Fw: [新聞] Gabe Newell曾在WoW做過金幣農夫

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Gabe Newell was a World of Warcraft gold farmer

Gabe Newell: CEO and co-founder of Valve, recipient of the BAFTA Fellowship
award, billionaire, and as we have now learned a gold farmer in World of
Warcraft (retired). The topic came up in a recent interview with Edge
Magazine, where Newell discussed the evolution of Steam, explaining that at acertain point Valve started thinking of games "as productivity platforms"
rather than just entertainment.

"As a sort of proof-of-concept I decided to be a gold farmer in World Of
Warcraft for a while." As you do. "I was making $20 an hour farming gold. I
was making what was a spectacular wage for most people in most parts of the

Having seen an in-game economy up-close, Valve began the Steam Workshop, a
hub for player-created mods and in-game items, including ones that are
available for sale. As Newell explained, that paid off for some people for
far more than $20 per hour.

"There's this story of the parents that called us up because they thought we
were selling their kid drugs. What happened was PayPal pinged the parents andsaid, 'Your kid is exceeding our limits of how much money they can put into
PayPal per month. They're probably selling stolen goods or drugs, because
there’s no other explanation.' So the parents called us up and I said: 'He
makes items on the Team Fortress Workshop. He’s making $500,000 a year.'
That to us was an indication that this was a helpful way of thinking of games—as platforms—and it's informed all of our decisions about multiplayer
games subsequently."

Newell also took the opportunity to discuss the Epic Games Store and
increased competition in the digital storefront market, saying that his real
issue was with the Apple Arcade and the way "people who are falling in love
with Apple's model of controlling everything".

Thanks, PCGamesN.



Gabe在訪談中被問到了Steam的發展,他就提到了以前WoW正紅時,他為了驗證遊戲做為生產平台的可能性,就跑去WoW中做金幣農夫 (Gold Farmer)。那時他弄到了每小時20美金的收入。

這段經歷給了他很多收獲,所以Steam就開始有了Steam Workshop的功能。


── 星野夢美 ﹝星之夢﹞ ──


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LaiTW03/31 11:57所以呷霸的WOW帳號有因為現金交易被BAN嗎?

※ 編輯: wizardfizban ( 臺灣), 03/31/2020 12:09:44

Unlight03/31 12:12小孩的故事有夠勵志 不過付費工作坊不是剛推出就被抵制下

Unlight03/31 12:12架了嗎 他是怎麼賺的啊

theseusship03/31 12:15開抖內吧,有些會附抖內網址在Mod說明欄

Hocoper03/31 12:25真的勵志,現在只能賭skin嗎= =

lastballad03/31 12:26年收50萬鎂太猛了吧

Porops03/31 12:37TF的工作坊主要是給Valve挑選上官方更新的吧,不知道是其

Porops03/31 12:37他玩家捐的還是Valve有另外付錢給選上官方更新的MOD

howdiee03/31 12:41TF被選上的是可以抽%的吧

howdiee03/31 12:43查了一下 好像還固定25%

yangtsur03/31 14:01小孩賺的是父母的十倍這樣

chaoliu03/31 14:17會賺錢的果然到哪裡都會賺

wlwillwell03/31 16:47機制有點像Warframe的工作坊那樣,玩家投稿作品

wlwillwell03/31 16:47超過一定人支持就可以正式上架,然後玩家購買時

wlwillwell03/31 16:48製作者可以抽成這樣