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Disney beats expectations across the board, with parks returning to profit

Disney reported blowout fiscal third-quarter earnings after the bell
Thursday, beating Wall Street expectations on subscriber growth, revenue and

Shares were up more than 4%.

Earnings per share: 80 cents vs 55 cents expected in a Refinitiv survey of

Revenue: $17.02 billion vs $16.76 billion expected in the survey

The company beat on subscriber estimates for Disney+, coming in at 116
million. StreetAccount estimated the company to report 114.5 million
subscribers in its third quarter. The segment had 103.6 million in its fiscalsecond quarter.

Average monthly revenue per subscriber dipped 10% year-over-year to $4.16.

Disney+ had been bolstering the company’s success while it was losing
business from Covid restrictions on theatrical releases, parks and cruises,
but numbers indicated growth was starting to slow as of its prior quarter.
However, the direct-to-consumer segment appeared to be picking up steam.

The company said it had nearly 174 million subscriptions across Disney+,
ESPN+ and Hulu at the end of its third quarter. Revenue for its
direct-to-consumer segments increased 57% to $4.3 billion.

-- Parks --

Disney’s theme park division returned to profitability for the first time
since the pandemic began.

Revenue at Disney’s parks, experiences and products segment jumped 307.6% to $4.3 billion, as all of its parks were reopen during the fiscal third quarterand attendance and consumer spending rose.

Disney’s domestic parks eased restrictions in April, which led to a boost in

In late July, rival Comcast, which owns and operates several Universal
Studios theme parks in the U.S. and aboard, reported its parks turned a
profit, marking the division’s first profitable period since the first
quarter of 2020.

The resurrection of the theme park industry is critical to Disney’s bottom
line. After all, in 2019, the segment, which includes cruises and hotels,
accounted for 37% of the company’s $69.6 billion in total revenue.


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