Fw: [新聞] Valorant的Twitch觀看數在發售首週劇降

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Valorant's Twitch Viewership Drops Sharply During Launch Week

Valorant might have got off to an incredible start during its closed beta,
but on Twitch, at least, it doesn't seem to be maintaining that momentum. As
launch week drew to a close yesterday, Riot's new tactical shooter had
received just a fraction of the viewers it had enjoyed at its peak.

According to Twitch analytics site SullyGnome (via DotEsports), viewers
watched 148.7 million hours of Valorant during the first seven days of the
closed beta, breaking records across the platform. In the seven days
following its official launch on June 2, however, that number had fallen to
just 18.2 million hours.

That's a big drop, but there's likely to be a couple of key reasons for that.Firstly, everyone has access to the game now, rather than the gradual rolloutof the beta, so are more likely to be playing than watching. Secondly, Riot
deliberately gated access to that beta, encouraging players to watch Twitch
streams for a chance to enter the game. With that system no longer in place,
there's no incentive for players to watch hours of content.

That's not to say Valorant's not doing well. At time of writing, it's the
fifth most-watched game on the platform, above Dota 2 and CS:GO, and not thatfar behind Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. It'll be interesting to see how
quickly Riot gives us actual player counts, but for now it seems that its
latest offering is maintaining some decent momentum.




Btea的前7天 148.7 million
發售後的7天 18.2 million





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clou06/12 09:00行銷再怎麼砸錢,終究還是品質見真章。

ryohgi06/12 09:19一場太久,有夠不休閒

max9028306/12 09:23娛樂觀看要尬贏大逃殺系列還是不太可能 遙望FORTNITE和C

max9028306/12 09:23OD現在又有EFT

max9028306/12 09:24未來觀看曲線應該就是CSGO那樣 平日前十 有賽事前三

cycutom06/12 09:54就行銷砸錢衝出來的

shinchen06/12 10:42原文寫的是總觀看時間不是人數 沒掛台了當然差很多啊

KOKOLALAMA06/12 10:43之前很多人看,不就是純掛掛網抽帳號,真以為那麼多人

vvanch06/12 10:46一堆分身掛帳拿資格賣錢吧?

pokiman06/12 10:49剛爆紅時覺得有點莫明為何會爆成這樣結果也下來了

max9028306/12 10:50一般實況也真的比較悶 老實說 這種tactical shooting沒

max9028306/12 10:50有ob 沒有上帝視角 架槍久一點可能就想轉台

※ 編輯: wizardfizban ( 臺灣), 06/12/2020 11:08:37

thexiaomi06/12 12:25一堆大咖實況主都回去玩Apex跟COD Fortnite了...

thexiaomi06/12 12:26簡單來說就是可玩性跟觀賞度都沒以上幾款高

thexiaomi06/12 12:26所以說這款要成為FPS的LoL我看很難

thexiaomi06/12 12:27LoL可是不管比賽還是一般實況都是超多人在看/玩

jim859606/12 12:28twitch觀看人數小贏csgo 還行啦

TaoYPingS06/12 12:31靠掛拿帳有啥,csgo現在沒掛箱才是真人氣

TaoYPingS06/12 12:33apex觀賞性佳,自玩又好玩,就是不走電競大可惜

cms638406/12 12:38因為真的無趣啊 不夠刺激 槍戰遊戲勒

sfh2023006/12 12:44都2020年了 這種成品騙誰玩啊

max9028306/12 12:59fps的lol 目前沒遊戲辦到吧 逃殺類電競不足 電競夠的又

max9028306/12 12:59休閒眾不足 有啦 ow曾經很接近

Nravir06/12 13:01怎麼沒弄成TF2的玩法

max9028306/12 13:03

max9028306/12 13:05身法有像tf2

Nravir06/12 13:09我想說的是TF2搶點護車~這樣肯定玩很爽QQ~未來會出嗎

max9028306/12 13:13阿乾 那不就是ow 還是你想玩ttk很短的推車佔點 那就是Va

max9028306/12 13:13l去做變化 聽你這樣說當休閒模式好像也不錯

Nravir06/12 13:36只出這種正龜模式肯定沒人吧?GO至少還有玩家伺服器和箱子.

Nravir06/12 13:37我自己是不爽死了還要等一堆時間= =,根本玩不爽

Nravir06/12 13:38不然我直接去玩CSGO就好啦,沒必要下載一樣的東西

Nravir06/12 13:39這頂多就其他CS房開的RPG插件打架?

Gyllenhaal06/12 13:41Cod觀賞度最高

thexiaomi06/12 13:41Apex我記得圖奇觀看人數破60萬過

thexiaomi06/12 13:42電競本來也可以搞很大 但完全被EA害死了...

thexiaomi06/12 13:43原本想說有OW跟PUBG的前車之鑑

thexiaomi06/12 13:43事實證明這些公司一樣智障...

wksean102206/12 13:45不意外,遊戲本身沒有太突出的東西

LinYiJen06/12 14:16覺得好笑,還在常駐前十名被說得好像徹底過氣一樣

LinYiJen06/12 14:17現在EFT也在掉寶直衝第一名,之前本來就是一堆人在掛台

LinYiJen06/12 14:18為了拿到封測資格,正式上了誰還無聊去掛台

grace080506/12 14:39現在沒有積分 沒有人有動力玩ㄅ

Nravir06/12 14:41Riot大大會聽聽玩家要玩啥ㄇ

svd23706/12 15:46不用聽,現在黑人/女/同性戀一定要有

st1223106/12 23:03這公司只有lol能端出檯面

vvanch06/13 11:40因為有請當初OS地圖作者去設計 現在應該可以準備退休了吧