[心得] 970分準備心得(聽力滿分)

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學校及科系:Monash University Foundation Program

多益TOEIC 正式考試成績:Listening:495分、Reading:475分

多益正式考試總分:TOEIC 970分

多益TOEIC 正式考試日期:2018年1月28日


Hi! I’m Amber and I took the TOEIC prep class in 2018. I’m 16 (I was 13
when I took TOEIC) and I am currently enrolled in the Foundation Program at
Monash University. At the time, I had just moved back to Taiwan after
studying in Canada for 3 years and had some free time before school starts,
so I decided to take TOEIC just to see how I’d do (and also in case there’s
a chance I can use it in the future).


I pretty much spent my entire education in a fully English environment
(American school then Canada), but I definitely don’t consider myself as
fluent as a native speaker and I feel like being semi-fluent in the language
isn’t quite the same as taking a standardized test. For one, conversing with
someone (or even just listening to a conversation) is not even remotely
similar to answering listening questions on a test. Since I’ve never taken a
standardized English test like TOEIC, I wasn’t familiar with the types of
questions that will be on the test, its format, or anything at all, which is
why I went to Merica. I get stressed easily, especially with tests, so the
prep classes really helped me not only practice with and understand the
contents of the test but also allow me to feel fully prepared with the littletips and tricks come test day.


A lot of people assume I could easily get the full score because I studied inCanada, but this was not the case. Although I wouldn’t necessarily say it
was a “struggle” to receive a score in the 900s, I still faced a few
problems. Overall, I didn’t have any big challenges, but rather a lot of
little problems here and there in each section.


First off, I’ve never properly learned any grammar rules before going to
Merica for TOEIC prep because I never actually “learned” English. At first,
when we looked at practice questions in class, I was pretty confident with
the grammar questions because it didn’t seem very hard to me and most of the
answers came to me naturally. However, I found that I didn’t always do as
well as I thought I would’ve. Since I haven’t I’ve always just “felt”
for the correct answer, usually just by mouthing the sentence to see which
answer sounded the best, I never really had any trouble with grammar in
writing, but in TOEIC, I feel like actually knowing how to apply grammar
rules is very important because it makes the whole process easier and findingthe correct answer quicker. The grammar in TOEIC actually isn’t very
difficult, and with the help of my teachers, I improved very quickly.


For listening, I’m not accustomed to the way I have to pay attention to
every word that is said, because it’s quite different from a real in-person
conversation. But at Merica, my teachers taught me how to listen to the
recordings and connect them back to the questions in a more efficient manner,so that I could easily focus on the important aspects of each recording
without having to strain myself too much or lose focus near the end of the
section. For me, I think the key was to not try too hard (it sounds like
weird advice, I know), especially at the beginning where the recordings are
shorter. This is because it leaves you with more energy to focus at the end
where the recordings are longer.


Overall, this class really helped me with testing techniques that I, as
someone who has not ever had any experience with TOEIC or other tests, would
not have known. I would definitely recommend taking classes (it doesn’t have
to be long term, just a few classes during break should be fine too) before
taking TOEIC, especially if you don’t have prior experience with this kind
of testing because prep classes don’t just help people boost their scores,
they also help with understanding the structure of the test, which makes
testing day so much easier as you’ll be used to the types of question on the


One of the things I’ve noticed is that TOEIC is more affordable than other
English tests, so don’t worry if you don’t get your dream score the first
time around. Preparing early also helps, because I’ve seen a few people who
don’t have more time to retake the test in my class, so if you want more
time to prepare, I would definitely suggest doing it earlier rather than
later. As TOEIC scores are valid for 2 years, it’s totally fine to take the
test a bit earlier, even when you don’t need it at the moment, so that when
you do need the score, you already have it (or you can take it again without
needing to prepare). Finally, the most important thing is to just relax and
do your best!



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※ 編輯: Merica ( 臺灣), 01/15/2021 11:18:51

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