[閒聊] GOG下架《Hitman》 GOTY版

看板Steam標題[閒聊] GOG下架《Hitman》 GOTY版作者
時間推噓12 推:13 噓:1 →:19

標榜DRM free的GOG在9月推出了《Hitman 》GOTY版,儘管商店頁面和其他遊戲一樣註明了「No activation or online connection required to play」,但因玩家發現Escalationmissions、Elusive Targets與user-created Contracts等部分需要連線(GOG宣稱有註明,玩家則說發售時沒有這麼說過),致使部分玩家留下負評(整體評分一度為1.4/5)。


Thank you for bringing this topic to our attention. We’re looking into it and will be updating you in the coming weeks. In case you have purchased HITMAN and are not satisfied with the released version, you can use your right to refund the game. At the same time, while we’re open for meritful discussion and feedback, we will not tolerate review bombing and will be removing posts thatdo not follow our review guidelines.


Breja: It's not "review bombing" when the reviews give better information on what is actually locked behind online DRM than the game's store page.


We will not remove reviews like that, only those that are against our review guidelines.

近日,GOG員工chandra在社群論壇對玩家致歉,並將遊戲下架,且表示與開發商IO Interactive溝通中:

Thank you for your patience and for giving us the time to investigate the release of HITMAN GOTY on GOG. As promised, we’re getting back to you with updates.

We're still in dialogue with IO Interactive about this release. Today we have removed HITMAN GOTY from GOG’s catalog – we shouldn’t have released it in its current form, as you’ve pointed out.

We’d like to apologise for the confusion and anger generated by this situation. We’ve let you down and we’d like to thank you for bringing this topic to us
– while it was honest to the bone, it shows how passionate you are towards GOG.

We appreciate your feedback and will continue our efforts to improve our communication with you.

《Hitman》 GOTY版商店頁面(已無法連結)



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walkxd13610/10 13:54xD cdpr到底在幹嘛現在

KHopper10/10 13:57從上次下架還願,就顯現CDPR的本質,過去被吹捧過頭

dickec3510/10 14:03有被架刀嗎(笑)

walkxd13610/10 14:09 今年都快過了

walkxd13610/10 14:11噢免費dlc有做了…只是有點傻眼XD

Angesi10/10 14:14下載好 就該申請退款了啦 這間公司 值得這樣對待的!

kaj198310/10 14:28gog沒DRM就是爽

kaj198310/10 14:30本質就是老遊戲平台,市面上也沒其他同性質平台

osedax10/10 14:49cdpr黑蠢蠢欲動

winda662710/10 14:53CDPR當初聰明點別被騙上還願就不會現在被覺青追殺了。

crazypeo4510/10 15:10被追殺 LUL

kaj198310/10 15:22這平台已經沒什麼賺錢了,還有人想追殺真的慘...XD

nok112610/10 15:36笑死我看那時候追殺CDPR的人都沒平日去逛costco的人多

dbjdx10/10 15:45沒DRM很棒

r8527060710/10 15:54推文現在東拉西扯的東西跟hitman之間關聯我真看不懂

walkxd13610/10 16:01因為重點根本不是hitman,而且cdpr到底在幹嘛

walkxd13610/10 16:01*而是

Jiajun072410/10 16:07怕 追殺到現在

astrophy10/10 16:58CDPR這次是自己亂搞,跟別人黑不黑沒關係

Angesi10/10 17:21敢做出來的事 還怕別人說話呀 集權國家最愛叫人閉嘴

Angesi10/10 17:22gog有過之而無不及 已經在刪留言了!

ssarc10/10 17:25當他下架還願我就沒再買過他平台東西了

gametv10/10 18:29捧的越高摔的越重

s801857210/10 19:49被騙ㄎ 被騙甚麼 你講一下?

s801857210/10 19:51是被騙說:「我在談上架時,應該要標注自己是辱華公司嗎

s801857210/10 19:51?」

spfy10/10 21:36不用理那個 那就是商業大師的邏輯

fanhsiao111510/11 15:40已經跌落神壇的公司

garlic123410/12 04:09還願是騙他們什麼?事情都發生好一陣子了難道他們會不

garlic123410/12 04:09知道?

garlic123410/12 04:09還什麼覺青追殺,難道這次事情是被覺青架著刀子幹的喔

a7509150010/12 09:40不再買這間公司的東西+1

tsstho10/12 15:53其他說明不要說那麼多,直接寫個DRM Free不就沒事了