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Twilio Inc. shares plunged late Wednesday after it offered guidance showing aloss double what analysts expected and announced the departure of its chief
operating officer. The company's revenue, however, continues to post strong

Twilio Inc.週三晚間股價暴跌,此前該公司公佈業績指引,顯示虧損是分析師預期的兩倍,並宣佈首席運營官離職。然而,該公司的收入繼續強勁增長。

For the fiscal fourth quarter, Twilio (TWLO) projected an adjusted loss of
between 23 cents and 26 cents a share on sales of $760 million to $770
million. Analysts on average were projecting an adjusted loss of 10 cents a
share on sales of $745 million, according to FactSet.


The company also announced COO George Hu is leaving. Khozema Shipchandler,
who has served as chief financial officer since late 2018, will add COO to
his duties.

該公司還宣佈首席運營官胡士泰(George Hu)即將離職。自2018年末以來一直擔任首席財務官的霍澤馬·希普錢德勒(Khozema Shipchandler)將在他的職責中增加首席運營官

The news overshadowed solid third-quarter results. Twilio reported a loss of
$224.1 million, or $1.26 a share, on sales of $740.2 million, up from $448
million a year ago. After adjusting for stock compensation and other factors,Twilio reported a profit of a penny a share, worse than adjusted earnings of
4 cents a share a year ago.


Analysts on average were expecting an adjusted loss of 14 cents a share on
sales of $681 million, according to FactSet. Shares were down 11% in
after-hours trading following the announcement, after closing with a 2.3%
loss at $345.77.


Despite the after-hours stock hit, Twilio continues to pile up healthy sales
as more companies rely on Twilio to own their data and build direct
relationships with customers when tech giants are making it more difficult
and expensive to do so. Commission fees from Apple Inc. (AAPL) and Google
parent Alphabet Inc. (GOOGL)(GOOGL), plus changes in Apple's mobile privacy
policy, have more businesses considering life without third-party tracking

儘管盤後股價下跌,但Twilio繼續積累着健康的銷售額,因為越來越多的公司依賴Twilio擁有自己的數據,並與客户建立直接關係,而科技巨頭卻讓這樣做變得更加困難和昂貴。蘋果(AAPL)和谷歌母公司谷歌(Alphabet Inc.)收取的佣金,再加上蘋果移動隱私政策的變化,讓更多的企業考慮在沒有第三方追蹤技術的情況下生存。

Twilio's software, which allows companies to converse with customers through
text messages, experienced a surge in the second half last year thanks to
political campaigns seeking to communicate with voters. Lapping that period
was expected to depress Twilio's bottom line and sales-growth numbers, but
analysts have hope that those numbers will recover in the coming months.


"We acknowledge tough comps in Q3/Q4 due to heavy political messaging trafficlast year, and do not see improvement in gross margins yet due to traction oflower-margin core messaging products, but see very healthy demand signals
from partners plus the rise of 2-way messaging causing investors to re-rate
growth prospects and the stock into" the first half of next year, J.P. Morgananalysts wrote earlier this month after speaking with Twilio partners.

摩根大通(J.P.Morgan)分析師本月早些時候在與Twilio Partners交談後寫道,“我們承

Twilio shares have struggled amid concerns about second-half growth rates,
falling 12.7% in the past six months while the S&P 500 index grew 9.3%.
Still, shares have grown more than 850% since the company went public in 2016.

在對下半年增長率的擔憂中,Twilio的股價一直舉步維艱,在過去六個月裏下跌了12.7%,而標準普爾500指數(S&P500 index)上漲了9.3%。儘管如此,自2016年該公司上市以來,該公司股價仍上漲了850%以上。

"We think of the long-term view and not the short-term," Twilio Chief
Executive Jeff Lawson said of Wednesday's stock plunge.

Twilio執行長Jeff Lawson在談到週三的股價暴跌時表示,“我們考慮的是長期觀點,而




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aegis43210 10/29 02:36很多企業希望員工回公司上班

Severine 10/29 02:43其實我記得之前它就在虧損 這一年漲這麼多也是傻眼

Severine 10/29 02:44TWLO和員工回公司上班好像沒太大關聯?

Severine 10/29 02:45主要是電話系統/短訊都數位化了,串他們服務蠻好玩的

dslite 10/29 11:36淒淒慘慘淒淒

dslite 10/29 11:37MS Azure踩進來了 還有未來嗎?

Severine 10/29 12:49Azure有搶這塊嗎?

dslite 10/29 15:48