[影音] 241217 TW-DAY #1
[TW-DAY] #1 Boots on, Done. Who wants to feel the fluttering height difference?
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[影音] Golden Child - ONE 舞蹈版MVGolden Child ‘ONE(Lucid Dream)' Special Choreography Video YouTube ▶ NAVER V ▶ #GoldenChild #Take_A_Leap #ONE #Lucid_dream3
[問卦] 台灣為什麼沒有Youtube外的影音平台?韓國很多影片會放到他們韓國人專用的Naver TV上 Youtube畢竟是外國企業 如果台灣自己有平台可以放影片,流量和廣告收入什麼的都可以自己賺 如果台灣有這樣的平台,我會願意盡量使用台灣的平台 但是為什麼台灣都沒有人要發展像韓國的Naver TV那樣的東西?3
[情報] 4/6(一)DailyHoroscope此刻你可能非常確切在動盪的局面下,下一步該採取什麼行動。獅子們,雖然這並非至關生死,但倘若你做了錯誤的行動,將會導致麻煩並使情況惡化。因此,即便你很肯定自己是對的,也還是得在說出無法收回的話語之前,再多確認一次所有的事。這也許正意味著成敗之差。 ---------- 原文: You may feel very certain right now about what action to take next in a potentially volatile situation. Although this is not life-or-death, Leo, it could cause you some trouble and aggravation if you make the wrong move. Therefore, even though you may feel mostly certain that you are right, you need to go over everything one more time because you need to be one hundred percent certain before you say anything you can't take back. It could mean the difference between success and failure.3
[閒聊] 想躺平每次不想努力的時候 就會想到killing eve裡的一段話 Most of the time, most days, I feel nothing. I don’t feel anything. It’s so boring. I wake up and I think “again, really? I have to do this again?” And what I r2
[社群] 220622-24 TWICE IG/twitter 更新220624 TWICE IG 更新 [第二則] 在心動停止之前 #PopPopPop挑戰 Before fluttering stops #PopPopPop Challenge #TWICE #NAYEON #IM_NAYEON #POP1
[情報] 4/20(一)DailyHoroscope多數人會藉由夜間氣象預報來決定隔天要穿什麼。若預期是低溫,那麼你可能會穿毛衣。若預測會下雨,那麼你可能會穿雨衣。然而氣象預報並非每次都準確,另外有些人能靠感覺來預測氣象。獅子們,這也適用於你靠直覺所得到的感受。有人可能做了一個你覺得不太對的預測。就跟隨自己的感受吧。 ------------ 原文: Many of us rely on the nightly weather report to determine how we will dress the next day. If you expect cool temperatures, you might wear a sweater. If rain is predicted, you might wear rain boots. But the weather report isn't always right, and some people can tell what's to come by how they feel. The same goes for feelings you get through your intuition, Leo. Someone may be making a prediction that just doesn't feel right to you. Follow what you feel.- You may feel that you stand alone on a certain opinion. But please do not interpret that to mean that no one is on your side. People can have different opinions and still be strong and loyal to each other. What's more, Moonchild, you may be looking at this difference of perspective in the wrong way. It may not be that you disagree, but rather you have not
- What is the difference between being finicky and being selective? What is the difference between being picky and being discerning? Someone may be accusing y ou of being dissatisfied over something small - but how can someone else decid e what is small to you? If a situation that seems perfect to other people does not feel right to you, then you have to decide what to do about it. Don't let
- 你可能熱衷於推動一個你相信的事業或原因來做出改變。 然而,你可能會覺得現在已經太晚了。 一個想法浮現在你腦中,但你害怕自己無法實施它,或者無法迅速獲得足夠的動力來產生 影響。 親愛的月之子,當你朝著某個目標前進時,沒有人比你更頑強或固執!