Fw: [新聞] 儘管問題不少,Wolcen還是賣出一百萬套

看板Steam標題Fw: [新聞] 儘管問題不少,Wolcen還是賣出一百萬套作者
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Wolcen is broken, but is still a million seller

Despite problems, Wolcen sold like warm rolls.

The action role-playing game Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem is pretty broken in
places, we could determine that much in our test. Bugs, glitches and
unsatisfactory optimization often robbed us of the fun, although Wolcen also
shows huge potential. Steam now also has over 45,000 reviews, which are only
?mixed? with 56 percent positive votes.

Despite these problems, Wolcen was able to generate its own hype, which is
also reflected in the sales figures: As the developer announced in a press
release, Wolcen sold over a million copies. In addition, over a million
characters were created, nearly 13 million monsters were defeated, and
115,347,589,950 gold coins were collected – after correcting the gold
exploit, as the makers point out.

Wolcen-Reparatur takes priority over content
Optimization comes first: The developers had already emphasized it in our bigplus interview about the construction sites and plans for Wolcen, and they
repeated it in the press release: They wanted to "invest completely in the
optimization and bug fixing of the first four months from the release," said
the wording.

Act four comes later: Once the repair phase is complete, the developers want
to start creating new content for Wolcen. Specifically, the studio wants to
add a fourth act and thus continue the story of Wolcen.

This directly addresses one of our criticisms: We had complained in Wolcen's
test that the story ended too abruptly, almost as if there had actually been
more planned. Now we know that the story is actually going on.

Wolcen was released on February 13, 2020 after a four-year early access phaseas a full version on Steam. While previously a maximum of 2,000 players were
playing simultaneously, Wolcen reached over 125,000 players at the same time.

The developers were completely surprised by the huge success, so that
initially there was not enough server capacity available. This problem is a
thing of the past.







「基隆?」本資費像個被嚇呆的貓頭鷹,對著哈普羅猛眨眼睛。「好主意!聽說那裡的夜巿不錯── 」


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※ 編輯: wizardfizban ( 臺灣), 03/06/2020 09:44:43

widec03/06 09:48看來我真的不愛暗黑玩法 試玩一下也退了

lovinlover03/06 10:09D3當初問題也很多 物流車也是拚命追

zseineo03/06 10:20你追物流車的時候又不知道D3有什麼問題w

lovinlover03/06 10:31E37的時候還有在追物流車吧

ANiZan999103/06 10:36這部更新算頻繁了 就看他啥時才能修完

sumarai03/06 10:46沒有支援搖桿的都不太想買了

nextpage03/06 11:10我不急著玩,一兩年後再看看

CSSun03/06 11:28農裝元素現在大部份遊戲都有,本來就是增加耐玩度

CSSun03/06 11:28不過這貨我玩十分鍾就退掉了,等火炬3...

stkissstone03/06 11:47就撿到POE季末的尾刀 熱潮一下就退了

TK20050594803/06 12:51bug斷線吃裝,痛苦太多

THC1303/06 13:25可見大家多恨D3

super131415903/06 14:04論銷量D3還是完全海放其他款啊

shcjosh03/06 16:08Diablo like 一直都很受歡迎啊

andy45568603/06 16:25撇除滿坑滿谷的bug 這遊戲其實蠻好玩的

hidewin20003/06 17:20這價錢玩單人其實ok啦 有持續更新比較重要

stfang92503/06 17:25上架時間剛好撿到尾刀+1 時間估得不錯

saberr3303/06 18:02有買,並且爬玩187層樓的我自首

tindy03/06 18:12D3到了資料片還是一堆人買阿

AsakuRacing03/06 18:17POE線上人數應該海放D3了吧?

shadowdio03/06 18:27慢幾天加入 沒爽到血刃 慢慢爬塔中

stfang92503/06 18:39d3資料片好玩啊

rabbit2412003/06 19:26其實這塊除了bug外 算是好玩的D2 like遊戲

Lemming03/06 19:46沒跟到的可以去刷act3商人買試煉腰帶 巴哈有教學

a3798823303/06 23:26Poe新賽季要開始了 這遊戲只是開胃的

yuehxian03/07 11:17看巴哈和對岸有沒有新bd就知道還有沒有熱度

yuehxian03/07 11:18結果是已經都冷掉了

selvester03/07 15:23天賦沒有多樣性 都是挑那幾招