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這篇文章來自LJ Ellis




If Landale wasn’t included, the Spurs would have needed to wait a few more
days to make the trade official. Why the rush? It’s safe to say the Spurs
valued the ability to maximize their cap space on Day 1 of free agency more
than they valued having Landale around on an unguaranteed minimum contract.




Landale brought an interesting combination of toughness, shooting ability andbasketball IQ at the center position. Unfortunately, the Australian big man had trouble on the defensive end due to a lack of athleticism. With Zach Collinson track to play a full season and the drafting of Jeremy Sochan, San Antoniofelt confident enough in their big man depth to throw Landale into the Murraydeal.

當Zach下一季有望完整出賽、選秀上也選進了Jeremy Sochan之時

Pulling Walker’s qualifying offer increased San Antonio’s cap space from
around $26 million to nearly $40 million. So, what do the Spurs plan to do with all that room? As expected, it doesn’t appear like the Spurs will make a move for restricted free agent Deandre Ayton.

The likeliest outcome is the Spurs renting out their cap room. For example,
they could absorb a bad contract (say, Russell Westbrook) in exchange for draft capital (say, two minimally protected first round picks). Expect the Spurs tobe patient in this regard, especially after the news of Kevin Durant demandinga trade. A team desperate for Durant could very well overpay the Spurs for thecap flexibility San Antonio can provide if it means completing a trade with the Brooklyn Nets.


比方來說,他們可能會吞一個爛約 (比如說龜),以換取選秀資產


6) The Spurs did have one free agent acquisition on the first day of free
agency: Brett Brown. The former assistant coach in San Antonio and the formerhead coach of the Philadelphia 76ers returns to the Spurs as an assistant coach. Brown, 61, joins Mitch Johnson, Darius Songaila, Matt Nielsen and Chip
Engelland on head coach Gregg Popovich’s staff.

Considering that the Spurs have entered a full-on rebuilding mode after trading away Murray, the hiring of Brown makes a whole lot of sense. Brown was the
head coach during The Process, Philadelphia’s infamous multi-season rebuilding plan that actually resulted in the NBA flattening the lottery odds.

In his previous stint with the Spurs, Brown drew rave reviews for his work with young players and his ability to help develop talent. Considering that the
Spurs roster is more youthful than ever, he’ll be a busy man.

馬刺在自由市場開張之後,確實簽下了一名自由球員:Brett Brown




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ck32607/05 10:35所有人都在等 KD/KI

love150027407/05 10:39Brett

circuswu07/05 10:40要不要修個錯字,Brett Brown

※ 編輯: JoshPrimo ( 臺灣), 07/05/2022 10:41:51

egghard2907/05 10:50制服組對院長好有信心

okokok2907/05 10:53我對內線深度沒信心阿

Sparxxx07/05 10:55院長經紀人也宣稱 下賽季的院長會有大突破

jede07/05 10:58今年真的要坦了 毫不掩飾計畫擺爛 雖然我們前幾年就該坦了

ponkd07/05 11:03如果最後不是來西河而是來西阿 大家可以接受嗎? 或是說各

ponkd07/05 11:03拿多少籤大家可以接受?

