYCHAN 12/02 01:16好酷

annboy 12/02 01:17這是神人吧

nrxadsl 12/02 01:17兩張中階,打得贏4080嗎

lazioliz 12/02 01:20不是啊 問題在延遲啊

AreLies 12/02 01:22這樣我用4070Ti搭6900XT可以任性了

Lowpapa 12/02 01:23有創意

maninpink 12/02 01:25另外 現在能支援x8/x8的平台幾乎只

maninpink 12/02 01:25有旗艦主機板才有支援

E7lijah 12/02 01:35也是可以用晶片組的x4槽試試啦 只是效能

E7lijah 12/02 01:35可能會折損

nthank 12/02 01:37蠻有趣的 搞這件事 比玩遊戲 本身還快樂

speed7022 12/02 01:46玩個遊戲一半以上的畫面都不是真的XD

oppoR20 12/02 01:56有生之年看得到紅綠藍三家一起疊buff嗎

oppoR20 12/02 01:56我要10倍的fps

E7lijah 12/02 02:03RGB世紀大合體是吧

jhjhs33504 12/02 02:11木桶效應

x9898997 12/02 02:14以前的an交火玩法

ziggs8308 12/02 02:30摻在一起做撒尿牛丸啊

Xperia9900KS 12/02 02:39AFMF可以無邊寬跟視窗模式使用喔

nucleargod 12/02 03:18雙卡直接 TR 就可以開滿兩張都 x16 啦

UrFather 12/02 03:40sick

IsonaEi 12/02 03:57這延遲不高嗎?

magic543 12/02 04:06

magic543 12/02 04:10

lice0225 12/02 04:47哇 買卡了買卡了

ericinttu 12/02 05:08那 NAI 三卡合體呢?

menchian 12/02 05:13這種大概就真的只有幀數而已,拿補出來

menchian 12/02 05:13的幀再補,原始資訊量沒有增加的情況下

menchian 12/02 05:13,失真程度只會更高

artjio 12/02 05:35三卡合體真的蠻好笑的

blackway0226 12/02 06:54還好還有 6800 可以拿來玩玩看

blackway0226 12/02 06:55串下去可以無限補幀

ltytw 12/02 07:08嗚阿阿阿 這樣血統不純 禁止禁止阿

kizajan 12/02 07:25看來該買一張4090來跟我的7900xtx配了

sova0809 12/02 07:31完全沒想過的技術 有趣

EXZUSIC 12/02 08:18200%以上假畫面很好玩嗎?

lc85301 12/02 08:29為什麼不用兩張 N 就好

moon1991 12/02 08:46遊戲畫面本來多半都是假的啦

popbitch 12/02 08:51有機會FG + AFMF + FM嗎

narukaza 12/02 08:58幀數上去了,延遲也是,不過有些人感覺

narukaza 12/02 08:58不出來就是了,反正看數字提升就高潮了

narukaza 12/02 08:58(?

k078787878 12/02 09:47什麼鬼畜的玩法

Xpwa563704ju 12/02 09:59好屌歐XD

u9596g12 12/02 10:14好像有點厲害

MK47 12/02 10:16有創意 合體哥XDDDD

kevin1221 12/02 10:43卡這樣塞,4090不會窒息?

kevin1221 12/02 10:43雜交前衛者

littlefish1 12/02 10:58很有創意,只是我連dlss3都不開了,

littlefish1 12/02 10:58玩apex久了太容易去注意到那些細節

littlefish1 12/02 10:58的偽像

FentiC 12/02 11:00補幀你的補幀

avans 12/02 11:04有趣的想法,原來A卡是達爾,N卡是悟空www

Spunnyge07 12/02 11:07這灑尿牛丸吧

SHR4587 12/02 11:27看影片還行玩遊戲算了吧

Ekmund 12/02 12:01還是要看出來的畫面如何...但確實有趣

guolong 12/02 12:02真測試的有病XD

ctes940008 12/02 12:16合體

ycjcsie 12/02 13:00以後4090大禮包可以綁ATI了

tsukasaxx 12/02 13:10好酷 也許未來新型態顯卡可以這樣搞

sachialanlus 12/02 13:15再插一張 A 卡可不可以再一層

tony5110 12/02 13:17以後店家N卡綁A卡賣都合理化了

vvanch 12/02 13:37好屌 跟拼裝車一樣

c41231717 12/02 13:38一張卡不夠怎沒用兩張?

laup300687 12/02 13:39畢竟他們兩家本來就是親戚,一家親沒

laup300687 12/02 13:39毛病

intela60474 12/02 14:05這樣畫面品質會好嗎?

kanding255 12/02 14:27有料

drummers 12/02 14:55想玩 我要把6600插上去了

js0431 12/02 15:01真是酷東西

newsnew 12/02 15:26這個真有才

NgJovi 12/02 15:27Lucid Hydra 領先業界15年?

RaiGend0519 12/02 15:28拿來玩高畫質模擬經營遊戲還不錯R

RaiGend0519 12/02 15:29天際線2、Anno1800、模擬飛行這些就

RaiGend0519 12/02 15:29很有利惹

NCTU0894IJK 12/02 20:02果然是電競國家

Theo57 12/02 20:09以後N卡A卡要一起買就對了XD

canandmap 12/02 21:38原來N是逐暗者,A是闡釋者呀XD

canandmap 12/02 21:38玩家:當我拔出第二把劍...

ms0608432 12/02 22:02原本打算在雙12買4070的,現在又要多

ms0608432 12/02 22:02買一張6600了!?

xxxrecoil 12/02 22:12這什麼黑科技= =

narukaza 12/02 22:21A卡要逆風高飛了嗎,接下來就是RTX4090

narukaza 12/02 22:21+RX6600誠實(*10)禮包了(?

wertyorz 12/02 22:39要登上N卡的順風車惹~ 大家快上車啊

lannjm 12/02 22:43這個PSU要買幾瓦的?

william456 12/03 01:20220v先拉好

chino32818 12/03 08:25太酷了吧

lyd0602 12/03 08:59N+A

lyd0602 12/03 09:00N+A+I

yafx4200p 12/03 10:02供電效能如何

narukaza 12/03 11:19

nwkasim 12/04 08:19NA紅綠一家親,再推出AI合體運算會飛天

Arbin 12/04 09:51intel再來參一咖 三位一體(?

canandmap 12/04 11:27 RGB

iPhoneX 12/04 11:47那張4090看起來快吸不到氣了

RONC 12/05 00:47有測輸出延遲嗎?