[情報] 0103 上市櫃外資投信同買排行

看板Stock標題[情報] 0103 上市櫃外資投信同買排行作者
(who is the man)
時間推噓 推:0 噓:0 →:0

排行 股票名稱 成交 漲跌 投信買 外資買

1 1513中興電 72.1 +4.9 2455 5113
2 1519華城 52.4 +4.1 2097 188
3 2883開發金 12.65 +0.05 1542 2112
4 2409友達 15.45 +0.45 1294 882
5 2324仁寶 23.2 +0.15 1275 1805
6 3034聯詠 334.5 +19 1104 3432
7 2885元大金 21.65 -0.05 917 1215
8 2353宏碁 23.65 +0.1 821 1422
9 4162智擎 128 +3 780 77
10 2637慧洋-KY 62.6 +1.2 667 670
11 3515華擎 149 +7 585 135
12 2618長榮航 28.15 0 504 735
13 3708上緯投控99.6 +4.1 482 208
14 2376技嘉 111 +4.5 444 3467
15 3661世芯-KY 855 +67 442 315


以上 謝謝


"When you live in the right way or you just given everything
to whatever you're doing, things happend organically and it's
not supposed to make sense but it just happens"

LeBron shares his fondest memories of Kobe


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