PeterHenson07/05 11:04確實阿 看起來就是等大咖在交易市場混戰 等撿首輪籤

rabbitu0407/05 12:04樓樓上是指西門吧 西阿哪位XD

b03o20y07/05 12:14第一眼看到以為是想西阿肯,很敢想

Sparxxx07/05 12:19我以為西阿是指Siakam,想說時間軸也對不上

TVXFQ07/05 12:22說實話也想過西門 但那狀況就太複雜了

TVXFQ07/05 12:23但如果能成蠻樂見的 不太影響戰績

TVXFQ07/05 12:23開心打球說不定戰力又回升可以賣

ck32607/05 12:25有某某人的例子,不太可能在收這種難搞仔ㄅ

wl0151791507/05 12:34直接說是誰就好了啊,又不是見不得光的事

TVXFQ07/05 12:48也是 現實層面不可能收態度不行的人

irene52007/05 12:55院長去年真的打的很不錯了吧!兩年沒打的人剛復出二十

irene52007/05 12:55幾場就能打出那種數據,協防也不賴、禁區肉活也能幹、

irene52007/05 12:55還有投射能力,確實是一筆超讚的簽約希望明年健康出戰

irene52007/05 12:55

irene52007/05 12:56西門我覺得跟76人團隊比較有關係吧,不能否認他有他打

irene52007/05 12:56法上的問題,但說真的教練直接在媒體面前數落你確實挺

irene52007/05 12:56打擊信心的

tiefu07/05 13:15吃西門約,頂多只有換控球,其餘陣容不變,有搞頭嗎

jede07/05 13:32雖然可以吃爛約 但西門那張實在太長太大張 而且以他那種個性

jede07/05 13:33被清出去 他會認真打球嗎 說不定心理受創要休三年

irene52007/05 13:47對了這個記者還有爆料說 primo是控球後衛的最終人選而

irene52007/05 13:47且有很明顯的進步。夏聯揭曉瞜

slamblock1507/05 13:56明年我們也不需要西門認真打 只是下下季開始就要傷

slamblock1507/05 13:56腦筋了 如果真的吞西門的話

ck32607/05 14:04Primo 直接上的機會還真的蠻高der

emptie07/05 14:09刺比較擔心交易來的高薪球員太認真打吧

irene52007/05 14:13這是要學快艇硬練SGA嗎?

rabbitu0407/05 14:15西門那張約吃下來要卡好幾年的...

rabbitu0407/05 14:16而且球團看起來沒打算坦太久 薪資卡著不舒服

irene52007/05 14:18依照之前的新聞馬刺希望保持未來的薪資彈性的情況下除

irene52007/05 14:18非真的能拿到很多選秀權不然應該不會吃西門那種約吧,

irene52007/05 14:18而且KD KI的交易看起來會拖蠻久的。

irene52007/05 14:19西門看起來應該也不會被交易啦籃網還是要保障一點戰力

irene52007/05 14:19不然簽也不在自己手上坦也沒用。

c092294977407/05 14:32現在可能問題是要空著大把薪資空間開季了 但也沒差

ponkd07/05 14:40抱歉 是西門沒錯 手寫沒注意選字

JoshPrimo07/05 14:40是沒差,但現在薪資有到窮人線了嗎?

irene52007/05 15:49窮人線好像是季末才結算吧不確定

bewd300007/05 17:00吃龜合約,然後不小心重返季後賽(?)

stevenlin3307/05 17:08院長是防守有點慘 進攻端還不錯

egghard2907/05 17:11窮人線是薪資上限的90% 我們大概還差30M

c092294977407/05 18:21一定要分到豪華稅的紅利

b03o20y07/05 20:22西門說真的還是很強,完全不覺得是爛約,聯盟天賦沒幾個

b03o20y07/05 20:22比得上他的,比起審判長,這隻頂約更值得

b03o20y07/05 20:24如果他當現在馬刺體系的小球5不知道有沒有搞頭,馬刺現在

b03o20y07/05 20:24這套體系,就是另類5out,中鋒高位發牌,不用外線

Sparxxx07/05 20:28我也覺得西門很強,但是他如果來了,我們還要坦嗎?

Tonyx59902607/05 20:30Gorgui Dieng回歸了

TVXFQ07/05 21:41沒人說他天賦不強 但就不打你能怎麼辦

TVXFQ07/05 21:43而且其實根本不卡不長 才三年

TVXFQ07/05 21:43DV KJ都不太可能頂薪 西門25解放的時候Primo剛好換約

TVXFQ07/05 21:44今年三隻甚至都還沒續約

TVXFQ07/05 21:54我們的黃金期最快就是三年後

TVXFQ07/05 21:57所以就操作層面換西門真的蠻吸引人

cowbay556607/06 00:17西門+Primo+KJ+Sochan+波頭,一隊有三個沒外線的

cowbay556607/06 00:17這種陣型應該穩穩的天然坦下去了

ponkd07/06 08:13西阿是中鋒 取取代波頭 大升級吶 XD

ponkd07/06 08:13西門

f82020307/06 18:52我們交易Murray就是為了坦

f82020307/06 18:52簽西門坦不下去XD

rabbitu0407/06 22:16那也要他能上場wwwwwwwww

TVXFQ07/06 23:17我真的覺得別把西門想的太猛

TVXFQ07/06 23:19不是說他不強 而是比起把戰績帶上去 他有太多種可能是反而

TVXFQ07/06 23:19是影響不大

TVXFQ07/06 23:19受傷 心病 態度 磨合 沒外線 隊友沒給幫助等

wl0151791507/07 00:38還有不能罵他,popo可能很先中風,哈哈哈

wl0151791507/07 00:38可能會*

cowbay556607/07 00:42西門在76有小咖哩、綠、哈里斯、鉛筆,全都是有外線的

cowbay556607/07 00:46馬刺三分則是不管命中率跟命中數都聯盟後段班

cowbay556607/07 00:46再補一個西門,那除非有時光機回到90年代,不然穩崩的